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RE: TWB Sci-Fi Contest Top Five!

in #fiction7 years ago

So, @valued-customer, where can this story be read? I don't see it on your blog anywhere. I was so interested that I'm now a member of that Discord channel writer's community. Let the games begin!


I noticed that just now, in fact =)

I think it's a great place. Good stories and better folk. I have learned much in just a couple months there. You're a great writer, and it'll be a place where you can find like minds and get more attention to your posts.

I confess, the constant editing of my entry has cost me a lot of commenting time on posts of folks I follow, including you. I think it paid off though, cuz the story I came up with isn't half what the story that placed in this competition is, thanks to the good editing and thoughtful suggestions I got at The Writer's Block.

'Fresh Meat (V4)' is currently under the red pencil in the queue for the competition, where you can see the next to current version.

I could show you the current version, but I'm not sure that's allowed by the rules. If it is, I'll drop you a link as soon as I hear it's kosher. Or halal. Not judging =p

You'll do better than I have on the discord for TWB. I'm a poor joiner, despite my best efforts. soon as I hear it's kosher

Ah, yes. They do control the media. ;-}

I'll wait for the final version. I'm excited about this group. And fret not about all the editing. Writing is like portrait's never really done. Every time I read one of my short stories I change something, a word, a phrase or word order. Sometimes I delete entire paragraphs. Many of my stories were written 10 or more years ago. Their technology is out of date. It's process and it's fun.

You'll do better than I have on the discord for TWB. I'm a poor joiner, despite my best efforts.

I'd like to believe that. I am mostly a recluse. I never join. Social media has never called to me. I'm not even sure how to proceed. Though I love to clack away at the keyboard, doing it in public is stressful for me. I tend to alienate people. What I write about isn't very popular because it is designed to make people to think about and examine their motives. Most people read for escape. I need to learn how to become more clandestine, to create fiction that slips under their radar. I hope TWB can help me with that.

I want people to read my writing and at this point I'm trying to make that happen. I definitely need guidance.

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