Tell a Tale Contest Entry

in #fiction7 years ago

Trying out new things in the platform. Writing was also my side hobby and I've done a lot of stories the past people have never heard of. How can they when these stories are collecting dust in my hard drive. I decided to enter this contest because I miss writing. I also need a break from the constant strokes my hand has been doing on the tablet.

You can find the contest here. Hope you also join in the fun. I'm feeling fearless with this submission.

Summary of the Post:

Background of the Story
The Actual Story

Background of the Story:

The first critique I received about my stories were "It was so horrible I stopped halfway". That didn't stop me from creating more stories during my spare time. But it did stop me from sharing stories. The only type of writing people ever saw from me were informative articles (ex freelance writer here). I created 9 chapters for this story but my old laptop's batteries died. Still raising some money on buying a new one and retrieve those other stories. Chapter 1 was the only chapter saved because I happened to save a copy on my google drive.

Beware. It's 3.9k words worth of reading. Excuse me for my poor grammar in advance.

The Story: "If you see Destiny, run." - Chapter 1

My name is Timothy. I know. I have a very intimidating name but you can just call me Tim. The word average would perfectly describe my total existence. I pray each day for a miracle this uneventful existence. Destiny decreed my existence as a bystander on someone’s epic story.

I grew up envying the protagonist and villains from the stories I’ve read. If life was an adventure, I’m getting the minimum experience. I wouldn’t consider my circumstance to be all bad. No experience of great despair, sorrow, and pain over here fortunately. Don’t get me wrong, there are lots of things in my life I am thankful for. However, I know I’m missing out life’s spice.

That feeling you get when you are motivated to spend your waking moments doing something you actually yearn to do. That feeling you get when you are involved in something extraordinary. That feeling you get when you are motivated to wake up. Please tell this clueless me.

I stopped to listen after walking past the alley. A girl’s shriek intruded my ears the moment I passed by. Curiosity getting the best of me, I proceeded to check where the sound came from. From a far corner, three figures came into view. Two guys were pinning down a girl to a wall. One of the men held a knife in front of the girl. Though restrained, the girl seemed undeterred in her struggle to break free. The man with the knife searched for the contents of the girl’s bag.

I recognized the girl’s uniform belonging to the same school as I go to. The two men had large body built and faces that were up to no good. The alley was littered in trash and vandalism. It made two thugs fit into the scene naturally. They didn’t seem to notice me looking yet. A cry for help was let out once more.

The girl cornered turned her head to my direction. I immediately recognized who the girl was. Rachel, my classmate, my crush, my destined half, the girl that arouses the fiery passion of a thousand suns in me is currently in danger. Though memories of her rejection still haunt me, I felt compelled to step up and protect my future. I go in and save her. Her affection for me takes into a positive turn. It’s a happily ever after right there.

Right! I’m going in!

As soon as I established my conviction, the first step I took was backwards. And then I took quick two steps forward, and then three steps back… I know I’m supposed to do something but I don’t have to do something stupid. Self preservation instincts are kicking in at the sight of the knife.“What the hell are you doing?!” Rachel tilted her head and crossed her eyebrows. Her expression mirrored mine.

Yes, what am I doing?

It didn’t take long for those two guys to notice me after a hasty approach. I knew that it was not me tripping on a brick that sent me tumbling down and knocking a trash can that gave me away. It was my innate capacity to have a pronounced stage presence that demanded their attention.“Who are you?” was the first word uttered by the nearest guy after being perplexed from my heroic entrance. Though momentarily distracted, I could see that he had a good grip on Rachel to keep her restrained still.

“Mind your own business if you don’t want trouble kid.” The other guy holding the knife added. He stopped searching the contents of Rachel’s bag.

Cocky bastard!

He leered at me. I felt his menacing aura wrap around me. I froze and stood about three meters away from them and in serious trouble. No weapon or knowledge infighting. However, those were not the reasons why my legs trembled. I was shaking from the adrenaline to do something reckless. I whipped up my phone and speed dialed the local police. I held my hand in front of them and gestured a stop sign.

The three were unconsciously mesmerized for a while as I spoke to the operator on the other line. “Hello, I found two guys in wounded in an alley. Please hurry and send an ambulance…” and I ended the call with “from a concerned citizen.”

To make the story short, I ended up beating the crap out of those guys and saved Rachel. She then realized how awesome I really am. While the two guys remained unconscious, I took the advantage of asking the adrenaline rushed Rachel to be my girlfriend. The police arrived on the scene and everything turned out well in the end.

