@familyprotection community is a priceless encyclopedia of useful world knowledge and practice about CPS activity and solutions of different family tragedies.

Today I've decided to make not practical, but analytical contribution with common characteristic, history and rules of CPS' activity that are so often ignored.


So, what are CPS and juvenile justice in general?

One of the tools for protecting the rights of children is the formation of a special procedure for juvenile offenders who committed illegal actions is juvenile justice. This is a special system of justice for minors.

At the "heart" of this system is the doctrine of "parens patrie", according to which the state behaves as a trustee or a responsible person for minors, protecting them from dangerous behavior and harmful surroundings.

The first juvenile court was established in Australia (1890), then these courts were established in Canada (1894) and in the United States (1899). Their example was followed by other countries, where in a short time there were national courts for minors.

Today, juvenile courts operate in more than 60 countries around the world.

The function of protecting children from family violence in many countries of the world is not carried out by law enforcement bodies in cooperation with the bodies of guardianship, trusteeship, local self-government, and specialists in social work. They have experience of constant and daily work with families in a difficult and even dangerous situation.

The social worker has the full legal right to bring to the culprits strict requirements. In the United States, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Netherlands, and Great Britain, social workers are empowered (up to the institution of a criminal case and petition for the alienation of the child from the parents).

Social work with victims of violence is based on the practice of warning. Any person on his own initiative can inform the social service called upon to protect children, or the police about an incident or suspicion of the fact of violence against a child in the family. Such messages are considered an elementary necessity.

As for doctors, teachers, trainers, educators, for them it is a direct duty. The message can be sent by phone, sent by mail, issued directly to the relevant institution within 24 hours after the incident.

The law provides for the inviolability of informing persons, the preservation of anonymity and confidentiality, as well as penalties for those who violate these rules.

Social workers investigate the case, within 48 hours, they come in contact with the police and medical staff in contact with the family (if the case is very serious - immediately).

There are such services around the clock and without days off. At the same time, the social worker discusses the information with the parents at home, communicates with the child, carefully observes their behavior, evaluates the real conditions of the family's life, contacts the specialists, teachers, neighbors, friends and relatives of the child.

Intervention is already defined as direct social work with the child and his family in a situation of severe stress caused by violence and ill-treatment. It includes the provision of specific services, psychological and social support, social therapy and psychotherapy.

The conclusion of the case suggests that the social service solves family problems for a certain period of time, namely from 3 months to 1 year, and during this period its employees should do their best to make the situation radically improved.

Only in the case when it is proved that no improvement is observed, and there is a real threat to the life of the child, measures are taken to isolate him.

But what do we have in practice??!

The unified world standard is the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted in 1989. States on its basis adopt national laws on the protection of the rights of the child, change family legislation.

Common European standards in the field of relations between fathers and children do not exist - family law is in the national competence.

In recent years protest actions have become very loud, both in Russia and in Europe.

Russians try to prevent development of juvenile justice, Europeans demand its cancellation.

In 2012, a whole group of lawyers from Sweden and Norway wrote to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Mr. Jagland. They were supported by teachers, psychologists, physicians and just indifferent citizens of these countries. They demanded to abolish the main postulate of CPS - the withdrawal of children from families.

This practice has existed since the beginning of the twentieth century and only in Sweden, more than 300,000 kids were taken away from families during 90 years!

Just a little later, the inhabitants of Germany also opposed juvenile justice. German Jugendamt is one of the cruelest CPS in the world.

Germany signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1990.

In 1992, the convention was ratified. In 1997 German lawmakers reformed the law on childhood, banning any degrading educational measures, in particular "physical and emotional violence".

In 2000, paragraph 1631 of the German Civil Code was amended, according to which in the education of children it was forbidden to apply "physical punishment" and cause "mental (trauma)".

Thus, the German legislation introduced such concepts as "emotional violence" and "mental (trauma)", and it was also recognized the predominance of children's rights over the educational rights of parents, that is, de jure Germany began to apply juvenile technologies in family policy

Analysis of Jugendamt activity in Germany showed that in 1995 only 23.4 thousand children were taken away from parents, but in 2013 the number increased to 42 thousand!!

80% of Germans are for the abolition of juvenile justice, as statistics says.

Analysis of the practice of child seizures in Germany showed an increase in the number of children seized from 23.4 thousand in 1995 to 42 thousand by 2013.

The picture shows statistics of taking kids away from families in Germany from 1995 till 2015

Now in Europe this movement subsided, but not because the Europeans have accepted it - just this problem in connection with the influx of migrants from Syria and other countries of Asia and Africa has receded into the background.

But in Russia, protests, on the contrary, become more and more active.

Only such activities and people unity against the common evil - CPS- can help to overcome it and preserve the independence of family and protection of children!





Thank-you @taliakerch for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

thank YOU, Friends!

How does one go about helping this cause? Seeing as I have very little physically to give, I thought I could give a piece of my mind to the cause in the form of an article. Would that be good enough for jownuntil I can donate eventually.

Isn't it amazing how laws can be defined so vaguely, allowing for redefining and speculation. How do you define emotional violence? One person might think one thing is emotionally violent where another might not be bothered. Jokes for example. A lot of people are triggered and can't handle it, calling it emotionally violent, others think it's funny. CPs is just another to get adults to come under heel at the threat of losing their child. And then if they can get the child in government care now they have just secured a guaranteed dependent of the state that will not disobey. They act as if this is to help children. It is not, at all. It is about control. The very idea of government implies force, and this is just another facet of the forced control st the threat of violence. In this case, the threat of violence to our children by kidnappong them and putting them with strange poeple while also kidnapping their parents and throwing their parents in cages like animals in some cases. Then if you want to get them back, guilty until proven innocent, you must throw wads of cash at them and jump through all their hoops, just once again indoctrinating the parent into the force control culture even further. How sad. How sick. This is a great cause. I would like to be of more help.

Funny thing is I still don't get why there isn't a massive movement against the atrocities of CPS. Apart from a few groups like @familyprotection, and a few people, the issue is still relatively subdued

I agree, there should be more vocal outrage. I think as the blockchain grows, more voices will be heard. People are afraid to speak out. I'm glad the @familyprotection initiative has given people a voice. @ironshield

and that is the main problem

That chart is sickening. Are we to believe that parents have gotten that bad, that quickly, that so many children had to be removed? I don't think so. @ironshield

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It is quite amusing to me that this problem is so deep rooted and there is hardly any voice being raised against it, unless I am not completely aware of but the very fact these guys are still going on with their disgusting acts means there has been no strong revolution against these practices of CPS.
@familyprotection is doing a great job by spreading awareness and bringing case by case to light. I have read even Australia is very high on these cases :-(

Australia? maybe, Europe sounds louder for now, but I'll read about Australia too, thanks!

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