Fasting Journal, going for a longer fast

in #fasting6 years ago

Right now I am coming up on 72 hours of fasting and feel ready for a couple more days.

I am still allowing myself to change my mind at any point, not making a goal or a benchmark. If I decide to eat later tonight I will, but at this point I don't want to. It would be nice to go beyond 5 days, because that would beat my recent attempts by one day. But it would also be nice to make it past a full week, to beat my longest ever, from when I was a teen.

I'm still having vertigo, but I am 100% sure it's the inner ear BPPV stuff. Last night I must have rolled over wrong and woke up again completely disorientated. Anyone who has been following this journal (the few, the bored), might remember that I ended my last attempt at a longer fast because of a wake up call. I didn't describe it back then, but it was exactly this. I assumed at the time it was a blood sugar thing, and broke my fast immediately. I live alone and so I don't want to mess with a low BG coma.

Fortunately I have another PT appointment tomorrow, hopefully it will be the resolution of this unpleasant condition.

Whenever I do end this fast, I will probably do a couple day of 20/4 IF then go back to the 42/6, because that really seemed to be an easy plan for me. I worried about it because of the dizziness, but no I don't have anything to be concerned about.

That said, I might get a glucometer.

All images from pixabay or the original author unless otherwise noted.
Please try my Future History stories - Enmity
And my How to be a bachelor series


Just catching up with where you're at. Continuing the extended fast for as long as it feels safe and comfortable sounds like a plan.

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