Chasing the Thrill of Fenn's Treasure (Fiction, Part 3)

in #fiction6 years ago

This is Part 3 of a work of fiction. Please check my blog for the other parts. This chapter will not make sense unless you've read Parts 1 and 2 first!

Carlos had an intelligent look to him. “Indulgence, the name of the treasure. So you believe you’ve solved the first clue? What about the others?”

“There are nine clues in the poem,” Brody replied. “I think that only the first few clues probably matter for the starting location,” Brody said. “There are people looking for the right spot based on later clues, but I think those are there to guide you once you find the right starting point. Fenn has said that you’re nowhere if you don’t have the first clue solved. I also happen to believe that people are taking the first clue as a specific location when Fenn probably meant it generally. But that means that one or more of the other clues has to be quite specific.”

“I haven’t looked at the poem in some time,” said Carlos. “Do you have a copy of it?”

“Sure, here’s Fenn’s poem again.”

As I have gone alone in there
And with my treasures bold,
I can keep my secret where,
And hint of riches new and old.

Begin it where warm waters halt
And take it in the canyon down,
Not far, but too far to walk.
Put in below the home of Brown.

From there it's no place for the meek,
The end is ever drawing nigh;
There'll be no paddle up your creek,
Just heavy loads and water high.

If you've been wise and found the blaze,
Look quickly down, your quest to cease,
But tarry scant with marvel gaze,
Just take the chest and go in peace.

So why is it that I must go
And leave my trove for all to seek?
The answers I already know,
I've done it tired, and now I'm weak.

So hear me all and listen good,
Your effort will be worth the cold.
If you are brave and in the wood
I give you title to the gold.

“So you think the first clue is not a specific place, then,” said Carlos, “most are looking for warm waters, such as how that term is used in fishing.”

“Yes, there are a lot of locations in the Rockies that would qualify for the term. And you evidently know your Fennology,” Brody smiled, finishing his beer. He’d forgotten the hapless football game, since talking to Carlos had become a lot more interesting.

“Most people think this hunt is a needle in a haystack and it is. Technically, the search area is everything in the Rocky Mountains over 5,000 feet in elevation, spread out over four states, which is huge. But the search areas become a lot smaller if you let the clues guide you.”

Carlos was nodding. “And you just said ‘search areas’, plural, which is correct. If you’re on the right track, there should be several candidates which fit the bill. I knew you looked too smart for a nature loving hiker. Not that we don’t love nature. But I’m after something, too, when I explore for oil and gas. It’s not just the money.”

“The thrill of the chase and of discovery,” Brody agreed.

“Yup. You have that look also,” said Carlos, “smart but hungry. Sparkle in your eye. You’re a wildcatter like me. Some treasure hunters are crazy and I know that sort also. Seen a few of them go out there and never come back again. But guys like you are smart. You’ve learned something and know what to target. Have you backpacked in the southwest before?”

Brody nodded. “I have some experience with the terrain. And I can stay in the game for a while. I can hike backcountry for an extended period, though conventional wisdom is that Fenn didn’t take the treasure too far from the road. So I’ll take my chances with these candidate spots. And I won’t stop looking until the money runs out or I find the treasure, whichever one comes first.”

“You’re starting with Agua Caliente?” Carlos asked.

Brody nodded. That wasn’t hard to guess, since he was headed to Santa Fe.

“The first clue mentions warm waters, and agua caliente means hot or warm water. Since there’s a place called Agua Caliente just north of Santa Fe where the search area begins, it’s a logical starting point. It’s not as good of a candidate as some of the others, but I have to try it. If that and one other don’t work out, I’ll be crossing back through Denver and heading north to some more promising spots.”

“So if you don’t mind me asking, which clue do you find to be most specific, if not the first one?”

“The third, which some think is the second clue,” replied Brody. “It depends on how you count them. The ‘home of Brown’ is probably the key. It’s a specific place. Yet it’s not a place name or a human structure, so it’s probably a geological formation. To be honest, it may not even be on a map, so we may not know it until we find it. Once we do, we’ll realize it’s something unique.”

“You just said ‘we’,” Carlos noted.

Brody smiled. “I was talking generally, I guess. When the mystery has been solved, all of us will learn what those clues meant.”

He looked directly at Carlos. “I’m in this alone right now, but I’d work with someone else under the right circumstances. Have you ever gone on the chase before?”

“No, but you’re getting me excited!” Carlos laughed. “I’m thinking maybe I should be looking for gold treasure rather than oil. And the publicity value of this could be worth far more than the gold. You’re approaching the search methodically and not pinning too much hope on one place, yet you have guideposts. You're still facing needle-in-a-haystack odds, but I like your style.”

“Do me a favor,” added Carlos. “Here’s my business card. When the money runs out, give me a call. We may have something in common.”

“Thank you.” Brody replied, taking the card. It read, ‘Carlos Dominguez, Chief Executive Officer, Montes Petroleum.’

Montes, a Spanish word for "mountains" or “wild”.

This was Part 3 of a fictional story

Please check my blog for the other parts. The picture above is a montage made by the author based on images from the Forest Fenn books, Thrill of the Chase (One Horse Land & Cattle Co. 2010) and Too Far to Walk (same publisher 2013) and public domain material, including the border photo of the Yellowstone River. Here is a link to Fenn's book; I do not make any profit from recommending it. I simply thought the whole saga would provide an interesting background for this novel.


Oh, fortune is smiling on Fenn, Carlos adds a nice mix of synchronicity and luck, excellent for a story such as this- what a fun ride so far :)

Glad you're enjoying it and I haven't lost you yet. :)

There is a very interesting story and I have not been able to read the first and second versions but now I will definitely do it.

Better to start with those first. Thanks.

@donkeypong, I think both persons of Brody and Carlos found more information about Fenn's Treasure. But they protect their secrets and don't said each others coz Carlos was random person. But I feel this is wanna true story. You built up conversation each others like as live stream. I prefer to discovering parts because there has risk condition to life. Risk is big experience to us. Thanks for the third chapter.

Glad you liked it. Dialogue is not my strong point, but I do my best with those scenes.

De verdad amigo @donkeypong que es muy difiil entender esta escritura parte 3 din antes leer las dos primeras partes, pero por lo que puedo entender se trata de dos aventureros Carlos y Brody los cuales tratan de encontrar un tesoro ú algo parecido en unos parajes montañosos que se extiende por cuatro estados. Gracias por contarnos esta historia leeré las otras dos partes que me intrigan. Saludos y que tenga un excelente fin de semana

Good job

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Brody has something unique that will makes him find the treasure, "determination"

He is not thinking in nothing else but finding the treasure, and that is something that nobody else have

I am getting exited with your story @donkeypong

Brother, how are you? I arrived a little late but I could not stop reading this third part, I see that Brody already has a friend Carlos, I hope he joins this journey

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