The Why Behind CPS Abuse

in #familyprotection7 years ago

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Most if not all of the posts I've written as well as read here on @familyprotection have focused on what happens as a result of CPS and the abuses thereof. I want to take a little bit different approach- although it will touch upon issues I've written before- and focus on why. Nothing ever happens in a vacuum- there's a reason for everything and CPS is not different or exempt. I did my undergrad work in political science so I have a pretty good idea of how governments operate. So let's start off with what we know- two salient points... First, CPS was created as a response to an "epidemic of child abuse that was gripping America." Second, there is, was, and never has been an epidemic of child abuse in America. (This pertains to everywhere else in the world as well).

The people who make laws in government, from the president on down, live for the most part in isolation. The person closest to us, for example, is the representative from our legislative district... when's the last time you spoke to your own representative? How then would these people who spend virtually no time with their constituents know anything about an epidemic. It all comes down to access and access costs money... as it is with anything- if you want to get at the root of any problem, follow the money... and we have the best government money can buy.

The reason that legislators respond to crises, real or perceived, is because interest groups that can afford access tell them. In the case of CPS, it's the Children's Defense Fund. It's no accident that both the CDF and CPS were both founded at almost the exact same time (1973). I've written about CDF before, a group of old anti-war protesters left over from the 1960's... these are professional activists who like others of their kind despise America and everything that it stands for. They are Cultural Marxists who have in effect invaded many government agencies through NGO's such as the NEA (teachers union that controls the Dept. of Education). This is their strategy, to bring America down from the inside by permeating academia and the educational substructure as well as any government agency that addresses social issues (HHS).

This is part of an all-out assault on America and the values that make it strong. Strong families is what keeps America strong... This is a list of their goals...

-Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
-Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression.
-Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
-Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
-Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
-Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a “religious crutch.”
-Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
-Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
-Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

CPS is the tool by which this agenda can come to fruition. By infiltrating the schools and destroying the family as a social unit, they may succeed. Look at how the very definition of child abuse has evolved over the last 30 or 40 years. Now almost anything can be construed as child abuse. Moreover, now there's the nebulous concept of "neglect" which can include something as benign as a few dirty dishes in the sink. If you take a giant step back and take an impartial look at what's going on... removing children from a loving home over a couple of dirty dishes reveals an ugly ulterior motive.

There's really no other reasonable explanation for destroying families. These groups appeal to the greed of public servants- both legislators who need money to keep getting re-elected and corrupt state bureaucrats who get fat bonuses for in effect kidnapping children. American values have always represented hope throughout the world... anathema to Cultural Marxists and their minions. This phenomenon is not only peculiar to America, but is happening in Europe as well. If something doesn't happen, this isn't going to end well.

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Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.


Thank-you @richq11 for supporting @familyprotection

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A most welcome post, as the problem of 'why' is quite bewildering to anybody seeing the scale of abuse in the US and elsewhere. It's easy to say these CPS people are plain evil, there has to be more, as it is beyond me to understand how can someone rip a baby from its mothers' arms. Money is most of the times the real motive, just look at all the corruption in the world...not just child services...lots of horrible things are being done!
On the other hand, it's the big guys that stand to win most from this sad business of destroying families... the case workers actually doing the dirty work they earn their pay, maybe some bonuses. I don't think they make a fortune out of it and I ask myself why? How can they live with themselves? There are other jobs where you don't have to take a crying child away from his family...

Because they drank the kool aid! They, for the most part are evil. They all buy into the Cultural Marxist machine.

Excellent article - it hadn't occurred to me to ever wonder about the whys and hows of CPS' creation: to me they were just always the fearsome enemy. It makes absolute sense that it was created the way you described and we can see the evidence of these goals in the overall actions taken by the organization in general. Stepping back and looking at the trends in our other institutions like school and church makes everything fit perfectly. This is probably why renegades like firm homeschoolers seem to raise such an automatic red flag, or people who don't vaccinate their kids or do anything else that doesn't fit the established norm: because we're being moved along to a goal and if we move out of the herd, we're an anomaly that has to be instantly cropped off if possible. We must at all costs be prevented from raising anomalous children.

Like sheep to the slaughter! I found all this out because of homeschooling. CPS tried to take my kids at the same time I was teaching college!

Oh for goodness' sake. You were qualified to teach other peoples' kids past high school, but don't you dare teach your own. This kind of stuff makes my head hurt!

Isn't that a heck of a note? I have a MA in Econ. I did my undergrad in Poli Sci and was teaching a class in Social Sciences- kind of all the disciplines combined at a Jr College in Michigan plus I was doing guest lectures at CMU (my alma mater) in both PS and Econ. CPS shows up because some busy body drove by while my kids were outside during school hours and called... We also did Phys ed. I was outside supervising them.

Cute baby! I love them when they'e that age!!!

Thanks - I do love my cuddly babies!

I'm a native Michigander and we had a nosy neighbor call on us for exactly the same reason back in 1990 or so. My parents didn't have the same credentials, but thankfully we got out of trouble fairly easily and learned kids need to stay out of sight during school hours. Period. It's a sad state of affairs when innocent parents need to hide...

What part of Michigan? I went to Central Mich.

Hello @richq11

If there is a place or a continent in this world where kids are most abused, then it is Africa. The prevailing trend now is a sceneries where father impregnate his kid daughters.