“Almost a believable story… almost. Why don’t you tell them what really happened Timmy?”

“I already told them what they needed to know Des. I already told you to stop calling me Timmy.”

“That’s not how things happened and you know it well Timmy.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about Des.”

“Fine, I’ll be the one to tell how things really went down.” “Whatever Des says is not true. You’ve been warned.”

There was only one bad guy. I stood about three meters away from them and in serious trouble. No weapon or knowledge infighting. However, those were not the reasons why my legs trembled. Without a doubt, those were the real reasons why my legs trembled. I was scared to move after realizing the real danger I have gotten myself into. The thought of running away for self-preservation became more appealing. However, I also didn’t want to lose a face to Rachel.

I have absolutely no idea what to do and the palpitations I felt only increased the tension. The guy holding a knife was now only a meter away, I did what any sensible man could do at a crisis. I yelped for help at the top of my lungs. The act made me realized how much air I could let out in a single shout. In panic, my eyes searched for something that could serve as a weapon. A piece of brick and 2x2 wooden plank were in reach. Realizing my intention, the guy with the knife hastened his advance and motioned a stab.

I picked up the 2x2 wooden plank quickly. It was lighter than I expected. It gave me enough striking range to hit his head. My hands absorbed some impact resulting from the collision of wood and the man’s head. The man was forced to stop at his tracks stunned. He cursed in pain. He was just as surprised as I after realizing what hit him. Instead of being intact or breaking into splinters, my weapon bent.

I examined the end and found out it was not made of wood but a cardboard prop made to look like one. My commendations to the makers for having it convincing on first impressions. There were other cardboard props lying around on a nearby trash can. I knew without much thought I was done for. I heard voices behind me. I looked back to see policemen rushing behind me. The thug darted past Rachel and the authorities followed pursuit. One police officer remained to check on us. The man got caught.

“Thank you.” Rachel began. We were escorted to the police station for our statements. I sat next to her. “Huh? Oh yeah, you’re welcome.” I beamed an awkward smile. She never spoke to me since the incident. “I was talking to him.” Rachel clarified sternly. She motioned her gratitude towards the officer who responded to our aid. The police officer looked to me and her then shook with a chuckle.

“Okay… so how are you right now?” I attempted again. “How do you think I’m doing right now?” Rachel said in a sarcastic tone. She never did like me to begin with. I thought maybe this time she’d at least spark a conversation. Rachel moved another seat away from me. She pulled out her phone and listened to some tunes. Seriously?

“Almost a believable story… almost. I’m beginning to question if you are trustworthy character Des.”

“You did look good on your version of the story Timmy.”

“You’re exaggerating and aren’t you supposed to make a good story out of me?”

“Yes. But never through lying Timmy.”

I lay on my bed thinking how things went earlier. It was some experience alright. Unfortunately, it was frustrating not getting a chance to talk to Rachel. Who could blame her? Her savior yelped help. I’m sure she’ll like me if I looked cooler. I just need a good break. A chance not to screw up. I recall the adrenaline. Too much for what my heart could take. I turned my head to the side and my desk came into view. No homework and sleep was all there is left to do. I closed my eyes pondering once more about how mundane things can be. Back to the real world Tim.


“Meow?” I repeated opening my eyes. I was sure I didn’t have a pet white cat. Nor do I have any pets to begin with. But the snow white feline sat on the bed inches away from my face with its back turned. It meowed once more. “Now where did you come from?” I felt my brows knit. I started to reach for it but then stopped. It turned its head to the side with only an eye into view to check on me. In reflex, I retreated myself away from the cat.

To claim I was scared of a cat was definitely something to be ashamed of. An exception to this rule is when the cat can turned its head 360 degrees. It meowed again. Its pupil’s dilated pitch black and surrounded it was a crimson iris. It contrasted the white fur. The eyes seemed to glow. It meowed again. I just sat away from it as far as possible. Too frozen to move and utter a word.


After regaining some bit of composure from the horror, I mustered up strength to say “What?” “What?” The cat repeated with mimicking my voice. Whatever courage left in me, which I know I had little to begin with, disappeared. It properly aligned itself with its head in a natural anatomical position. The eyes remained fixed onto mine. It felt like it was looking at my soul.

“Hello Timmy, my name is Destiny. I’m here to help you live a life of adventure like you always wanted.” The cat, spoke the words that that would haunt me for a while.

“I’m sure you have a lot of questions to ask. Fortunately, we have all the time in the world to talk about it.” Destiny was still mimicking my voice. Though I kept my mouth shut, my mind was racing with thoughts. Destiny imitated a sigh after seconds of no response from me. It was enjoying my dumbstruck.

