
in #fantasy7 years ago


I am not a man. I am not a dog. I am not a wolf.

I am part dog, part man, and part Wolf! None of them yet all at once.

I am Wolfbrother!


Do you not know me? Do I exist in my imagination only or do I have a physical presence?

Perhaps I exist in the collective imagination of your race, perhaps I was borne in humanity's imagination eons ago on a cold dark night in a primeval forest? Perhaps I was born when the first wild wolf came near your bonfire tens of thousands of years ago and ate the first piece of fire-burnt meat you threw at me to keep me away? Or did you throw it to me to bring me nearer to you? To trust you? To become one of you?

Yes, I remember now. That was the night I was born.

That was the night when I stopped being a wild wolf. That was the night when the dog was borne inside me and became a part of me. It was much later that I realised it, but the spirit of the dog took shelter in me that very night and I was a mere wolf no more.



But I was far from complete. I was not yet Wolfbrother. I was part wolf part dog. I remained that way for thousands of years.

I became Wolfbrother the day I started running with you. The day when I became your family. I vaguely remember the day when I captured your spirit and imbibed it in me. I trusted you now and you trusted me. Many of my brothers became your most trusted friends. They became your dogs.


But I am me. I do not become your dog.

I invade your imagination. I hunt and run in your dreams. I am the one whose distant call sends a chill down your spine and your dogs run away from.

But I am not your enemy.

I am Wolfbrother.

I protected you for tens of thousands of years. I blessed your hunts, made your dogs protect you, stopped the wild wolves from tearing you apart.

Not all of you remember me now, almost no one remembers me really. I am an old and distant dream but there are your brethren who still talk to me in their dreams, run with me when they hunt.


I will always be. Whether you remember me is not for me to decide.

What is forgotten can again be remembered.

I will come in your dreams tonight.



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Damn, you sucked me in @svkrulze! Truly captivating. Loved the spiritual essence of this post. Makes me look at my dog and wonder who is more of the wolf...her or myself?

May be both of you are... You have to run together in the wolf dream to figure out

I always fear the wolf...it very dangerous animal.I seen their ferocity in Hollywood movie.

It's funny, we all have heard that wolves were the first domesticated animals, and became our current dogs. But I read something recently where some people have flipped that idea on its head. In other words, that wolves had somehow domesticated man.

I'm sure it's somewhat of a two-way street.

Oh wow!!! That's an interesting take. In the wolf dream this is possible but I never thought of it that way in the physical plane

Interesting. Evolution, personified :D

Oh yes, evolution and imagination

Shouldn't it be one third man, one third wolf and one third dog,

I am Wolfbrother, I do not do numbers

This is beautiful @souvek. Very creative and descriptive. Well done ♡

Thanks Amy for visiting, appreciate that you liked it.

  • Souvik

Wow very descriptive and sort of an evolution. I am kind reminded of the wolf dreams in the Wheel of Time series with Peryn's character.

Great entry to my contest!

Oh yes, Perrin is Wolfbrother just like I am. I half thought of mentioning Perrin and some other stuff in the post but it would have spoiled it. I will write a separate article on some of the things I left out in this.

Yet again my head churns with the unclear and mixed feeling of something ferocious yet non fearful gives rise to the flames of curiosity.

Well that's a glimpse of state of my head, Yet again an interesting read just at the right time :)

You are almost in the wolf-dream...
Thanks for reading. Appreciate that you liked it.

I am wondering how did you come up with this. Is that the inner you? :/

Result of a lot of reading through the years, some wild imaginations and Mav's contest prompt :)

There are some Wolf movies that give me great pleasure, I like Wolf much, they are very cute

Haha I would say anything about a wolf other than cute, you seem to be a werewolf to me.

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