The Allies of Old, Book Two Renewal: Chapter Four "Visions of Destiny"

in #fiction7 years ago

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

If you have not read the first book of the series, "Reborn", it is advisable you do so before reading "Renewal" or you will be lost. This link will provide you with a series summary as well as all sixty-eight chapters of Reborn

Chapter Four

Anna and Jenna spent the first two days in New Jersey resting and recuperating. Upon arrival they’d needled Harriet for the information she’d withheld, but to their dismay she had told them it still wasn’t time.

Currently they were sitting and talking on the swing hanging from the rafters of the quaint porch and Harriet watched them with a wistful expression.

The previous night she’d had a dream which told her that her days of influence with these young women were coming to a close. She still felt young in so many ways, but for reasons unknown to her she was not going to play a large role in events to come. In a way it was a relief to know she would live out her life near the Jersey shore with the friends she’d made, barely even conscious of the extraordinary trials and battles raging in the world. But it was also a bit of a letdown. She felt like Bilbo Baggins watching Frodo go off on an adventure while he was forced to stay behind.

She’d wasted so many years doubting who and what she was…but she contented herself in thinking she had played a significant role, albeit a small one.

She walked onto the porch and the girls looked up at her with curious expressions.

“Anna there’s something I need to give you.” There was a moment of confusion on the beautiful pixie face and she glanced at Jenna with furrowed brows.

Harriet turned and walked through the door and the girls hurried after her.

She pulled a bag down from the bookshelf and placed it on the table, drawing out a long heavy chain. Dangling from it was a medallion with an unusual and rather beautiful array of stones all melded together, fashioned into a cross and cradled in silver.

“That’s like the necklace the Mistress woman wore,” Jenna commented as she placed it on the table.

“That’s right, it’s another “seeing” medallion.” Harriet stroked her fingers over the stones.

“Do you know how it works?” Anna asked.

Harri smiled a little. “Well to explain that let me tell you about each of the stones.” She placed her finger on the black stone in the center. “This one is called the Black Star and is the most critical piece of the puzzle as it opens up deeply held secrets of the supernatural in a person’s mind.” She moved her finger slightly and caressed the small translucent blue stones that formed a circle around the Black Star. “These are called Iolite and they heal and enhance the eyes as well as long and short term memory.” She moved her finger again and traced the black and red gems above and below the iolite. “Bloodstones aid in purifying the blood but are also integral in the healing of psychosomatic illnesses.”

She pointed to the right arm of the cross which was comprised of green stones that appeared both murky and shiny in different spots. “These are called aventurines and are used for general health but are also known for protection energies,” then she tapped the left arm, “and these orange stones are carnelians, they rejuvenate tissues and cells.”

There was one stone left and it sat at the top of the cross. Anna focused on it and jerked. The white slit across the middle of the odd yellow stone had appeared to compress and then widen, as if it was winking at her.

Harriet smiled at her knowingly. “The final stone at the top,” she said with a hint of reverence, “is called the chrysoberyl, also known as the cat’s eye. These particular cat’s eyes are extremely precious and rare and they promote self healing.”

She traced all of the stones lovingly for a long moment, than blinked at the girls as if she’d forgotten they were there. She cleared her throat. “All of these stones have one thing in common, the power to heighten intuition and perception, which is why they are used together. Legend has it that centuries ago women would lay these stones on a bed of silver in the middle of a field and call out to the Almighty for a blessing. After which lightning would strike the offering repeatedly, fusing the gems together in a certain way. The women would then craft the silver around the shape that was made by the bonded jewels and more often than not the final product would be a cross, though there were also some in the shapes of the moon in its various phases.” She smiled wistfully and Anna broke into her musing.

“The Mistress said that medallions like these pick their owners, only working for certain people, is that true?”

Harri nodded, “Yes it is. Usually these pieces are passed down from one generation to the next and they only work for certain members in a family’s line.”

Jenna frowned, “Why do you have this then? Our abilities are natural, we don’t need medallions for them.”

“Dominique came across it at a flea market and bought it for ten francs. Can you believe that?” Harriet blinked her eyes and shook her head, “A piece like this, not only does it carry immense power but it’s also extremely valuable. How it ever came to be there…well it doesn’t matter. What matters is that she told me I was to give it to Anna who would know what to do with it when the time came. Which I can only assume means she’ll know whom to give it to.”


