~FFF~ Safety Meeting Sausage Fest ~FoodFightFriday~

in #fff5 years ago

70!! Round 70.... What the Cracker Jack?!?! We have been sending food flyin' for 70 weeks?!? Is that some type of record for an ongoing food fight? If it isn't, then is should be!! I want to first send a big thanks to all those that have voted and all those who participated last week for Round 69. It was a great turnout and WOW I need to get a new notebook to write down ideas... wait... it's the Coolest Kitchen on the ... Blockchain all I have to do is search the #fff whenever I’m in a Food Flingin’ rut.

First my Apologies for being slightly late to the Arena. I mean when you have company safety meeting like we do, you need a day to recover... or two. The CEO threw it down with a Sausage Festival for our monthly safety meeting. He supplied all the sausages and the employees brought desserts and sides that were judged and prizes were awarded. Now that is what I call a fun place to work.

These Cranberry Christmas Cakes Were... AMAZING!!

Typically at our monthly safety meetings there are always some snack foods lined up on the table in the break room. So before you find your seat, you swing in and get you a plate of dips, fruits, and veggies to snack on. Shoot, sometimes there is a full blown breakfast!! Make yourself a breakfast burrito and get your grub on, then have some snacks. 😏 By the time lunch rolls around, you are not too hungry.


Plus there is always a birthday cake on the table to celebrate the birthdays for the month... or just to satisfy the sweet tooth.
I keep my distance... sometimes

If you are not of fan of eating in front of people then you wouldn’t want my seat. You see my fellow employees voted me into the Safety Commitee. When you are voted in, you have no say in the matter.

Welp, your fellow employees have spoken and you have won a front row seat in the Safety Meetings

So here I am sitting up front, bite after bite, plate after plate eating in front of everyone. I always get remarks like:

How many plates have you had?
Where do you put all that food?

Hey I can’t help it, I like to eat. I made my first trip down the food line and filled up my plate with some tasty items!! Let the feast begin!!

Yep, that’s a bowl of chili alright

I may or may not have gone back for seconds. :whistling and looking to the sky I’m one of those that could sit and munch on various kinds of dips and snacks forever!! With a table loaded like this I was in some big trouble and a food coma was eminent.


Ok enough about me and these sides and desserts, let’s get into this whole *Sausage Festival Safety Meeting. Ok, so when it comes to Sausages, I had no idea they could add such ingredients to them. These are like gourmet style or something. All fancy smancy and what not. These sausages are all made here locally and not just some mass produced sausages you pick up on the super market shelves. We are talking Top-Notch high quality Sausages here!! Kind of like the hand-made quilts on The movie Happy Gilmore

Here are the Sausages on the Menu for the Safety Meating Sausage Festival

I really wanted to try them all... except the veggie... I just don’t have the tastebuds for that. A fellow carnivore grabbed one on accident and his reaction was priceless!! HAHAHAHA No offense to you Veggie lovers but it’s an acquired taste and when you aren’t expecting it... ya it’s a surprise 😉 Anyway I had a few more sides and desserts that I still needed to devour. I chose to go with the Elysian Superfuzz Blood Orange Beer Brat. Did you check the ingredients in that thing!!! Here, let me get it for you and make it more legible and up in your face...


Wait a minute.... looks who is out there slavin’ over the hot grill... that’s right, the Managers of the different departments and the CEO. Is this how it is normally suppose to work??


Alright it’s time to enjoy my last plate of food. I picked the sausage with the most ingredients and it better be good. I am just having one, even though I would like to try some others I am cutting myself off at 1. With some Horseradish Mustard on one side and Stone ground on the other this should add just the right touch of spiciness for me.


Welp, I am gonna go ahead and say it, this is the best brat I have ever tasted. It had a slight hint of orange flavor and along with all those other ingredients.... it was Amazing. Then I had to indulge in some more of those sides and sweets. Don’t worry, I don’t feel guilty one bit!!


