
in #father6 years ago

Well, it was bound to happen but I didn't think it would start so early!

My oldest daughter (almost 7) and I have been seeing posters for the 2nd Incredibles movie all over the place and she has been pretty keen to watch it. To tell the truth, so have I, I love these animated films, and I've been keen for the kids to grow up so that I can just go and watch the films with them! I can't believe that it has been over a decade since the first one was released in 2004!

Anyway, my wife had a go at me for always trying to get the kids to watch movies way before their age (I tried out Monsters Inc when the oldest was four, and that didn't go as well as I thought it would....). Anyway, she thought that The Incredibles 2 would be way too much for our daughter to watch, but I didn't think so...



So, imagine my surprise when I came back home from a work tour... and my daughter tells me that they watched the Incredibles 1 on Netflix whilst I was away! Oh the pain of betrayal! I thought I was going to have to sneak in that father daughter viewing of Incredibles 1 when my wife was out of the house!

Anyway, it did mean that I could catch up on the first Incredibles movie in my own time before taking my daughter to the real big screen to watch the second movie! The real treat!


I really thought that I had this in the bag! My wife took the oldest to a movie last week where they saw "De Kleine Heks" (The Little Witch), another animation movie in Dutch that I wasn't too interested in. I thought that the next time, I would be taking her to Incredibles 2.

However, one of her friends (the one that she grew up with at the creche) asked her to go to the movies yesterday. This friend is totally terrified of movies, so I didn't really think it was going to go through... however, it did... and when I dropped her off to her friend and the mother of the friend, they said that they were going to see the Incredibles 2!


WAAAAAAAHAAHAHAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!... I think my daughter knew that I was a bit disappointed, she did tell me that she would see it again with me, so that I wouldn't have to see it alone by myself!

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Sounds like a CK2 family plot there:))

Die kleine Hexe, is a famous book by Ottfried Preußler.
Just to throw in some information

My kids are pretty familiar with the book, but I"m not... for some reason it hasn't been part of my reading rotation and mostly my wife gets that one! Although, we do the Dutch version....

Haha I have things like this coming soon for me.

Get in first! Fire the first shot!

Awwww... Your girl is so sweet to notice that you were disappointed! I know you feel rejected but this was quite a light post to read about you as the father who wants to really watch a show with his girl! I watched it with my 3-year-old boy too, he could enjoy it in the cinema. It's nice!


She is quite sensitive! I got to get in earlier next time and beat her friends to asking her to the movies!

lmaooooo poor bengyyyy!!! the last photo you picked was classic, ill be laughing at that for days. im so sorry for your loss on that one. just think you have more movies to share now that shes open. why not share some of the movies you loved as a kid? hugs, eagle

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Ha ha! Glad you liked it and that it gave you a chuckle! I just need to be faster with the asking to movies than her friends!

So what's wrong with watching it by yourself? It's legal you know.

Oh no, in the EU it is illegal to go alone as you are taking up an odd number of seats which prevents the most efficient packing of people into the theatre, this is the EU Directive 26816c on Theatre and Cinema regulations.

...I don't like going by myself....

Oh, shame. There's no loyalty any more!

Ha ha. Love the Incredibles. And watching movies with the little ones.


No loyalty, society is crumbling!

I love watching kid's movies, especially these animated ones! They really are incredibly well done, there always something for both kids and adults!

My son loves movies. As soon as he got his license, he'd take his sisters/brother out for "birthday dates" to movies. He even drags me along from time to time (really the ONLY time I go to movies is if he takes me!)

There was one point when he and his sister Paris were going to see the midnight new release of their favorite series... and then Paris had plans with her boyfriend (of several years) to go to a graduation ceremony of his that was really important. She was literally in tears trying to decide which thing to go to! As it turned out, they all three went to the ceremony and then went to the movie together.

I'm sorry you got ditched for the friend! It happens, but you'll find your traditions (and maybe one of them will be certain movie series or whatever) and your fun things to do together and those will be your awesome memories. Raising kids is awesome :)

I HIGHLY recommend the tradition of 'birthday dates' because when they get older, they'll start taking YOU out for your birthday and you get more quality time <3

I loved reading a post from an involved dad!

That's an interesting idea of birthday dates! Sounds like a great way to build up some quality family time and traditions! Thanks for the suggestion, definitely going to suggest that.

That was so sweet of your daughter to offer a second viewing with you.

Three Gold Stars for that one!

Namaste, JaiChai

Yeah, she's a great kid! Always looking out for others!

How disappointing!! When mine were young, it was Toy Story; I couldn't wait to go the the theater to see all three of them :)

I remember the same sense of disappointment around camping. I used to take my two boys camping all the time, and the last time we went, they were teenager, both brought friends, and they all blew me off until the five of them needed to eat :)

I'm afraid this is the first of many @bengy ... sorry to be the bearer of that bad news!

Yeah, I know it is coming... I just didn't expect it to start already! On the plus side, that means more free time for me?

That is certainly the plus plus plus side of it all @bengy 😎

@lynncoyle1 & @bengy,

I used to take my two boys camping all the time, and the last time we went, they were teenager, both brought friends, and they all blew me off until the five of them needed to eat :)


Hunger is a powerful motivator and changes your perspective on everything.

I'm a go-getter. If my daughter tries to pull any of that "I'm too old to ..." baloney, I go-get it ... multiplied by 100. Attention and love words from a daughter to her daddy is NOT something she gets to grow out of. Her girlfriends (whom I tutor) all know it too (misery loves company) ... if they don't give me enough attention, I turn up the heat. All of their parents have granted me the absolute authority to confiscate their cell phones. And I bloody-well do.

I blackmail them.

"Blackmail," you say, "is not 'responsible parenting.'"

Who cares?

"But they want their independence. It's part of growing up." I want a Starship named, "The Enterprise." Life's full of disappointments. That's part of growing up too.

It's all about the frame.

"You don't like my Dad-jokes ... perhaps you'd enjoy my rendition of 'I Will Always Love You.' Come on, let's sing."

At 17, my daughter remains very affectionate towards her father ... even in public.


hahaha I really was exaggerating @quillfire! I have very fond memories of sitting around the campfire, going for bike rides, waterslides etc. with all of them :) I realized that they deserved their "alone time" as well though!

This cool cat has never allowed herself to be taken advantage of ... that I can assure you :)

My dad's favorite thing to say, and in turn mine, was "Life is not fair. Get over it." :)

This friend is totally terrified of movies

Can't say I've ever heard of that particular fear before!

Yikes, 7 years old and already getting ditched? You older dads are scaring me with these stories of your daughters growing up so fast. Mine's not even born yet and I feel I've already missed out on some of the things I got to do with #1 (like read to my wife's belly and whatnot).

Her friend has always been a scared of movies, I think it is the dark and loud noises. One time she ran out of the cinema and onto the footpath outside the building!


Mine's seventeen. Don't sweat it ... there's a special bond between dads and daughters. Eventually, it will piss off your wife. :-)


Haha glad to hear! Should I give her a heads up too? 😛


No use getting yourself into trouble before you have to. :-)


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