Fasting Journal : I'm probably not doing OMAD correctly.

in #fasting6 years ago (edited)

Not that I mind.

For instance, I just finished my meal for the day, started with a piece of liver fried in bacon fat and covered with butter. While that was cooking I dished out some homemade sauerkraut and pickled peppers. When the liver was done I put it on the plate and put a piece of sirloin in the pan. While it was cooking I had the liver and some kraut, then went back to get the steak for my plate. While I was in there I put some bone broth on the stove at a low heat. Then I ate the steak and a chunk of cheddar with the rest of the kraut and peppers. Now I'm having the bone broth with nutritional yeast and collagen powder.

So that was either three meals or one, and it took about an hour all together. Fitday says I am a little low on calories and fat, so I might have a coconut fat bomb here in a minute.

We'll see how that works out over a few days. I kind of enjoy the process of going back in the kitchen for the next part of the meal. I know that many OMAD people talk about making a big plateful and then not eating any more, but I probably won't do it that way.

All images from pixabay or the original author unless otherwise noted.
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Have you been watching The Skinny on Fat summit? Today's people are talking a lot about different types of fasting and autophagy. It's up for about another 25 hours.

No, I hadn't heard of it until just now. Thanks, I'll check it out.

I don't understand these things enough to know if it matters how you do it as long as it's working for you? :)

I'm big on NOT doing it like someone says to do it. In almost everything, from religion to tying your shoe, I believe you should listen to others to learn the basic premise, then adapt the knowledge to your situation.

This is a perfect case. The basic premise is to disrupt the pattern of insulin generation so as to create a state conducive to autophagy and HGH production, while also (in my case) deregulating the insulin receptors to mediate insulin production. So any way I can slip in 20-120 hours of not eating, I'm in favor of it.

Honestly, as soon as "my" form of dieting has a name, I'm about to change what I'm doing.

I've found success doing OMAD, often with a 48-hour fast once a week. (Once, I went 5 days.)

Anyway, what works for me with OMAD is eating one meal until I'm full. I don't count calories; I just limit my carbs and eat natural, unprocessed, "real" food. Plenty of dietary fat and plenty of veggies, and some fruit. This keeps me healthy and at my maintenance weight.

It's also how I lost my 40 pounds in 2-1/2 months, and reversed my type 2 diabetes in less time than that. I'm happy with it. I've been maintaining since Easter of this year.

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