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RE: Fireflies: Pupa (book 2, entry 12) - The Queen is Summoned

in #fiction5 years ago

You've got a gift for words. This is really good stuff! Really well written, grabs the reader and leads them through the story with just the right amount of description, each sentence well thought out to portray each scene without wasting words or run on problems that I've seen in other peoples work. Yup, this is a good read! Will be heading back to chapter one. Great job, keep it up, wanna read more!


THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! :) That's such a beautiful comment to brighten my day! By the way - if you're gong ALLLLLLLLLLL the way back to Book 1 , Chapter 1 - I am finishing up a .pdf file of Book 1

@naltedtirt asked if I could send him that since he prefers to read larger things in print, rather than links.

either one is fine! (but its kinda fun reading comments on links for me too hehehee)

let me know if you'd like book 1 as a pdf and ill send it to you in DM ;)

and don't forget to come back for the Fireflies quiz tomorrow!!! it's an "open book quiz" hehehe so it will be fun, easy, and a great way to build up your steem wallet! :) hehehehe

annnnnnnd. -i just reached 1500 followers today! so i'm celebrating with that too! Just leave a comment on that 1500 follower post with something funny about yourself and maybe you'll win the drawing hehehehe

(i'm tickled pink that you enjoy my story!) :)

Love to get the PDF! Keep up the great work!

you got it - sent :)

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@dreemsteem wrote lately about: Fireflies: Pupa (Book 2, Entry 12) - The Queen Is Summoned Feel free to follow @dreemsteem if you like it :)

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