Harriet smiled. “Well I don’t know honey, it’s one of life’s mysteries. But I can tell you that the wearer of this medallion, or the true owner I should say, will become like a Faerian. As long as they wear it, their life will be protected and prolonged, they’ll not suffer from any form of disease or sickness, and of course they will possess the ability to see demons and perhaps other things.”

“So they can’t ever take it off?” Jenna asked.

Harriet laughed. “They can remove it for brief periods once they put it on, but if at some point they lose it they’ll begin to age more rapidly again and their systems will eventually begin to weaken into that of a normal human.”

Anna picked up the necklace noting how heavy it was. “So this is someone’s cross to bear?” she joked and Jenna poked her in the ribs. “I wonder why it only works for certain people,” she mused.

Harriet shook her head slightly. “Another one of life’s mysteries, though I daresay there is a purpose and in this day and age it could be very crucial.”

She stood up and went to the kitchen putting on a pot of coffee. She knew she had to urge the girls on their way but was reluctant to do so.

It only took a few minutes to brew and she called the girls in for their cups. “Let’s go to the porch and have a cigarette while I tell you about my dream.”

Anna and Jenna perked up at that, exchanging a look that said “finally” and followed her outside sitting around the small patio table.

They lit up in unison and grinned. “Witchy,” Jenna laughed.

Harriet inhaled and let the smoke out slowly. She appeared sad as she told them, “It’s time for you to go.”

Anna frowned. “Go? Go where?”

“To your hometown.”

“O-kay….,” Jenna raised an eyebrow, “and do what exactly?”

She looked at her niece and then closed her eyes rubbing her temples. “You have to go to your family Jenna, it’s time for a faceoff.”

“What? No way! What can I possible say to them? ‘Umm, dad I have to tell you I am just like Crazy Aunt Harriet and guess what? Jess is too. Oh and furthermore we were kidnapped by vampires and I saw Jess get her neck sliced open, but not to worry I’ve been having dreams that she didn’t die. In fact she’s now likely an immortal bloodsucker. Oh yeah, and you’ll be proud to know that I killed the vampiress who hurt her by stabbing her through the heart. Did I mention that other vampires assisted me? They’re the good ones, like Anna. Yup, Anna is also a vampire.’”
She folded her arms over her chest and raised a brow in the air. “Yeah, that will go over well as they call the men in white coats to drag me away. Or better yet a horde of ministers to perform an exorcism!”

Harriet regarded her calmly, her eyes both sympathetic and resolute. “Of course you won’t be able to tell them all of that, love. But you know in your heart you need to face them, that you can’t just turn your back without some kind of confrontation. Guilt will eat away at you.” She pushed the tip of her smoke into the ashtray and dropped the butt while she waited for a retort.

“It doesn’t…I don’t….” Jenna made a sound of disgust and frustration. “What can I say to them? I’ll have to lie and I don’t see how that will help me with the guilt thing.”

“I think that you can tell them some of the truth. In fact I believe you need to.”

“What about Jess, what can I tell them about her?”

Harriet sighed. “All I know is that in my dream you were pulling in the driveway of your parent’s home with a look of determination on your face. And then you came back out again and I could sense an immense weight had been lifted from your shoulders. As far as Jess is concerned just tell them she decided to remain in Europe for a time, because this confrontation is not about her and it would do no one any good for you to share certain aspects of your recent journey.”

Anna sat silently through the exchange. She felt sorry for her friend’s predicament. She had only one family member to contend with and he was never home. And ultimately she knew if she ever did tell him he would accept it all and love her no matter what.

Once upon a time she had wished for a big family, right now she was glad not to have one.
But what would she do in New York? Her thoughts turned to Jared, as usual, and she had to admit she was seriously losing hope. He didn’t want her, that much was obvious. Maybe she was being selfish in wanting to keep him. Then again to lose him required her to use her body in a way she couldn’t fathom. Well with anyone but him anyway. What a freakin’ mess.

Jenna was slumped in her chair with a look of resignation. Her aunt’s dreams were never wrong so she knew she had to do this but it was not something she looked forward to.

After a couple more cigarettes the girls went inside to gather their things. Now that they knew their course there was no sense in prolonging it.
They exchanged hugs with Harriet and climbed into the car that Jenna had left there…what seemed like years ago to her now.

“I posted a comment on facebook saying we were headed back to NY,” Jenna stated as she started the car.

“I did too, actually I mentioned to Macey we should get together, that she could take us to a college party,” Anna made a face and laughed a little. “I have absolutely no interest in doing that, I just wanted to, I don’t know…I feel so out of touch with that world, with the girls especially. Are we going to tell them about Jess?”

