Vegetable Stew for #fff (by God! I got it on the right day this time☺)

in #fff5 years ago

This was actually prepared yesterday
Since I have an upcoming medical procedure that I am getting some
VERY mixed messages about, one of them being that I should have
Frozen meals prepared (or bought) to be used during my recuperation
Included with the ↑↑above↑↑ pictured ingredients were all the green
Tops of the celery which most people throw away, which were left over
When I chopped the whole stalk of celery (see post from last week)
Using the slicer device.
Also, one length of Italian Sausage (raw, cut into 1" segments, lightly
Braised in the pot before adding the other ingredients), a generous
Portion of sliced, white button mushrooms I had bought for salad,
But which weren't getting used, and some dehydrated onion flakes.
So at present, this is my freezer
I have at least half the pot of stew unfrozen in the fridge.

And That's The Truth

"Vegetable Stew for #fff"

Jerry E Smith

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

Self Portrait from about 1978


Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 41
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck

Yay 👏👏 you made it! Happy food fight @jerrytsuseer. I love all stews, soups and chili’s. They are perfect to prepare ahead of time pulling them out of the fridge or freezer as needed. Good luck on your upcoming surgery. God bless you and all that is to come. Nice to know during the healing process you’ll be eating well though :)

Absolutely love stew, and leftovers now we're talking my language.
The best part about leftovers is that it involves very few dishes.

Funny Story there, I've had a lifelong habit of 'self-imposed dyslexia' in that to
Simply amuse myself, I will turn words or phrases around and pronounce them
While on duty in the Air Force, a commander was eating out of a tupperware bowl.
Knowing my penchant, when I asked what it was he was eating, he replied:
"Oh it's a favorite around my house srevotfel.(pronounced srev OT fel)
He was of Russian descent, and an LDS member to boot, so it went right
Over my head, he had just turned leftovers around backwards
He was cracking up at me trying to figure out what food he was eating.

Srevotfel for me this weekend as my wire is back in New Jersey visiting with our children and taking care of some business.
You mention LSD member to boot, not sure what that means @jerrytsusser.
Very funny story and kind of cool to have your commander let his hair down and crack a joke, sounds like a cool dude, despite being your superior.

and an LDS member to boot (NOT LSD)
LDS = Latter Day Saints = Mormon

Alright! Check out who made it to the kitchen—great to see you again, @jerrytsuseer.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you @dandays, I will most likely not be doing any more for quite a while
My Surgery is Monday, my freezer is already almost full, and I've got stuff
In the fridge that will go bad before I can eat it as it is now.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.💓

From what I counted, your medical procedure is on Monday? I'm thinking you're on the right path - preparing as many meals as you can frozen or refrigerated so you can just re-heat... No cooking or heavy cooking after...

Take care... All the best-test - and as mentioned earlier, hope you'll be back 101% after! :)

Thank you so much my friend. Yes, I am waiting (not too patiently) for them to call
And tell me the TIME of the surgery on Monday.
They are supposed to do so today some time, then I will have to make arrangements for transportation there; I have a ride back already

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