The Allies of Old; Book Two- Renewal: Chapter Seventeen "No News is Good News... Right?"

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

If you have not read the first book of the series, "Reborn", it is advisable you do so before reading "Renewal" or you will be lost. This link will provide you with a series summary as well as all sixty-eight chapters of Reborn

Chapter Seventeen

Mathias paced around the large living room waiting for Will to call back. He’d phoned them directly after his brief discourse with LeJarien and they were heading to the cabin now.

Their tentative plan was to A: Not get killed by an irate seven hundred year old vampire and B: Try and explain to LeJarien what had really happened to Anna and why she might be unwilling to own up to her heritage. Mathias was fairly confident if he learned the story he would forgive her, particularly due to her age.

Seth crossed the room and laid a hand on Mathias’s arm. “She’ll be okay, after all it’s not as if he can murder her.” The wolf attempted a grin to lighten the mood but Mathias frowned darkly in response.

“How could she be so fucking stupid? She’s already lied to him, tricked him, stole from him, and on top of which she drew a bond he didn’t want to give. To the point that he resisted her for a long ass fucking time, and believe me every day away from your bonded mate can feel like a century.”

Seth’s brows drew together in contemplation. “Mathias…

The male threw a hand in the air to stop the question. “Don’t ask, I don’t talk about it. Not ever.” He resumed his pacing.

Michael and Coderin appeared. They’d been out chasing a lead on another demon gathering when he’d called and filled them in.

“Is she okay?” Coderin asked anxiously, concern on his boyish face.

“I don’t know yet.”

Michael said nothing, just went to a couch and sat down. He hadn’t been himself since Anna left. He was surly and uncommunicative, and strangest of all he seemed to have passed his leadership role onto Mathias. He still hunted with them but didn’t seem to care about much one way or another.

The phone started ringing and Mathias answered hastily.

Will started talking immediately. “They aren’t here and there are no clues to where they’ve gone. We found her phone shattered on the porch so calling her is out of the question.”


“Yeah,” Will’s voice was strained.

“I think…” Mathias ran a heavily ringed hand through his light hair. “I think we should come to you,” he stated. “Leo’s brother Brett found a few more pieces of prophecy and from what we can ascertain the States is the place the big shit’s going down in. In fact it looks like it’s working up to be some kind of big battle taking place on your west coast in the desert. And from what your father told me there’s already rumors about something taking place there.”

“We would definitely appreciate the help.”

“I’ll call and let you know what we decide. About Anna…she’ll be all right. She’s got a rough road ahead of her, but she’s a survivor.”

“Yeah, true that.”

“Peace out.”

Mathias hung up and faced his brothers in arms.

“I’m not leaving,” Michael stated flatly. “You can do whatever you want, but I’m staying here.”


“No!” He stood up and stretched his big frame, his blue eyes flashing with emotion. “She should have been mine,” he said in a low voice. “Nothing is as it’s supposed to be. I…” He shook his head and walked to the door. He looked back at the concerned trio. “Like I said, do what you need to do.” He opened the door and blurred.

“Fuck me,” Mathias snorted.

Seth nodded. “I think you’re right, it’s time to check out America.”

“I’m good with that,” Coderin chimed in, “I’ve always wanted to spend time there.”

“Let’s do it then.”

Austin sat on the porch of the cabin holding his busted hand. He’d finally gone to the hospital and had it set, now it was in a cast swollen and aching. Like his heart it was shattered. Nothing made sense anymore. And now with his hand out of commission he was useless in the fight he’d been so eager to join. Male vampires were on their way and the thought of them made him feel weak, because next to them he was.

He stood up and announced his decision to the brothers who were sitting huddled on the bench. “I’m heading home. I need to…regroup. Let my fucking hand heal and then get some training. Martial arts, weaponry, even with my hand I wasn’t much good to you guys.” he laughed without humor. “You know I’ve always thought I was a tough guy. My fists against humans and I am I guess, but in this fight? I’m shit.”