Check this tasty little snack out, a deviled egg with zucchini relish on top. The guy who made them said I had to try at least one. So I did, then I may or may not have had another... and another...


We had such a great time eating everyone’s homemade family favorites. Many of which I have never heard of, let alone stuff my face with. I am not one to typically go around rubbing things in but... I do have to say I am pretty blessed to be employed by such a great company that employs a great bunch of people. The Company Christmas party is just around the corner. Now that is a great time right there.

Food always has a way of bringing people from all kinds of backgrounds together. Vegan, carnivore, it doesn’t matter, we put all differences aside and enjoy each others company and...



Until Next Time...

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Wow, what a great gathering. When I was still working we had a big "Employee Appreciation Day" and all the dept. managers, as well as the upper management did all the cooking. It was mind blowing, soooo much food. Grills going all day. Sides galore and deserts to die for. It's nice to be appreciated and there's no better way to say thank you, than serving good, free food. hehe
Nice post @jlsplatts.

Yes, Food always wins over the hearts of men, women, and children. 😉


That's a safety meeting not to be missed. CEO cooking and not just sitting around waiting to be served like a big shot, unheard of. You're so right when you say you're a lucky guy to be employed by such a great outfit.

Man, he is in jeans, tennis shoes, and a sweatshirt with a Santa Claus looking beard. Guy is super laid back!! Shoot he brings his little dog to the office sometimes lol
I am telling you how I got this job was one of those things like, "That doesn't just happen" Put a little faith in the man upstairs and he will show you what's up. I applied for this company almost 2 years prior to me moving my family back closer to our home town. I had a couple interviews at different outfits lined up and was hoping for he best.
Then out of nowhere I get a call from the HR lady asking if I was still interested in working there. I said YES and she said just bring the application with you to the interview... I went back to California for 2 weeks and the rest is history...
God Bless!!!

Sorry, recovering voting power 🐹

Goodness gracious me! There's so much food here plus all those delicious sausages to choose from, it's a wonder you manage to have a meeting at all as I'm sure some will end up in a food coma st these meetings! Yummy foods!

Wow, can I come to your safety meetings? Perhaps bring family and friends , lol that is enough food to feed an army @jlsplatts. Serious sausage safety meeting my friend. Nice employer, no wonder you enjoy working for them! Excellent!

You said slightly late when you were actually a whole day late—that one’s gonna cost you my vote, pal!

Congratulations on the reward here dude, I don’t think you would’ve acquired it had it not been for the sausage fest part. “Kitten fests” or “kitty fests” aren’t typically a crowd favorite.

You’ve initiated a really cool thing here @jlsplatts, it’s always something to look forward to on Fridays and gives everyone an extra reason to enjoy some cooking time which typically involves friends and family. Pura and I have, on several occasions, been like “ooh! It’s Friday and I don’t have a contender... better find a restaurant—stat!” Thank you for that, really. 👍🏿

Question. I feel like a big dumb dork sometimes when I’m hovering the restaurant table snapping pictures of my future contender—what do the brothers say about you? And have you nudged them toward Steemit?

#satire <— Because I’ve been steadily gaining enemies for just being myself around (go ahead any verify my downvote record anyone who questions that sentence) here and, as lame as this is going to read, I almost feel inclined to let all of the soft skinned, panty wearing, internet boo hoo’ing, F’ing cry baby sissy’s know I shouldn’t have to tag #satire under every.single.thing I say—buncha “kitty’s.”

I do the same thing when it comes to Friday... er maybe Saturday morning... guilty!!! “Crap!! I need to a contender!!”

I have tried mentioning Steem to a couple of the guys but they just wanna stick to consuming Facebook narratives and having Twitter battles with lib-tards... oh did I just type that???

Food Fight Friday’s are so laid back and versatile. Just anything about food. No strict rules or guidelines. Just don’t be on a blacklist, don’t use bots and copy other people’s work. Easy enough.

Work potluck! Yes, got to be a fun place to work.

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