This is taking longer than it should (original fiction and art)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

Temple of the Slime God


Remind me again why I signed up for this?

I might have said that out loud. Is the com link active? Yes. Yes, it is.

--- Repeat that last transmission, harvester 9?

--- Remind me again why I signed up for this?

--- Harvester 9?

--- Quit fucking around. Over.

Ok, turn off the com link. Fuck you too, Control. Sitting back on the ship while I am ankle deep in this jello-covered labyrinth of alien bones.

This is taking longer than it should. I swear I have been crawling down this chimney for... 15 minutes? An hour?

So much condensation in here, can hardly read the overhead.

Everyone knows the filtration setup in these cheapo company helmets hasn't even been tested for this atmospheric class, let alone rated for it.

This is taking longer than it should

Ah crap the com link is off. Let's try that again, shall we?

--- Control this is harvester 9. I am not "fucking around". This is taking longer than it should. I am... uh - I am going to run out of cable in another 50 meters and I can't even see the bottom yet.

--- One second - let me pull you up on the overhead, Harvester 9.

--- Hey, why is it I never talk to any of the other harvesters? You and me, we should get on a first name basis, how often you call up with a problem.

--- Yeah I got a name. Hey fuck you ma'am, I am serious. I just clipped off the end of the last cable spool. Shit is just getting weirder and stinkier and stickier down here and it ain't stopping as far as I can see.

--- Language, Harvester 9.

--- Okay, I have your location plotted against the target signature. Per usual, drama queen, you are right above the egg chamber. Actually strange that you can't see them, they can't be more than 100 meters below you. Just go off cable for this last little bit.

Just go off cable. Remind me again why I signed up for this? Oh for... oh I really don't want to crawl down there. Ah just look at that shit.

--- Copy that, Control. Going off cable.

Pit of the Blue Dragon

Descent of Madness

This is taking too long. Way too deep now. How far... how long has it been since Control said only 100 meters? Seriously, why is it sooo hard to focush on the readout...

Woah. I gotta just take a break for a second. I mean, I am only human. Right? I need to clear my head. God I wish the walls would stop pulsating and glowing for ONE GODDAM SECOND.

--- I am getting sleepy... sooo tired...

The Ascension

--- Repeat that last transmission, harvester 9?

The Forgotten King

All words and art original and Steem exclusive by @carlgnash


I'm crazy enough to say that I'd sign up for one last field trip to nowhere/everywhere. Just to witness this!

Loved it.

Sweet, if you book on as a harvester using my ref link I get a nice commission! I will see when the next ftl transport loads out. Yeah it can be a tough gig sometimes, but you will see things as a Harvester that you never even dreamed of!

Fade to black and white...Poor Harvester 9. Why did he sign up for that?

Great images. I'm impressed. The narrative and the visual go perfectly together.

Yeah the promise of big space buck won out. Of course it is easy to believe those neurocommercials that make it seem like you are waltzing around in cathedrals plucking million dollar eggs off the wall like candy. Once you are in your exosuit spiderclimbing down a chimney shit goes sideways fast.

Stay weird and trippy bro

Happy new year! Always! Weird and trippy front and center for 2019! I know you are my brother in arms here

oh no! they are lost in the depth !!!!


A great short story and an amazing trippy art * ___ *

It is too late for the human bean you refer to as harvester 9, although his conscious mind does live on after assimilation into the alien hivemind. Steady siphoning of consciousness into alien surroundings occurs in these alien temples, environmental exposure of ~ 2 - 4 hours (depending on mental acuity) typically results in total loss of consciousness into the hivemind and the physical body just gives up the ghost.

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WOW again... I've seen the whole story like a movie in my head. This is goood!

Cool I'm glad you followed the link back to part one :) I thought the words and images worked well together in this series, glad you enjoyed :) If you will permit me to link one more of my old posts, this is probably my personal favorite so far in terms of combination of story and art:

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