Reborn: Chapter Thirty Three "One Down"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

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Chapter Thirty Three

The ‘Cuda rolled to a stop beside the curb and Will leapt out yelling over his shoulder, "Stay here, make sure he doesn't come around the building!" He raced around the side of the abandoned structure and disappeared behind it.

"I got the son of a bitch!" He shouted, but Anna and Josh were already coming around the corner.

"She heard you tackle him from the car," Josh explained.

"Man," Will grinned as he wrapped the writhing form’s arms up with a cross linked chain, "that super hearing is the shit!"

He rolled the guy onto his back and lifted a dagger in the air, chanting in Latin.

The possessed man screeched and spit in a language they didn’t understand, then switched to English and hissed, "You won't win, it's too late, there are two few of you faeries left, and no one left to aid you."

"The outcome won't matter much to you where you’re going, fucknut," Will replied as he raised his dagger and buried it in the former human's heart. Black liquid poured out and turned to vapor swirling up into the air. It crackled and hissed for a moment before it seemed to suction out of the atmosphere.

Anna’s eyes followed the smoke, wondering about its destination. She had recently learned that “hell” was not a singular place. There were four different dimensions through which the shadow demons could potentially emerge, though it was only at rare points in history that any beyond the Jinn made it into their world. It was generally accepted that the other three dimensions housed more twisted up and powerful varieties of demons, so if they did make it into the world their level of influence would be scary. The one they'd just caught was suspected of being Dantalion, the next up from the Jinn, which was cause for serious concern.

Anna looked at the dead man, a lick of sadness rising within her. He couldn't have been over twenty-five and had an all American boyish appearance now that his features were no longer contorted. She blinked several times, moisture building under her lids.

"You okay?" Josh eyed her with concern as he pulled a tarp from his backpack.

She swiped her eyes and nodded.

"We couldn't save him," Will put in quietly.

"I know that, it's just, why would he do it?"

"Although I'm told that demons can be pretty persuasive, I tend to think you've gotta be pretty twisted inside for it to get this far."

Anna nodded slightly as Josh slipped something in the guy’s shirt before rolling him up in the tarp. He and Will each grabbed an end and dropped him against the building.

"What did you put in his shirt?" Anna asked.

"Oh, just a helpful little list of his recent activities so the idiot cops have it all spelled out for them."

"We're done here," Will announced and they headed back to the car looking up and down the still empty street.

They climbed in the cuda and started down the road, Josh calling his dad with an update. She still had yet to meet the man as their plans had changed several days ago when Will received a call from a hunter named Bentley who had been tracking the now dead guy only to discover he'd jumped a plane to North Carolina.

Bentley was currently on the west coast tracking three other humans-gone-demon, a woman and two more men, and things were getting odder by the day. First, the guy they'd just bagged was a former lawyer in California who had been instrumental in the possessions of the other three-the woman a D.A., the two men attorneys from the same firm. Secondly they seemed to have banded together in a specifically designed internet campaign, though each of them were working different angles.

The dead guy, one Lucian Handler, had set up a page with a survey that popped up on computers all across the state of California. He had craftily designed the pop up so that it froze the page until the questions were answered and submitted. Even unplugging your desktop wouldn’t get rid of it, as soon as you turned it back on it would reappear.

The questions were as follows:

  1. Do you believe in unconditional love?
  2. Do you attend church? If so, what religion?
  3. If you don’t subscribe to a religion, what happens when you die?
  4. Do you support the LGBT community?
  5. What is your purpose in this life?

Eight people were killed in the exact same fashion. Every major artery was severed, and the knives that did the slicing had a broken cross carved into each of the handles and were left protruding from the victims' sternum. California officials were calling it a serial murder, but they had yet to find the victim connection. Bentley was the one who'd discovered the pattern.

All eight had filled out and submitted the survey, and all eight had answered questions one, three, and five in basically the same way. 1) Yes, they believed in unconditional love. 3) Where you go when you die is determined by what’s truly in your heart-and 5) To love the creator or source of life, yourself, and your fellow man- or variations on these themes.

Aside from being a hunter, Bentley was also a genius hacker which is what had led him to Lucian. The dead man’s objective, it seemed, had been committing a hate crime against love.

The two possessed attorneys were focusing their attention on an entirely different set of answers, compiling lists of those that readily condemned people to hell verses those who didn’t believe in anything. And the D.A. was sticking to the ones whose answers were nonsense. What they had planned for the people on the lists was unknown, and Bentley was of the mind that it could stay unknown if he could just get to the bastards before they did any damage.

Not as easy as it sounded. The possessed seemed to be aware of the hunter attention they'd attracted and were sticking to public places and otherwise lying low.