Don't know what the world is turning into. God help all of us

Upv by

@eurogee of @euronation

I know... I did a series on Africa several months ago called Raping Africa. Kids in the Congo being forced to work the cobalt mines and that's just the beginning!

Oh really... I don't know you know and that was why I brought it to your attention. In national dailies in Nigeria, child abuse is a daily phenomenon. Damn!

I know... I have several friends here on Steemit from Nigeria... one does @steem-lagos

Thanks for writing this. People don't understand the term "medical tyranny" until they have children. People who wish to make alternative health decisions for their children are treated like criminals. Hospitals and doctors offices feel more like prisons. I actually did a report this week on a new bill in California aimed at treating homeschoolers like child abusers. We cannot talk enough about the aims behind state controlled education, the breaking up of the family, and the discrediting of religious institutions.

The educational establishment has been a part of the Marxist/Humanist takeover since Dewey. I've written about it. In fact I have a wealth of info about the Ed Dept from Dewey to the NEA

In the 1950's the Reese Committee congressional hearings, led by Norman Dodd, found that in the early 1900's the big tax exempt foundations of Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford got together and formulated a plan to take over the American education system via leverage through grants. Their objective was to push "oligarchal collectivism". They have been largely successful.

For more information on the history described see the video below:

They did a good job of it too... They fund the NEA who runs the Dept of Ed (started under Carter) it took them a couple of decades. They also "own" medicine- the medical establishment. It's a huge network that spreads through almost every aspect of life. I call it the Kudzu effect.

"when's the last time you spoke to your own representative? "

I've testified to the state legislature within the last year, you have to get involved, you are totally right. The other thing to consider is that social workers are among the lowest paid of civil servants, garbage men are paid a lot more. you get what you pay for, in addition to progressives trying to destroy every aspect of American culture and all of our institutions from within.

You're right- you have to be engaged. I was talking about federal reps- they're the ones that live in isolation and out of touch. Look at Maxine Waters, for example, she represents South Central- I doubt she's ever even been there.

There was a quote in a book I read... when asked why a senator had voted a certain way on a bill, he replied "I got a couple of letters from constituents- it's what they wanted."

My congressional representative lies and claims that he lives at his father's house, which is on the route where I walk my dog, I caught him on Thanksgiving one year picking up his dad and gave him an earful. Any of them are a phone call away, it is a pain in the ass to go to DC. They really do care about the letters and phone calls they receive, of course often they care more about the cash they get from lobbyists but if they keep hearing the same shit from their constituents they have to care about that, that has the potential to make them lose an election. I also had a situation where I heard about a local ordinance being proposed on the radio and got all pissed off about it but then I called the councilwoman who had proposed it and discussed it with her and it was misrepresented on the radio and actually a good idea, and then she knew what sort of things would not be acceptable going forward. For a couple of years the city was putting a portopotty across the street from my house and I tried to get rid of it calling different people for 2 summers but finally I called the mayor's office directly and the thing was gone in a day. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

In my book The Night Gods there's a line... A politician is only as good as the corporations that pay to get him elected.

Moreover, now there's the nebulous concept of "neglect" which can include something as benign as a few dirty dishes in the sink. If you take a giant step back and take an impartial look at what's going on... removing children from a loving home over a couple of dirty dishes reveals an ugly ulterior motive.


If activist of that sort have anything in common, it's that they always get too big for their britches. I wonder what would happen if they start cutting into military families. Vets have a powerful network all their own.

I have a feeling that they leave military families (active) but I'm a vet and they came after me. They're lucky they didn't actually try to take my kids out of the home, that's what the shooting starts!

All it takes is one go-too-far and they'll have an Easter Uprising on their hands...

Even better, the Battle of Athens, Tennessee, right here in this country

This is absolutely sound, I read the Communist Goals back in 2013 while making a research. Discredit the family, and make the family unit weak, was published in the Communist Goals Congressional Record, I have a physical copy of this list. The irony is that America has somehow fulfilled most of these goals despite being the one who revealed these heinous agendas. Money is the tool that is used to enact these evil agenda. Men sitting in the Dark, propagating their goals, it is a very webbed network, not just one country.

You need a crown Sir Rich for bringing this up! Thanks

I appreciate it... But I don't think I'd look good in a crown! This comes as the result of about 25 years of studying this!

Keep on with this great Job. You are already an inspiration to many, and your Labour will never be in vain.

That is quite the list but so true. Our legislators are indeed bought off and our voting is purely political theater to appease the masses. America is the last nation standing in the way of the New World Order Satanic elites. Yes they have been doing all they can to weaken it. Sad I wish more folks were awake to raise hell about this...while they still can. In the meantime families are destroyed and children's lives are abused...thanks to apathy and being dumbed down. Thanks for such a truthful and well said article.

Yes it's true because it's from their handbook... that's where I got it. Thanks, I keep hollering about it trying to wake people up. This isn't just a bunch of things happening in isolation but part of a huge coordinated effort!

Another example of government over reach. Using the emotional excuse of helping children.

Kids sell! Americans love kids- look at all of those ads for starving kids around the world. All you have to do is mention kids and Americans jump on the bandwagon (until it's their kids that gey snatched)

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