“Hmmm… I understand this situation can come as a shock but you’ll get used to it.” It finally said.

I’ll get used to it?

“Yes Timmy, you’ll get used to it for I will be with you for a while.” Destiny replied to my thoughts. The question was exclusive to my thoughts but the supernatural answered it still.

“I can read your mind.” Destiny confirmed. Its mouth didn’t move. Its reply entered my train of thought without warning. I was experiencing firsthand telepathic communication.

“Who are you?” I finally mustered the courage to ask the question. I spoke the words than thought about the query.

“I am Destiny, one of the weavers of fate.” Well that made much sense. “What are you?” I tried a different approach.

“I’m a weaver of fates.” Destiny responded in pompous tone. “What does that mean?”

“I am an agent that regulates the fates of every being that exists under my jurisdiction and that includes you.” Destiny dropped several bombs over there.


“I think it is best not to ponder on what I am now. You’ll best know me when I’m at work. Hmmm…I should change.” Destiny stood on its two feet and examined its paws like a human looking on their own hands. Without warning, the cat jumped off the bed and disappeared from view. I leaned my head forward to check. Just as my head was about to reach the edge of the bed, another head popped inches away from mine.

A young girl, about my age in a white dress up in exchange. She had a fair skin, long black hair and most importantly normal human black eyes. Pretty was a word to sum her presence. “We should do something about your clothing.” Destiny placed her thumb and fingers on her chin and had eyes that surveyed me. I felt my clothes moving on their own. It only took a single blink and saw they were gone and replaced. I was wearing a floral shirt and board shorts.

“Why?” I surprised myself at how unfazed I became about the changed of clothing. Nor how creepy cat became a girl. “Change of scenery” Destiny gave an immediate reply. She snapped her fingers and the atmosphere suddenly felt like everything was moving fast while being still. It was like being sucked in a vacuum for a split second. Just like how fast my clothing came to a change did the environment also around me.

The soft sheets that gave me cushion became grainy and hot. Natural light replaced the fluorescent light my eyes were used to. Anything that resembled my room was gone. “A perfect weather for the beach isn’t it?” Destiny remarked staring at the clear blue sky.

I surveyed the place. The hot white sand and the salty sea breeze were convincing enough. I lifted a pile of sand and let it slid slowly off my palm. It was only us on what seemed to be a deserted island. A vast sea with no landmass visible beyond the horizon. It was a relatively small island and few vegetation.

“How did I get here?” I immediately blurted out. Hearing myself asked gave me realization of how stupid the question was. She claimed to be one of the weavers of fates. And she’s showing off… “I see you’re starting to get a good grasp of the situation. I’m sure it can take a while to get used to.

I brought you out here because your room stinks.” Destiny commented as she showed a disgust face. I forgot she could read what goes on in my head. “Ok… what do you want from me?” I recalled what Destiny said earlier. I start to recover from the earlier shock. She was a meter away from me and approaching, yet, she proceeded slowly. She flaunted her feminine figure which I couldn’t help but notice. I sat there as she advanced anticipating.

She knelt down and our eyes made contact. Our heads were close. She hasn’t broken the silence yet. This made me more conscious of my own heart beating fast. Destiny didn’t break eye contact which made me more uncomfortable. She leaned her head forward. Just as I was about to expect a quick kiss, she proceeded to move her head to the side and whispered.

“I want to make babies with you.” With the most seductive tone I have ever heard in my life. Destiny suddenly backed away and stared at me with serious eyes.


“I think you humans call what I recently did as joking.” Destiny replied teasing.

“You don’t do these kinds of jokes in these kinds of situations!” I replied. The revered image I had for the one of the weavers of fates went away with the air. For such an occupation and circumstance, she would have the nerve… “I needed to break the ice.” Destiny laughed. It certainly did work. I suddenly felt more at ease talking to her now.

“Okay… so what exactly is this about?” I consciously tried my best not to sound alarmed. Destiny sat next to me. She looked at me with serious eyes. “I want you to…” Destiny said slowly and built up a serious tone. “To?” I felt my expectations being raised.

“Look at my panty.” Destiny said flatly.


“It is cute and pink.” Destiny stood up once more and started to lift part of her skirt slowly exposing her thighs.

“What the hell…” I was beginning to be annoyed. Destiny laughed while covering her mouth. She did it while trying to look cute and carried it well. I couldn’t help but feel mixed emotions. At one end, I was annoyed and on the other finding her tolerable.

