Writing A Novel Changes You

in #fiction5 years ago (edited)

In honor of National Novel Writing Month (#nanowrimo) I wanted to explore the topic of writing your first novel. If you're a writer and you've never heard of the nanowrimo model you owe it to yourself to read up on it because it works.

The unfinished manuscript for my first novel, Alarm Clock Dawn, sat on the shelf for years at a time before I gained the confidence to begin a serious effort to complete it. I was working a full time job while publishing smaller works of poetry, short stories, and children’s books. The novel was a pet project of mine, a Herculean task that deep inside I didn’t think I could ever accomplish. I kept telling myself the same lie...I would get around to finishing it someday.

The catalyst for the final push to finish the book was sparked by a single question from a friend at a party, “Have you finished that novel yet?” It wasn’t so much the question that kindled the fire within me but it was how it was phrased. The question was asked almost jokingly, in a way that made me think she didn’t think I would complete it either. I’ve since thanked her for asking me that question, because it made me take finishing the book more seriously.

So how has writing my first novel changed me?

  • It’s taken my writing career to the next level. Novelists do get a certain amount of respect. It’s not a fallacy; I’ve found that both writers and non-writers now take me more seriously since finishing this first book. A completed novel becomes tangible proof to the world that you can finish what you start.
  • I’m a more confident writer now. The voice of self-doubt isn’t nearly as loud since finishing that first book. Writing long fiction now has become more of a formula to me: write for a certain number of hours, finish a certain amount of pages. NaNoWriMo offers an excellent template for us to follow. If you want to finish writing an average size novel in a month you must write an average of two thousand words per day. Granted, two thousand words per day aren’t feasible for most writers; but if you stretch the process out over six months and three hundred words per day, it could be accomplished by almost anyone with the desire to do so.
  • Writing the first novel was more difficult than I ever imagined. I won’t sugar coat it; working on the manuscript those last few months was how I imagine boot camp to be, unadulterated psychological torture. Anything that forces significant personal and professional growth must stretch you beyond your perceived limitations and writing long fiction does that. For me, the beginning and the ending of a story are always clear, but the struggle lies in connecting the two. I simply learned that it’s a necessity to clear the cobwebs, ignore bullshit excuses, and plant your butt in that seat and get it done.

  • Writer’s block can be conquered. Some days I had no idea what I would write about and didn’t feel like writing after working all day. What I learned is something I’ll take with me for the rest of my life: writer’s block doesn’t have to significantly delay a project. After a while I learned that I had control over my creative mood and it could be easily sparked given the right environment. For me it’s like opening the channel, and once your brain is tuned-in with this channel of creativity the words just flow. Some of my best writing has been accomplished after I felt like I couldn’t write another word.
  • The level of satisfaction is incredible. Alarm Clock Dawn took a total of eight years from concept to completion. Finishing this book was one of the best days of my entire life. My wife and I dropped everything the day I wrote the last word on that last page and we went out to celebrate. I wept.
  • I live much more in the moment now. The level of concentration and attention to detail required to write a novel has really changed my perception of the world and even the quality of my inner dialogue. I realized this while taken my beagle for a walk shortly after I finished the manuscript. Colors pop, smells seem stronger, sounds more melodious. My whole life experience is richer because I tend to keep my consciousness more “in the moment” and notice more of everything that is unfolding around me. I had been a regular meditator for nearly twenty years before finishing the book, and writing the novel only enhanced the benefits attained from meditating for all those years.
  • I’m more humble. Finishing a novel is probably the closest thing to a birthing experience a male can possibly have. I’m in awe of the fact that my mind created a whole world and all that gave it breath. I will be forever grateful that the circumstances in my life realigned to allow me to finish that first book. I’m also thankful for all of those people in my life who supported me and believed in me throughout the grueling process. I’m sure so many people grew weary of hearing about the story.
  • I feel a stronger connection with and empathy for other writers. This is incredibly demanding work, especially as an amateur who has to work a full time job to pay the bills. To put the hours and dedication into something that isn’t ever guaranteed to be a success takes a lot of belief and faith. I now feel an unbreakable bond with those who have ever accomplished it, both past and present.
  • The process of writing a novel is addicting. After finishing the book and realizing that I have the chops to do it I’m officially addicted. Throughout the writing process there are incredible emotional highs and, at times, devastating lows. The emotions experienced during the process of writing a novel mirror life…some days it’s easy and fun, some days it’s the last thing you feel like doing, but you have to get out of bed every day and try your best.

“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.” - Ernest Hemingway

  • Finishing a novel isn’t the end; it’s only the beginning of a new and incredibly exciting path…and much more work. For the project to be successful, you have to do book signings, appearances, and marketing of any and all kinds to get yourself out there any way you can. With social media, it’s not all that difficult to gain a following as a writer, but to translate these followers into sales still requires an incredible amount of energy and creativity.
  • I’ll be doing this for the rest of my life. I still write poetry and essays, but I know that nothing will ever compare to writing a novel. My second book, Dream No More, is shaping up to be much more layered and character driven, I can see I’ve grown but realize I still have much to learn. Hemingway is quoted as saying, “We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.” Only one book into my career as a novelist I realize how much truth and wisdom drips from Hemingway’s words.

I hope you've enjoyed this post,

~ Eric Vance Walton ~

(Gif sourced from Giphy.com)

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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

Alarm Clock Dawn, one of the first full length novels published on the blockchain, and the book that started it all for me can be found HERE. Or Click Here to read it for free on the Steemit blockchain

My book on meditation, The Perfect Pause, is priced at $12.99 (paperback) and $4.99 (eBook). Buy the paperback and receive the eBook for free!

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It's amazing getting to read about your accomplishments as a writer. Like you said, writer's block can be a bummer and sometimes the stress level of passing through a difficult day makes not very difficult to create but you know conquering it is a huge feat. Congratulations Eric

Thanks, Jose. I think having a daily word goal makes you find creative ways to beat writer's block. That's where the true value in nanowrimo lies.

An interesting read and good to know what runs through your mind while you work and try to get your novel published. For me, writing is an obsession currently. It's all I want to do and feel like I need to do in order for my work to be done. It's become such an obsession it's become overwhelming and decided to go on hiatus.

Hi Eric, thank you for sharing your experience on how to write a novel. I think to be a writer must have a natural talent. I like to write. When I was a teenager I wanted to be a writer. but it is very difficult for me to start writing and if I write I will definitely run out of words. I once sent my short story that I made with difficulty but was never published in the newspaper. finally I had to forget my dream to become a writer. It seems I don't have the talent for it. I am amazed that you have produced so many writings and become a famous writer in America. We wish you always success, sir. Have a nice day.

Thank you Eliana! If you enjoy writing I encourage you to keep it up. Your blogging is a great way to do that. It definitely takes practice to be become good at it and you have to get used to being rejected often.

I've had a little success but I'm not very well known here in the US.

I hope you have a great weekend!

“The Peace we seek begins within
And ripples forth in silent waves,
Bathing each soul with light.”
🙏🏽🙏🏽 A beautiful quote from your book 🙏🏽🙏🏽

Thank you! 🙏🏼

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