Bentley had enlisted the aid of two more hunters currently in his vicinity and promised to keep the brothers informed. Otherwise they weren't needed beyond what they’d done tonight. This left them with zero to do for the moment except finally meet up with their old man who was waiting for them sixty miles north of their current location.

Josh turned to look over the seat at Anna and noticed her face was drawn, her coloring on the pale side. They hadn’t had much sleep having been wrapped up in the pursuit of Lucian, and it was catching up to all of them. But lack of nourishment pushed Anna a bit further.

"Pull over Will, I've gotta get in back."

Will quirked an eyebrow and glanced in the rearview. Realization dawned and he eased the car to the side of the road.

Josh climbed in next to her, a scolding expression on his face. "You should've spoken up, you know we're meeting dad."

She nodded apologetically. He pulled her into his lap and she latched on.

A few minutes later her coloring had returned to normal and she felt loads better. His lap was so comfortable that she stayed put and he stroked her hair absently, his attention elsewhere.

Will broke the comfortable silence in his typical smartass way, eyeing them in the mirror. "You two look so sweet. Especially a couple of minutes ago when she was nursing you, it would've made a great hallmark card for vampires. I could see the picture, little droplets of blood shaped hearts trickling down the card."

"Careful brother, green is not your color," Josh countered, tightening his arm around Anna to keep her from moving off him.

"True, but then how often do I get to be jealous of you, since I'm so much better at everything." He waggled his eyebrows and Josh snorted.

Anna shook her head with a faint smile. Always competing, she thought. She snuggled in closer to Josh. God he was comfortable. His big warm body would give pillow-top mattresses a run for their money.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


The majority of this read like a supernatural newspaper and it worked really well giving flash scenes of the action of them catching, subduing and destroying the various types of demons that have broke surface in to this dimension from their own dark dwellings. I just have Sam and Dean in my head the whole time, using Castiel's dagger destroying each entity as they vaporize into nothing. Even how you describe the black liquid spilling scene is very Supernatural-esque and it's so great to see the parallels in this novel of yours. It's like reading an extension of the the last season or the beginning of a new one.
I see Anna and Josh possibly becoming closer to one another at the rate in which they comfort and aid each other with their companionship. The back and forth banter amongst the brothers is always well done, but it's high time we see what their father is all about. I hope Anna makes it smoothly beneath his harsh, no nonsense having radar. Great chapter my I have binge read to the point where I have to wait like everyone else. How truly saddening. I knew I was moving too fast, this need for the virtue of patience was indeed inevitable.

Wow, you really caught up fast! I know, it's so hard to do the chapter by chapter thing! I wish I could sneak you some sections, LOL. The next chapter is a good intro to the father and some info on what's doing in the world of demonic activity...the chapter following it is one of my favorites, then a couple chapters after that, another of my favorites as that is the action you are really hoping to see, lol.

Yeah once I'm into a book, I breeze right through it, you know how it is I'm sure. Thank you for the extra details, I'm anticipating all your creativity and great twists and turns, No disappointments at all and I'm open for anything you've written. I can't wait, but I must! :)

And I should add, things soon after start speeding up and taking more twists and turns...and bringing in some more kickass characters of the non-human variety ;) Don't want to give away too much, but want to give you something to look forward to!

Oh I know you have some big things in store my friend! Non-Human variety is what I'm expecting indeed, and I'm so excited, thank you for the heads up.

Great summary, brother!

Thank you so much bro, I'll be aiming to give you the same kind of feedback for your novel. :)

With regard to the arrangement of the chapters, I feel that the recent trend has been beneficial to the series. Talking about switching the focus between Anna and the brother, then to someone else. The little pauses provide a kind of reprieve and somehow prolongs the longing for the main story. So, great job on that front.

I've been out for a couple of days, so I'm glad to finally find the time to catch up. I see that @verbal-d has already done a great job summarizing everything, and I fully agree with his sentiment. I can't help but feel that this is the beginning of the real story and the previous chapter now seems like a prologue story or a prequel series. Sort of like Anna's origin. There's nothing wrong with it, it just suddenly feels like the story has taken on a different tone.

I can't wait to see what Anna's interaction with the father would be like. Given your real-life admiration of Jeffrey Dean Morgan, he's bound to have a strong characterization. 33 chapters in, and I'm still enjoying the ride. Great work with this, my friend!

You don't have long to wait for that interaction, that chapter is up :) You're absolutely right about the tone change, that's definitely why I consider this Part Two of the novel, and there is going to be more additions, more twists, more kickass supernatural characters :)

Ooooh, I can't wait! I already have the new chapter queued in my tab and will be reading it in a bit. I've even linked to it in the latest SILVER LINING as well :) I apologize for the delayed comments, my friend. I really try to digest it every time I read it so that I could leave the thoughtful comments I'm known for.

I will save this for after the school run :-)

Excellent chapter dear friend @dreemit, it is always a pleasure to visit your blog

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