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RE: Fireflies: Pupa (book 2, entry 12) - The Queen is Summoned

in #fiction5 years ago

Wow wow wow! Dreem this is so good- it's "grab you by the balls" reading. As your other commenter said- serious gift with words! Really enjoying being back with Talia x

Posted using Partiko Android


And she is loving your presence ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I know they are shorter snippets.. and I've gotten so many complaints (only friendly complaints) that they're not longer!! Hahaha

But I am trying to PACK so much in a little bit so my readers feel like we arent dragging!

I could totally add lots of filler and fun! But..there is SO much to read and support on Steemit....I'm trying to make it easy to read these daily!

But what do you think??? Should I combine 2-3 entries and release them twice a week again???

I'm totally up for that if that's what my readers prefer hehehe

I personally love the way you're doing it now. It means I can get a daily dose, but if I get a bit behind, it's feasable to have a wonderful binge-read at bath Time and catch up. Absolutely perfect ❤

Posted using Partiko Android

That's kinda what I thought too!!!! If people get behind....sooooo easy to catch up!!! stays hehe

(Sorry everyone else 😂😂😂😂😂)

Sapphire votes have more weight.

And that's 2 sapphire sisters.. Practically unbeatable lololol

And that is @dutybound up there!!! The newest WW trainee ☺️

Ooh thanks for the heads up... of to annoy him next 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh he's got some stuff I think you'll love!

Hehe I've already seen his work I find 😂😂 gorgeous pieces!!

Posted using Partiko Android

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