Universe creation: A beginner's guide

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)



For a universe to be complete, it must have a kind of internal congruence. That's something to remember if you intend on creating a universe - but also if you intend on living in one. Any magical formula used to describe or create a universe must reflect this completeness.

Don't climb a tree if you don't know how to get down


Likewise, the magical formula has to have a kind of internal consistency, a perfect symmetry. From any point you should be able to ascend and descend the ladder, from more simple to more complex, or to follow it across through the cycle. It should make sense forwards, and backwards. Probably inside-out too, but that's a little too complicated for now.

Of course, for the sake of utility, we should be able to easily identify where we are on the scale - our formula providing us something of a roadmap between universes.

God's playthings


I never understood why there should be such a stigma around the idea of "playing God". When these thoughts are revealed to us, and we recognise them for what they are - God's playthings - by their nature, they invite us to tinker with them. Of course! For what, or whom else would they be?

A formula


Feeling -> Meaning -> Ideas -> Create(World)Change


Before there is form, there must be a feeling. Elation, awe, ecstacy, a peak experience - the most all-encompassing emotion. Some say these emotions are mere chemicals in our brains - but we know better. Assuming the universe does have a kind of fundamental order, that it be entirely congruent from the smallest part to the largest part, we know that any part which we experience is indicative of an underlying truth. The parts of us that feel the purest, the most divine are so because they are the purest and most divine.

They say the emotion comes from the chemical, and that is one point of view. The other is that the chemical comes from the emotion. The emotion is a symbol of the nature of the universe - of the nature of all creation.

Feeling comes before form. Feeling is the key, the seed and the root. With a twist on Descartes' famous phrase: we feel, and we know we are real. Feeling is everything. Feeling is the Alpha and the Omega.



How does meaning emerge from feeling? When you feel something about something, you know it is valuable. That is to say, it means something to you.

Meaning is Feeling with an object. Meaning is the feeling of Feeling looking at Feeling, as if it isn't looking at itself. That's why Meaning is also a gateway to Feeling. When you look at something in a "magical" way, when you see it purely and rightly, you see the full spectrum of value in it - the Meaning - a pure feeling which guides you to Feeling.


Ideas are the echoes of meaning, the symbols or representations of Meaning - the encapsulations of Meaning. Communicable Meaning, Meaning in an easy to digest format. Ideas points us to Meaning. The only reason Ideas can create worlds is because they lead us back to Feeling, back to the source.They are made of Meaning, and therefore, they are made of Feeling. Anything you build with Ideas is a sort of house of cards, which at any moment can tumble down - straight to the ground, the foundation.



You've never seen a thing - you've only had the experience of seeing a thing; you've only ever had the impression of a thing. You can't experience a thing directly, and for that reason it's irrelevant whether things exist or not. They might, or they might not, but it doesn't matter either way.

An experience is just an impression; an impression is nothing more than an idea. Worlds are made of experiences, and so they're made of ideas, and therefore of feelings - Feeling. Even the most complex world is nothing more than a labyrinth of ideas, jammed together in a web of some internal consistency... Remember, some webs are more sticky than others.

The process

To create a world, all you have to do is find Feeling, and work your way up. Or, to put it another way, bring a part of World into Feeling - completing the loop. The world you live in is complete of itself, entirely internally consistent, and so any part of it - any idea that exists within it, is also complete in itself, and therefore has the potential to create a world which is complete in itself.

Take Idea from World, see its Meaning and that will bring you into Feeling. Well, I guess we did go inside-out after all.

Good luck

If you happen to succeed with this method, it is likely that I'll never hear from you. Good luck.

About me

kurt robinson in the mountains of puebla

My name is Kurt Robinson. I grew up in Australia, but now I live in Guadalajara, Jalisco. I write interesting things about voluntaryism, futurism, science fiction, travelling Latin America, and psychedelics. Remember to press follow so you can stay up to date with all the cool shit I post, and follow our podcast where we talk about crazy ideas for open-minded people, here: @paradise-paradox, and like us on Facebook here - The Paradise Paradox

Some other cool posts

Here are some other posts of mine to check out:

"Mental Illness": How and what to learn from your mind breaking

Aliens and Drugs: Can psychedelics be used to contact beings from out of this world?

What's real? - Can we know if there is such a thing as objective reality?


Yeah, to get a better grade than F for a science project, the basic requirement is to be able to create universe that can create an universe in a tiny glass jar neatly placed on a shelf in some alien child's room as a science project that can create an universe... ;)

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