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RE: A Day in the Clouds - Original Novel for Steemit Series Announcement

in #fiction8 years ago

This sounds amazing! I was exactly like you as a child, it got me into a lot of trouble at school, always being yelled at for looking out the window, ostracized for having my head in the clouds. Fortunately I never saw it as a fault within myself, I always felt they were the ones who were flawed and totally missing out,haha!
What a great cause. And you just gave me an idea for a story for the challenge. I have a nephew who has a severe form of autism, my sister in law's son. He's seventeen now, has never spoken a word, but sometimes when he looks at you it is with such clarity and awareness. I also have a close friend who's sister is autistic only a much more mild form of it.
My son's name is Ethan, Ethan's are the coolest ;) He's thirteen, nearly five foot ten a hundred and ninety pounds with a size fifteen foot. He's got a bit of chunk on him but mostly he's just a giant, broad shoulders and back, solid tree trunks for legs. He's my bear, he thinks it's funny to lift me off my feet. He looks like he's sixteen so it's fortunate his intelligence and maturity is developing as rapidly as his body!
Can't wait to start this adventure!


I guess that's why we have very similar themes in our stories, because we had sort of similar experiences growing up! The others may not be flawed, but you're totally right that they're missing out! Haha! It's so much fun creating worlds, and reading about the worlds that others have dreamed up (see what I did there? :) )

Oh, that would be awesome if you write your own take on the story! I find it amazing every time I read different perspectives from the same inspiration. It's always interesting to see the differences between the thought process of different writers. An infinite number of possibilities from the same source. The human mind is so magical.

Seventeen without a single spoken word ... I would imagine that it's been a real struggle. But, as I've come to realize, I don't feel sorry for your sister-in-law's family, rather I admire them immensely for their strength. Their indomitable spirit has carried them through unimaginable hardships, and I wish that they would receive the blessings that they are due tenfold. Silent mental struggles are such an understated condition that deserves more attention. My wish is that they would continue their fight and never give up hope. Give my best to them, if you will.

You son is huge! :o At 13 years old, he's already bigger than I am presently! I know only a few Ethans, but all of them are awesome people, and I'm sure your son is as cool, if not cooler, than them :D

The mind is magical! I admire them as well, especially since Thane is a really big guy and his mom is tiny, and sometimes he throws these fits that are very difficult to handle. Her husband can restrain him but he's not always there when it happens. Still they have no intentions of ever putting him in a home though there has been people who have tried to convince them it's the right thing. I will give my best to them, that's very thoughtful, you do the same from me for your nephew's family :)
Oh he's definitely a cool kid, coolest there is!!

His name is Thane? That's such an awesome name! I've only seen that in stories, and it's the first time I've heard of anyone with that name in real life. It's awesome that they have no intention of putting him in a home. I really hope that things would magically turn around and everything would just get better for them moving forward.

I hope he follows in his mom's footsteps and become an awesome writer. Far more awesome than any one of us combined!

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