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RE: From "Ragnarok Concpiracy" ; Part One, Chapter 1 : Blocks

in #fiction7 years ago

Nice start.

All feedback is highly welcomed

Just a few spelling/inconsistent errors. I myself am no spelling/grammar genius, in fact I hate it when people point out my errors when responding to a post. You did ask on one of your more recent post for correction and varios feed back. Not sure if you meant for feedback this far back though, so will be the only one for now until I am sure you want a pick me apart spelling consistency corrections.

Here goes:

Dakila had to spent hours on end running his virtual ladies in sync-mode just to keep his targets from dropping out and moving on. (had spent hours)

Dakila had too much time invested in his AI-farm to let that happen now. Even in sync-mode Akila Dakila needed to be on his toes

Dakilla (Dakila) grew quite weary trying to come up with different excuses for dropping off the radar for a few weeks. There had to be a way around them! Dakilla (Dakila) had never been hit this hard before. Each of Dakila's

Dakilla, (Dakila) are you coming down, dinner is ready!

Could you send me an other BareunCoin or two to help me pay my rent this week? (another)

We will be talking about that putty mouth of you tomorrow darling, (potty?)

Who is Kidlad working for? People who can pull of a quantum blockchain heist? (off)

Enjoyed the story so far.

Thank you very much for the valuable input.

Please have a look at this. I decided to run a monthly beta reading lottery. Please look at the post for details.

I'll consider the above as entry for inconsistent spelling of Dakila. You may add separate comments below for the other parts if you wish, and please comment on the contest page that you commented here so you also compete for the $10 SBD price for this month.

Good luck.


(Ignore, just a mark for last lottery draw)

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