[Original Fiction] The Three Sisters

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

Welcome "The Three Sisters!" With all the rainy days last week, I planned to continue my latest two book projects. But as creativity has it's own character and needs to be embraced when it visits :) well, this is the result. A new science fiction project with a touch of time travel adventure and lots of edgy characters.

source edit @anutu

November 2019. Joshua drove in his old Morris Minor along the rainy-wet, nightly street. The headlights were not as bright as with modern vehicles. The drops of water were sitting on the road like a grey film of grease. The water was reflected in the analogous glow of the lights. He tried hard to navigate the narrow street lined with old houses. He loved this car. For him, it was like a partnership with an old love, a trusted well-known girlfriend. Indeed, a very old friend. The Morris was built in 1949 and sometimes he felt as if his lovely, cozy girlfriend was mutating into an insane, money burning whore. Whenever it rained the car stuttered and clattered enormously.

"Ah, once again time to waste a lot of money for you … my darling.“ Joshua, who preferred to call himself Jo, thought about his clattering darling silently as he turned the steering wheel sharply to the left. With this maneuver, he tried to keep the car in the middle of the road as not to crash into one of the houses at the sides.

"No no no!!!!!" a loud bang! Darling crashed and slid along a wall. Despite Jo's courageous driving action he collided with one of the houses at the right. It almost sounded like darling was screaming in pain. Screaming so loud that Jo almost felt it. He loved his car, he felt it for sure. Not almost.

source edit @anutu

"Shit!" Jo got out to inspect the damage. This was only possible to a reasonable extent. The rain had become so heavy that he couldn't see anything in the pitch black darkness. Jo decided to park the Morris at an unoccupied parking space at the side of the street and search the surroundings for some support. The houses were almost all unlit. He somehow had a very positive feeling that he would find somebody who could help. Jo lifted the collar of his vintage trench coat with an unconsciously quick move of his hand and marched off.

"Bye Darling! See you later" he shouted moodily, looking at his beloved car as he walked up the road. In the distance, there was a blue shimmering light. Probably a neon sign. As he approached he could decipher the weathered characters. Unfortunately, not all letters had working lights anymore. The frame of the signpost vanished in the dark as he got closer. It was scratched and distressed to the max. The best years of this blue sign were gone since a very long time.

"Three ... Three Vil ... Lou .... Three Villages Lounge" could be read after several attempts written up there in vintage style letters. "Ha, like a puzzle! A strange way to greet a guest. According to the motto, puzzle first then drink," Jo said quietly to himself. "Lounge is a little high-pitched, bar would have done it, too," he murmured into his beard. He entered the bar through the dark wooden swing door and immediately shook out his wet trench coat. Without any further thought, Jo shook the beige colored coat with all the strength of his arm muscles. The raindrops splashed on the wooden floor.

„Hey what are you doing there? We just swiped the floor. Are you crazy, man?!“

Jo looked up and into the face of an old woman. Her gorgeous grey hair was styled and combed as she had just jumped out a 1930s musical movie. Her overall look created the funniest contrast Jo had seen for a long time. Her loud yelling voice collided with her gorgeous style so much, that Jo had to laugh out loud.


Meet the other two sisters soon! Many very strange events followed that evening. But this is only the beginning of my new science fiction novel about time travel and most wondrous places, called „The Three Sisters“

Chapter 2 - Sneak Preview:

Like a swarm of fish underwater would explore the sea together, the three sisters were moving now all the way around the old bar counter. Coming out of the darkness and now slowly walking into the direction of the guest room the swarm moved forward.

To be continued … in Chapter 2! Stay tuned!

Chapter2 - Chapter3

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Original Content, created with love by @anutu ©2018 All Rights Reserved - @welcomewagon logo designed by amazing @penderis - animated banner design by talented @liberty-minded


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What a rousing, exciting and adventurous story. The anticipation of the coming parts is enormous and I do not know if I have the patience to wait.

It's amazing...

Oh, I love this bitmoji, so so sweet!

Pfffeeeew....rolled in vintage spirit! I just adore it. Melting here...

Fleamarkets, Antique- and Thrift Stores with treasures and unusual stuff .... oh this is my world ... feel sometimes like I have taken a time machine and have been woken up in the future ... here ...

...by a mistake, presumably, or maybe not! As you're bringing a lot of aesthetics and love in this time.

Yep, I love this time ... this touch of the past ... you got me :)

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh loving it!!! better to read chapter 1 first hahahaha

why did i try to read 2 first??? LOL

poor darling. she's gonna get it!!!

Maybe because of the cool grey cat at the cover ... lololol ... yeahh ... darling suffers ... ughhhh

The Morris was built in 1949 and sometimes he felt as if his lovely, cozy girlfriend was mutating into an insane, money burning whore.

Best line ever, I can just imagine you saying "whore" it will be so funny haha. A good start , honestly I read chapter 3 but the last bit I was like ok there is something more to this and had to come and read from the start.

Onward to Chapter 2 now :)

Hahaha, lololol, Yep! "Darling" is such a funny character :) Good you commented on that, just reminded me to finish the 4th part ... nearly forgot about what I had planned for today ... so much distraction ... enjoy it ... hopefully ... lololol

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