The mistake of Jack - Chapter 2 - FICTION

in #fiction7 years ago

Thank you Audrey, yes, I’m very excited. I can’t wait for him to get home tonight to share the wonderful news.

Same to you and thank you so much for phoning.

Yes yes, I will, don’t worry. You’re always the first to know.

Love you too sis, bye.”

Miranda put the phone back into her purse and signaled to the waiter that she is ready to order. Every Friday she goes to the spa for a facial and then on her way home she stops at the Deli to buy some take-outs for dinner. She usually orders hamburgers or pizza but not today. Today is special.

At home, she takes a quick shower and starts to dry her hair. It takes longer than usual as she wants it to look extra special tonight, just the way he likes it!

Tracey did an excellent job setting the table while her Madam was polishing up. There is just enough time to heat dinner before the Master comes home. Master Jack is a good man. He pays her well and is always very friendly with her. Madam Miranda doesn’t like that, so Tracey avoids the house when both of them are home.

Thank you, Tracey. The table looks lovely! Help yourself to some of the food I brought home. Oh and Tracey, you can take the rest of the evening off!” says Miranda from the other room.

A cup of tea is all Miranda needs now and she decides to wait for Jack in the living room. The television is switched on but it’s on mute. She is trying to find the right words to use when he walks through the door. Should she just blurt it out or should she play it calm? She’ll know what to do when the time is right! This is it. This is what they’ve been waiting for and it doesn’t really matter how she tells him, she knows that he would be ecstatic about it!

An hour has passed and still there is no sign of Jack. That’s odd. Jack is rarely ever late and when he is, he always phones in advance. Miranda has been so busy preparing for the evening that she never even took her phone out of her purse when she got home earlier. She takes her cup to the kitchen and looks around for her handbag.

There are 2 messages on her phone. One is from her sister Audrey, reminding her to take a picture of Jack when she tells him the news, and the other message is a notification from the bank transaction at the Deli. No missed calls. She dials his number but all she gets is his voicemail. He doesn’t really have friends at work and if he did, she would not have their numbers. The office would be closed already seeing as its way past closing time, but she phones there anyways. There is no answer.

Miranda decides to wait another ten minutes and then she’ll try phoning Jack’s boss. He is not a very friendly guy and he’ll probably just get irritated when being bothered with nonsense. Maybe Jack had car trouble on his way home or perhaps his phone battery ran out. That’s possible too.

Twenty minutes later, after trying his cellphone and the office several times, she finally had enough courage to phone Mr. Fischer, Jack’s boss.


He sounds in a hurry so she decides to keep it short.

Good evening Mister Fischer, this is Jack’s wife, Miranda speaking. He isn’t home yet and I am unable to reach him on his phone. I was wondering if you perhaps know where he is.

This afternoon already, are you sure?

No I haven’t heard from him at all today.

I will, thank you, goodbye.

Miranda didn’t expect that. It just didn’t make any sense at all. Why would he have left the office this afternoon already and why would his boss be surprised that he hasn’t spoken to me today? He leaves the house every morning and unless there is something important to tell her during the day, he never phones. She felt uneasy – not only because Jack is “missing”, but also because his boss sounded a little uncomfortable speaking to her. There was something in his voice that bothered her but that can wait. What’s important now is to find Jack.

(To be continued...)

Previous Chapter:

Chapter 1:

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Nice Chapter I am Following you For More

Very nice story...great post

the story increasingly makes me want to know, especially the existence of the jack ..., I wait for the story ..., I was carried away in your writing story ...

you are a good writer..

Looking forward to more! ^.^

Wow good story, chapter 2 is interesting, cant wait for chapter 3

This is driving me crazy dont stop so quikly LOL I am dying to know what is going on. Very nice story.

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