Jenna shook her head slowly. “I don’t see the point. There’s nothing they can do but worry and…they’re lives are so normal.” She sighed. “It doesn’t feel right to put a dark cloud over them, you know?”

Anna nodded leaning her head back against the seat and Jenna flipped on the radio as they pulled out on the road that would take them home.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


Like Jed, I'll be sorry if we don't meet up with Aunt Harri again. But intrigued to know why Anna has to go back to NY.

I'm sure we'll see her again at some point :) But sometimes it just comes down to a matter of spreading too thin character wise.

Yes, there's a limit to the number of storylines you can carry.

The section about the stones and the cross was just fascinating to say the least, and yes Jenna has a lot on her shoulders with the burden of guilt and neglect of her family being left in the dark. Can't wait for Jared and Anna to stop playing games with one another and just become the powerful union they were destined to be. Aunt Harriet will be just fine, I am sure of it, great chapter my friend.

Thank you my friend! I am not a big researcher, but I definitely had to do some in regards to those stones and I also found it fascinating. Particularly that the qualities attributed to them by those who are into that could make some sense of why the medallion would work. And strangely my mom made a remark recently about the healing power of stones after my daughter gave some pretty ones she'd found to her. My mom is not generally one to say things that church in general frowns upon, but when I pointed that out she said "Sometimes people get carried away in religiosity, our Creator has endowed his creations, plants and even rocks, with healing properties, there is nothing un Christian about that. " I admit I was proud to hear her say that. There's too much confusion at times, people considering things to be witchcraft or paegan when it's in fact a natural part of the world that God created.

I've got book one bookmarked. When I get a chance to sit down I'll try to read it so I can understand book 2 better. From what I've read it's a great story.

Yeah, it's definitely imperative to read book one first I'm afraid, the books are not stand alone. Thank you!

@dreemit, your writing skills are superb! How did you think about writing stories like this one?

Why thank you @lazariko12, what a wonderful compliment! I've always had a very vivid imagination, I tend to "live" these stories in my head and then eventually start writing them down :)

I'm currently reading Chapter Three haha! Will comment more after reading.

Look forward to it my friend :)

Oh shoot... I'm so sorry to hear about Harri. Over the back half of Reborn, she has become my favorite character in the series :'( It's a tough burden to know the future. I consider it more of a burden than a gift. It's funny how we have destiny chapters published so closely. You already know my thoughts regarding it, so I won't rehash it. Anna has a huge burden to carry.

Jenna's pretend conversation with her dad has got to be the realest response ever haha! I can't stop laughing about it. I imagine her dad's jaw might need a while to get picked up from the floor. This is a nice, mellow follow up chapter. I really enjoy pauses like these between the action. It's just so sad that this marks the beginning of the end of Crazy Aunt Harriet :(

Great work, my friend! Renewal is starting to pick up its pace now :D

Hey love, I'm sorry I haven't been answering every comment, I really want to believe me, but my time right now is extremely limited. I just got back from taking mom out to lunch, she hasn't been out of the house other than to the hospital in weeks. Dad's doing much better and it was possible for him to be left alone with the phone for a few hours since we didn't go too far. And tonight I'm going to my brother's show at a cidery. I'm going to try to get a post up before I leave.
I'll answer your other question here, about Tyros-you'll remember when Jess made that statement to Jared about Michael and Anna, Anna wanted to confront her but the next time she saw her she was upset and locked herself in a room. After which no one has seen Tyros and she refused to give any details as to what happened. This is why everyone assumes it's Tyros that she's with. (His phone was disconnected, and Mathias explains that none of them know anything about his past, that he simply showed up one day and wanted to fight with them) Don't worry, it is not a loose end I will leave that's a very important part of the story later :)

I really want to believe me

I really want you to believe you, too. Haha! Just kidding :P

Whew! Yeah, I'm on the same boat. It's like there's too little time in a day. It's great to hear that your dad's recovery is going great. Happy for you! :)

Oh, huh, yeah. I was wondering where he was during that big fight. His shifty nature doesn't help him at all with this one. Too bad the only one who can attest to where he is can't be accounted for. Oh, if only he's with Jess.. Damnit Tyros, I put money on you man...

I'm sure you're going to tie up every loose end. I fully trust your process, sister :D

Dreemit, believe it, achieve it!

That sounds like my new motto, haha!

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