
Amazing, totally addicted to The Hunt, Happy New Year @bigpanda

Happy New Year to you as well @steveuk.

wow, you are really talented it seems writing is 100% you thing no doubt about that.

I appreciate that--I'm working toward being able to write full time. Soon, I hope!

How long did I wait for that...
By the way your writing is more developed and I really like your writing style. A great part of great story. Myfriend.

Thank you @atukh09. I'm glad you think I am improving. My goal is to get a little better every day.

You will be. Dont worry :)

Reading your story for the first time, i must say you've done a good job here. Well composed, nicely written. Kudos
Hope to read more from you

Thank you so much for the kind words. Thanks for stopping by.

Wow beautiful story writing, happy New year. This is what I call talent!

Happy New Year to you as well. Thanks so much for reading it and for the very kind words. It makes me happy you think it is beautiful.

Yeah I will look forward to more, your welcome.

that was very well written. and just $.99? I'll have to pick up a copy. Nicely done.

Thanks, I appreciate your kind words.

Sangat indah gunung itu saya suka

yu just made my day i was wandering what to watch and knowi know what to read and imagine wow

Glad I could make your day. Happy New Year! I hope you enjoy the read.

as i told you before i read it and i imagine it and it becomes something wander ull love it and thanks for new year wish same to you be healthy and be good .. may new year brings more success

Very cool my friend @bigpanda , I also published the best mountaineering destinations in the world
Can you read it?

Your story is awesome.The hunt man.Thanks fir sharing us...happy new year @bigpanda

Thank you my friend. Happy New Year to you as well!

Rats scurried across the floor, executing their filthy duties with speed.

I don't think I would have stayed there enough to explore. I'd run out the moment I'd heard them. Screaming.

Terrified of the tension he felt, he ran out of the shack screaming.

So did James! :-D I seriously thought that while reading!

Yes, I'm back! :-) I'm really excited to see how much this story has progressed. The granny part was really interesting to read. I see this part as very important in the story, and imagine that she'll appear again later, or at the end of the story. Parts 9 to 11 to be read tomorrow...

Hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and wish you a Happy New Year full of ideas and creativity!

I'm so glad you are back. I hope you had a fantastic holidays as well and may you too, be blessed with a Happy New Year.

I did the rats especially for my wife and daughters. We had chickens for about ten years and sometimes they would attract mice. Once the mice got into the house, the game was up. The chickens had to find a new home.

Mice and rats don't scare me as much, but tell me a scary ghost story and I'm done. I fall apart for weeks. Can't handle spooky at all!

Mice, rats and horror stories are on the same level for me. Though, while the fear for the former only last until the moment they're gone, for the latter, it appears whenever I have to go out alone at night. Only when the story fades in my memory, I can walk comfortably at night... And yet, in dark places that memory suddenly pops into my head :))

This is really funny to me. Just last night I was talking with my brother-in-law. He is an avid sportsman and goes out into the woods probably 5 nights a week. He often takes his big, burly friends with him, who think they want to go out with him. He was telling me how often these big, tough guys fall apart in the dark woods.

Just a couple weeks ago, one of his friends went with him. This guy is about 6' 4" and 240. All muscle and toughness. He got so scared, he was rolled up in the fetal position, basically crying, in the woods. My brother-in-law had to almost carry him back out.

Funny how the woods and the dark bring out some primal fear in all of us, no matter how tough we think we are.

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