Friday Night Eats! | Kombucha, Care Packages and Grillin’ Kobe!

in #fff5 years ago (edited)

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What’s up my Friday Night Foodie friends!

It’s hard to believe the weekend is here and it’ time for another rousing round of @foodfightfriday! I’ve been cooking up a storm this week between planning for travel to Denver and preparing a fun holiday care package for my daughter @mountainjewel! I almost forgot today was Friday!

I finally finished the last treat this morning…

an amazingly chewy gooey chocolatey treat. I know she’ll really love this one. I can’t bear to send a package without a little bit of chocolate, right? Take a look, just a little sneak peek with more details to come!
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All wrapped and ready to go…

We headed to the post office before they closed. The Marco Island Post office is amazing, definitely the most helpful and friendly postal workers I have ever worked with. I’ve actually watched them help customers pack and tape their boxes!! They’re amazing, they love their job and it shows.
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Back at the Birds nest…

I realized we were low on Kombucha Tea. We love our tea!, it really helps promote a healthy gut! In fact I’ve upped my Kombucha production to two gallons each time, lol. With lots of black, a cup of sugar and oh so hot water we were ready to begin. I’ll have to let this cool until tomorrow morning. I wouldn’t want to kill the scoby with hot tea!
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By this time…

I was thinking about dinner, I realized yogurt with granola was all I had eaten today. No, I didn’t try one of those chocolatey-licious treats. (Mr. Bird is my taste tester, giving it a big old 9 out of 10. Not bad, not bad) Anyway, I thought a crunchy cole slaw would be nice and especially quick to make. The dressing is so simple to make, mayo, apple cider vinegar, a dash of maple syrup and seasoned with salt, pepper and celery seed. A little shake shake and voila, it’s perfect! No need to buy it at the market, make it yourself!
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A few of you may remember the Steemit sandwich contest…

We used to make crazy sandwiches each week. I miss that weekly ritual (although my waistline does not miss it!) It occurred to me today #fff would be a perfect reason to create a favorite sandwich! I pulled out the Organic Kobe burger, Ciabatta bread and hit the grill!

Don’t forget the Wickles Dirty Dills…

Oh my, if you haven’t tried these pickles yet, you must try to find them. The Wickles family of pickles includes pickled Okra, Sweet, relish and these amazing dills. Burgers are ready, time to stack it up! A little Mayo, mustard, onion, fresh tomato, and topped with Feta!! I know my friend @puravidaville will love the Feta!

Grab a fresh glass of Kombucha, kick your feet up and enjoy!

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What a perfect Friday night meal! I can’t wait to see what my #fff friends are cooking up tonight! Thanks to @foodfightfriday for hosting this fantastic weekly foodfest! If you haven’t stopped by please do, the more the merrier!

And as always, blessings to you all!



Thanks for the suggestions on making your own dressing. Your chocolate treats must be a big hit when they arrive at your daughter’s house.

I chuckled when you said Hubby is the taster as mine does the same. They always say the right thing. 😂 ♥️

hehehe, I know! I am so blessed to have him, he does enjoy being the taster, thats for sure, lol Sending care packages is such a gift, it's my way of sending love to my daughter :) Thanks @redheadpei :)

Kombucha... I've heard so much about it recently... also from extended family members! It does look like quite a healthy drink, is it difficult to make?

It is so good for you @bengy!!!! So easy to make, you wouldn't believe it! I have posted about making it before, feel free to ask any questions. Your family would love it and you're right, it is so amazing for gut health :)

Thanks... I just looked up the scobi thing... it looks gross!

What are you trying to do, win 2 in a row? Those cover images aren't gonna save you this time!! Yet maybe that Kombucha will... or that tasty chocolatey, crunchy dessert will.... Good Greif... We all are doomed!!!

hehehe, well I realllllllly needed a burger tonight @jlsplatts, so I thought I would just share it with you! :) Hope you enjoyed it! As for the chocolate, one can never have enough chocolate! Thank you for your sweet comments, Cheers to another amazing week of #fff!!! You guys are amazing!

Congratulations @birdsinparadise! This post was selected by the Power House Creatives as today's Rally Upvote Post :)

You can find the community announcement on Discord :) and it has also been shared on our FB Page and Twitter feed.


Awww thank you @theluvbug :) You're the best, thank you for choosing my post for the Rally Upvote Post!!! What a sweet surprise!

This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a resteem to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!


In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie


Love my PHC community :) So much love and support, I am so thankful to be a part of this great group! Thank you for the curation, truly appreciated!

Oh that sandwich does indeed look scrumptious!!!! As for the chocolate treat, I doubt I would have been able to exercise the same level of restraint haha!!!

hehehe, I rarely eat the desserts, believe it or not!!! My husband on the other self control, lol I make these treats for family! The sandwich, now thats another issue, I gobbled it up in no time! Serious weakness.. lol So glad to hear from you, thanks @jaynie :)

hahaha I have been doing this intermittent fasting for some time now, but really fell off the wagon in the last two weeks and it shows... decided to get myself together this morning and begin exercising the restraint I was doing because I felt a LOT better! As for the sandwich... yeah, I am a total sucker for a good sarmie too!

I would love to do fasting but I'm too weak, lol I know it's good for you and my daughter does it occasionally, you're a true warrior for trying it :) You look amazing, but I know when you feel off, nothing feels good! Going into the holidays, we have to be in top form, no restraint happening then, lol Thanks @jaynie! Take care!

hahaha I knowwwwww!!! I am dreading the holidays.. a whole years hard work pooof gone like magic LOL!

Oh, I miss those weekly sandwich contests!!! I think you should restart it! It was always such an amazing piece of artistry!

I must say that I love slaw on almost any sandwich (well, ingredients define whether it will go!) but, that added crunch is delicious to me! Kombucha tea and those amazing pickles...

I'm in!!! This was another amazing creation! Thank you always! I hope you have a safe and wonderful trip!

Happy Thanksgiving!

!tip .20

You are amazing @dswigle!!! I have missed you, I'm so glad you're back! :) I too miss the weekly sandwich contest ( as I said waistline not so much, lol) The coleslaw, well I could just have that for dinner!! You are so kind, I smile each time you comment, thank you for your kind words, it means a lot! You're the best! Big plans for the holiday? I would love to hear what you're cooking up! xx

I am sure your daughter will love receiving the box, and wow thats great self control not having any of the chocolate treat,

that sandwich looks so good

Thank you @tattoodjay! Surprisingly, when I bake I don't eat! I taste along the way for flavors but I wait to hear what the family thinks :) I did indeed eat the sandwich, lol Glad you enjoyed!

I still think that must take great self-control, I know I would have to try one to see what they are LIke LOl

have a great week

I got watery mouth with this delicious sandwich, I really love sandwiches, they are my favorites, although lately I avoid them, the bread inflates me like a balloon hahaha.

hehehe, thank you @fmbs25, glad you enjoyed the sandwich. As for the bread, it totally get that! I have found gluten free breads don't make me feel that way. Unfortunately I haven't mastered baking my own gf bread. If I get it figured out I'll let you know, lol Its well worth the effort :)

You have a nice life, all that lovely food, nice post.

Thank you @wales, I am truly blessed :) I appreciate your kind words! Blessings!

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