“Hey, don’t be like that bro, we’re not superhuman either. We don’t stand a chance against vamps, never have. But you’re right it would be good for you to get some training and to…heal.” Will looked at him pointedly, he wasn’t referring to his hand.

Josh nodded. “I’m really sorry man.” He started to say something else then shook his head and looked away.

Austin held his good hand out to them. “It’s been a trip hanging with you, I hope we’ll meet back up.” Josh took it and shook firmly and Will did the same.

“Keep in touch.” Will told him slapping him on the shoulder.

Austin flashed a half smile as he walked away.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


I love the back and forth the between the brothers. Great interaction and writing style. Especially with every character engaging with them. It makes the scenes that much more compelling. Keep up the great stories :)

Very nice feedback style comment. Honestly I was getting worried that the majority of new people had been given a script on what to say, and not a very good one, haha!
Thank you!

Wow! now I'm stuck on Chapter 17. Thank you for sharing. and also wonderful artwork too!! I mainly post my art on here but I like to get into books and many other places here on steemit....

Hi there! Wow is definitely a great way to start a comment, haha! I know what you mean, I'm a writer, but I also enjoy art and also many other things here. Lately I've been doing some photography, and tomorrow I'll be putting up a blog post, Mom and a brewery...should be entertaining :) Thank you, hope to see you again.

okay... will definitely check out your new post... =)

Almost ready to read, one sec i'll take my favourite crocodile, put him on the table.
Ok glasses on, perfect, here we go!

Umm...hahaha, I am picturing that, it's a great image.

Yea Mr.Croco is with me when i'm scared.
Well i've read it. It's pretty good.

Hm. That's actually the shortest chapter I've ever done of the book...and you probably can't appreciate it without reading the rest ( @therealpaul's comment hints at the purpose of it)

Just saw this post 😀 Is this another vampire Vs werewolf thing? I'm going to read the rest of the series later 😀

Judging from this post. I think it is safe to assume it is better than Twilight.

It's not vampire vs werewolves no, lol. It''d really have to start at the beginning, but no one sparkles. I know that some people feel that the vampire genre has been done and re done, but I took a different approach.

I'll start reading ones I go home 😀

Sounds great!

This is so good haha!
Will the Vampires come for them?
Will we ever now

Hey there :) I put your milestone post up in my browser...I'm doing the @beanz voting experiment, so it will be later on tomorrow when my power is back up before I can hit the vote button, but I will be hitting the vote button- congratulations on three hundred, and I have to agree, social is the key--it's how I got here :)

I highly appreciate that you read my posts and thank you for your kind words! :)

Is this the first chapter that Anna isn't in? It really makes her seem far away being absent from the chapter... you meant to do that!


I think the first Jared-centric chapter's the first one without Anna. After that, there have been a few others haha I might be wrong though. My memory isn't as sharp as before.

Nice post 😊👍 upvoted

He was surly and uncommunicative, and strangest of all he seemed to have passed his leadership role onto Mathias.

I had forgotten about Michael, and now that I remembered him, yes. I still hate him haha! Good for Mathias grabbing the reins. He had really stepped up near the end of Reborn, so the spot should be rightfully his. In my opinion, Michael was only the leader because he barked the loudest, but he didn't really have the chops to lead their ragtag crew. I've expressed my sentiment about that before, I believe.

Austin is in way out of his league ever since Anna turned. He should've moved on and thought about the bigger picture. He made his choice, and now he has to live with the emotional and physical repercussions. It's great how the Winchester McLaughlin McClaron brothers have become supportive of him, but they really should look elsewhere for help. Walk away, Austin. You had a good run. But now, walk away.

Magnificent follow up, sister!

Glad Austin is thinking about training, that would be a good refiner for his mind and physical stability. Michael is hung up on Anna, and the fact that so many males are centered around Anna is so funny, because she barely even likes herself from all the mistakes and dumb decisions she makes. I'm glad also that Matthias has found new leadership, I hope Michael discovers a new love, Jared is Annas soulmate, Michael and Austin simply have no say, otherwise they are in fatal danger by Jared. Point blank period lol

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