“You are quite boring character Timmy. ” Destiny ceased her laughs. It was difficult to tell if she was serious about her remark.

“How should I even react? The situation… this whole thing to begin with… you” I furrowed my brows and attempted to explain. “Things are going to get weirder now that you got me around. I’m here to help you live the life of adventure that you always wanted.” Destiny puffed out her chest with a grin. The sound of waves meeting the shore filled the interval as I thought for a moment. “Why? And why me?” “Because I can, that’s why.” Destiny said promptly.

“Huh?” “Isn’t this what you’re asking for?” Destiny placed her hands on her waist. She looked at me like I was the one being weird.

“Yeah but… how are you going to do that?” I stood up patting off the sand from my shorts.“Well as an agent of fate I can reconstruct your destiny according to what I orchestrated.” Destiny explained.

“While I do understand that that is possible, what I do not understand is why you want to help me? I don’t see anything that you can benefit from me.” It is difficult to believe the one of the hands of fate decided to intervene out of the goodness of their heart. “I’m helping you out of the goodness of my figurative heart.” I have got to keep in mind her ability to read my mind.

“But why?” “Because I can, you’re boring, you need it, and I’m bored. Pick any reason among the things mentioned and it’s still good enough for me.”

“I still don’t get it.”

“You’ve heard stories about deities intervening with mortals. Consider this event as one of those circumstances. There’s no need to ponder on it much. We’ll be together long enough for you to understand boredom to me is benefit to you.” Destiny maintained the casual tone. Her answer begged more questions I doubt will even do make sense when she starts explaining further. She was not being clear but then again, should it be my place to question this blessing?

“But why me again?” I tried for the last time.

“I want to make a good story out of you.” Destiny replied.

“So how am I supposed to help you with that?”

“Finally, we’re getting somewhere. I’ll come up with all the opportunities you could never dream of possibly getting involved in. You will just have to react to what I dish out.” Destiny gave another cryptic response.

“It would be nice if you start being clear about what you intend to happen.” This had suspicious written all over it. “I am being clear about what I intend to happen. So can I count on your cooperation?” Destiny grinned.

“Do I have a choice?” I was reluctant to know I did not. “Of course you have a choice. Your destiny is not set in stone. Your free will still counts.”

“To make things short, whether I consent to this or not, you will start making my life more complicated.” It wasn’t much of a fair deal to begin with after all. I eyed Destiny skeptically.“I wouldn’t call it complicated. I think ‘exciting’ would be a better word to describe it.” Destiny explained, seeing me looked at her unconvinced, she continued

“Well that’s one way to put things into perspective. Think about it, some people don’t get the chance to have this kind of talk even on several life times. I think it is best that I have your cooperation still.” Destiny said businesslike.

“Ok, could I call you Des instead? Destiny doesn’t seem to be a low profile name.”

“You may Timmy.”

“I didn’t give you permission to call me that. My name is Timothy.” I asserted.

“I don’t need your permission. However, it’s nice to see you assert yourself a little more. You’ll need that in the future.” Des replied.

I’ll need that in the future?

“Yes, I think it’s best that you discover things on their due time.” Des replied to my thoughts. “We should have rules in this relationship. We could start by not trying to get into my head.” I was starting to get annoyed with the invasion of privacy. The awe of chatting with someone like Des was starting to wane. “I do what I want and when I want Timmy. Know your place. Hmpf!” Des sternly asserted.

“Ok then… so what do we do now?” I stood up surveying the beach again.

The heat of the sun was starting to scorch my skin. Des flashed a mischievous grin. Her expression raised the hairs on my skin. The wide grin stretched from ear to ear with parting flesh in between. The facial muscles on her cheek exposed in gore. The haunting grin never faded.

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics



Future twist, this is Destiny's other form:

Epic post @adamada. Enjoyed reading it.
I didn't expect a bit of moe and tsun here. Great writing and story too.

I wrote it during a phase in my life where everything was rainbows and butterflies. Thank you Jazz. The story will get darker and darker. At least that was the plan before I dropped it.

Oh, that would be a twist to look forward to indeed. Looking forward to be surprised and awed. Hope time and your muse permit you to continue this story. Cheers bro.

Thanks bruh for joining the contest. Hmmm this is the main reason why I do love to read the fiction category with some supernatural things.

From a snow white cat to a girl. Haha Des already captured me. Though I did search for the nsfw content 😂 jk.

If you will have the time to continue the other chapters I will definitely read those.

May nanalo na! Masyadong ginalingan! 😍

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