#Freewrite: The Rabbit Who Loved Candy (short story)

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

A short story about a rabbit who didn't like to work together with the others.

This is my entry for "Day 71 of #freewrite" (PROMPT: Toothache) and also an entry of #story-300words Initiative (link) though it's far from the limit with only 138 words...

This #freewrite took more than 10 minutes in writing and editing!!

It's been a long time since I wrote a story with talking animals.
what they're called again? fables?

The Rabbit Who Loved Candy

In bunny village, lived a small group of rabbits.
They have a farm with a lot of greens, and they worked together so they can eat hay each day to live healthy.

But one of the rabbits didn't work with the rest.
He didn't like the hay very much and so he didn't want to work on it.
The small bunny loved candy.
They other rabbit told him it's bad for him.
He should work together with them and eat healthy food with them.
But the small bunny wasn't listening.

One day the small bunny tooth hurt and so his stomach.
The dentist bunny told him he ate too much candy and he has to remove his tooth.
The small bunny lost one of his teeth.
And he learned from his mistake and started working with other rabbits.

[The End]

The Bunnies in Real Life Shouldn't Eat Candy

Their stomachs can't digest it properly, actually from my little search for this story they should only eat hay and green vegetables. Even fruits have a lot of sugar for them so they should eat them in moderation. (source)

What do you think?

I love reading people's comments on my stories!!

" The Rabbit Who Loved Candy" is a bit different than my other works but if you liked it you might like "On a Rainy Day" or my longer stories like "A Fascinating Legacy".

Image is taken from this website, it's probably isn't public domain image and I don't own it.

This story is very suitable to tell my child. I love it.

Please re-read it as there are some small grammer and style mistakes. Still an excellent read!

Upvoted 80%.

Wow!! thanks a lot.... I'll try to find the grammar mistakes, though English isn't my first language.... I put my bigger works on @thewritersblock fiction workshop before publishing them.

I got the message you are passing across. One not to be lazy and death lies in sugar.. Lols

well, while that's right... I didn't write it for the message... I'm lazy myself.

There's a lot of theories that says "death lies in sugar" but if we ate it in moderation I'm sure we all would be okay.... comparably.

~ Thanks for reading and commenting ~

You are welcome.

I loved reading this @ahmadmanga.

Thanks for reading and commenting!!

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