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Isn't it amazing how laws can be defined so vaguely, allowing for redefining and speculation. How do you define emotional violence? One person might think one thing is emotionally violent where another might not be bothered. Jokes for example. A lot of people are triggered and can't handle it, calling it emotionally violent, others think it's funny. CPs is just another to get adults to come under heel at the threat of losing their child. And then if they can get the child in government care now they have just secured a guaranteed dependent of the state that will not disobey. They act as if this is to help children. It is not, at all. It is about control. The very idea of government implies force, and this is just another facet of the forced control st the threat of violence. In this case, the threat of violence to our children by kidnappong them and putting them with strange poeple while also kidnapping their parents and throwing their parents in cages like animals in some cases. Then if you want to get them back, guilty until proven innocent, you must throw wads of cash at them and jump through all their hoops, just once again indoctrinating the parent into the force control culture even further. How sad. How sick. This is a great cause. I would like to be of more help.

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