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RE: The Last Ones (Short Horror Story)

in #fiction6 years ago

Thank you so much, I was so shocked when I came in from work and saw it had done so well! When I first started it, I think I had intended to go that way and it turn out to be her. I just couldn't resist the idea of these creatures being intelligent, and the one who followed her for so long became so used to doing so, it couldn't actually bring itself to finish her off. So in a cruel act of almost selfish mercy, it opts to let her live out her days as the last of her kind.

I actually wrote this for that contest, but when I finished it, and reread the post, I didn't feel like it was quite there for it! I find it so hard to be objective with my own work, I just didn't think there was enough of a sense of horror, but it does mean I get to write another :)


i just couldn't resist the idea of these creatures being intelligent, and the one who followed her for so long became so used to doing so, it couldn't actually bring itself to finish her off.

You'll always be your own harshest critic. Sometimes the psychological or implied horror is the greatest.


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Oh my word, I would be beyond honoured!! You are very welcome to quote any part :) I will tell you a bit about myself and you can include as little or as much as you want out of either of the two paragraphs below, if that is ok? Just go with which ever works best with the article.

In some ways there is comfort in loss, something you can always rely on, so in this sense, horror can be reassuring. Although I have been writing in one form or another since I could hold a pencil, horror is a genre which I am only just really getting in to. I love exploring the darkest depths of human imagination, the true terror lies in our minds, and I am having a lot of fun finding out what lurks in mine.

A story is not words on a page, it exists in our minds. You are invited to come with me on an adventure to the darkest depths of imagination. Together, we can trip the rift between realities until our subjective worlds collide. Bridging the gaps between our individual experience to let whole new stories blossom in that endless void. A story is not the words written on the page, but a moment of connect between author and reader, one I am honoured to share with you.

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