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RE: They Nailed Us

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

Oh my.. I am so sorry @snowpea but I do partially agree with the comment someone else left. Let me explain what I refer to ..Please take it as a caring advice because I really like you! <3
Although it may feel like a slap in the face, my feeling about the situation (after reading this post that contains once again medication abuse by your husband) is a bit different by now.
To me it feels like you are stuck in a situation, that you can't seem to find a way out of, because you still believe in fairytales.
I say this with the best interest though, to try to make you open your eyes because I feel like you should not be losing your children.
In your posts, and that also includes the one where you were talking about kicking him out, I see a pattern and I really feel like deep inside you know what you should do, to make sure you and the children will not be dragged down to the bitter end, but you can't let him go yet.

I couldn't either, although my ex was not a drug abuser at the time, he had a really bad drunk. But the important thing is, the patterns I saw after years in his behavior I recognize in your posts about your husband. And I must say since my eyes have been opened I have a strong nose for recognizing toxic relationships, and (sorry) I feel like this relationship is toxic for you.

Even if I am wrong, at this point I am afraid the only way to keep your children will be when you show them (CPS) that you are willing to cut the ties, go to a shelter together with the children, so your husband will be focussing on getting better. I know its not a pretty picture I am painting here, and I wish it would be a better one, but I wanted to comment anyway. I really hope you make the right choices and you will be able to keep taking care of the children, they need you !

Big hug..


Yes, even if we are wrong this is exactly what she needs to hear. She really needs to examine this relationship as hard as it could be for her. I also went through a relationship with my sons father who was also a drunk and that is why it is so easy for me also to see the traits of what I think may be happening here. My kids were never in jeopardy nor have my children or I ever been visited by CPS but that does not mean that our experiences we went through with someone that has similar traits as her husband can't be shared. I'll admit it was really, really hard to finally admit to myself that thinking I could help him was within my control and patience when it wasn't, it was his decision and when confronted with that decision he choose to continue to be a drunk.

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