The War On Childhood & Gender Identity

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)


The Propaganda Campaign

Firstly I want readers to note, my approach to life is live and let live. This post is in no way a denigration of consenting adults lifestyle choices or sexuality, as long as everyone is happy and consenting then who am I to judge? The aim of this post is to highlight some disturbing societal trends and display my belief that this is increasingly destroying the innocence of childhood. From this perspective I will neither bow to any form of political correctness or stand idly by whilst the lives of children are placed on the frontlines of a societal re-education camp.

The trans community account for approx 0.3% of the population, although this can vary a little from country to country. This brings into question the need to raise trans and gender neutrality issues amongst toddlers and the other 99.7% of children. Once again I shall be clear that I abhor discrimination and I would never suggest that the small minority of trans children should be treated with anything other than love. Surely our time and efforts would be far better placed extolling the virtues of kindness, compassion and understanding to our children as opposed to teaching three year olds about gender fluidity??

Within this post I'm literally just scratching the surface of a multitude of changes that are shaping and changing the definition of childhood. The funny thing is that the majority of the LGBT movement are neither seeking of requiring much of what we see unfolding around us, they simply want the freedom to be who they are. When such a huge societal change happens universally and in perfect unison I see it as an agenda. These changes are not spontaneous and this level of co-ordination takes a high degree of planning.

Indeed in a world of increasing “inclusivity” children appear to have never been more unhappy (I speak in generalised terms) and confused. Mental health issues are soaring, gender identity issues are sky rocketing and children as young as three are self harming! Something really isn’t working. Obviously the concept of the nuclear family unit is not conducive to the Marxist agenda


Trans Confusion

Now this is a huge and one that as a banner is feeding many of the changes I'm going to speak about in this post. I have written about this before and have attached a couple of paragraphs below.

The psychology of childhood is an extremely complex and multi-faceted subject. It’s in the nature of children to seek recognition from parents and indeed society at large. As such I feel the hugely increased media coverage relating to the lording of trans virtues and subsequent school campaigns have a dual potential to cause confusion within the minds of highly impressionable young children. It's not just myself that's voicing these concerns, indeed leading academic Dr Joanna Williams has recently spoken out and stated that putting such policies into place only causes a greater number of children to question whether they are a boy or girl. Like I say consenting adults should be free to live the lives that they want but equally I feel these ideas should be kept from the minds of young children with whom 99.7% would never entertain such thoughts.


Gender Neutrality & Fluidity

Now if you'd told me ten years ago that concept of two genders would become a contentious and controversial issue I would have thought you insane, but here we are. We now have schools installing gender neutral toilets, refusing to call children boys and girls and refusing to call parents Mums & Dads. We have gender neutral classrooms and in Australia boys are being encouraged to dress up as girls in "non gender specific" free play. We now also have all major public institutions following suit including the NHS refusing to call pregnant women mothers and various armies are also going gender neutral.

Universities are downgrading students for using gender pronouns and releasing advice that students should be referred to in gender neutral terms such as ze. Gender fluidity books are now read in nursery and primary schools including one titled "are you are boy or are you a girl?". The scouts are now advising leaders to refer to children in gender neutral terms and the girl guides are allowing boys that identify as female to shower with girls. A private school in the UK is also now allowing students that identify as trans to switch dorms.

So following on from the drag queen story hour in the States this concept now appears to have gone worldwide. Indeed in London, drag queens have now been drafted in to speak at nursery and primary schools. The website states 'we aim to capture the imagination and fun of the gender fluidity of childhood while giving children a glamorous, positive unabashedly queer role model'. The Scottish Government (SNP) have been using tax payers money to pay for children aged two plus to receive lessons on sexuality, gender identity, gender fluidity and gender neutrality. Using a visiting performance artist dressed as a dinosaur called Gendersaurus Rex. This project asks “how do we talk about queerness outside of sexuality”.

Below is a copy of a questionaire that the UK government is sending out to pupils aged between 13-18, confusing?



The Erosion Of Parental Rights

The SNP are in the process of pursuing a law that will allow children to change gender before puberty and without parental consent. The Canadian Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act of 2017, or Bill 89: This bill stipulates that parents can be labelled as abusers if they fail to recognise their child’s chosen gender identity. So children aren't old enough to vote but they are old enough to make a decision that will alter their entire lives? Bear in mind that hormone blockers have numerous health concerns. One such drug named Lupron has been reported to give users serious long term debilitating health effects. The health effects of childhood hormone blockers include disfiguring acne, weight gain, high blood pressure, liver disease, thrombosis, and cardiovascular disease. Despite these concerns the lobby group "Trans Health" are now demanding free over the counter hormone blockers for children.

As I wrote in a previous post The SNP have also started a vastly unpopular scheme called the named person act. The named person act basically appoints a state official to look after every child’s wellbeing and happiness regardless of whether the children or indeed parents want this intrusion. The named person act gives the state a huge mandate to check up and speak to children without parents consent and even monitor what they eat, watch on TV and whether they have a say in how their room is decorated.

The school uniform is being changed to accommodate skirt options for boys and we have schools debating whether children should be allowed to use school time to (without the knowledge of parents) identify as this sex of their choice . We even have a school in Delaware debating whether to (again without telling parents) allow children to identify as the sex of their choice alongside the race of their choice. So in theory you could send your white boy to school whom once he arrives can identify as a black girl. Do people really think this is beneficial to children’s mental health?


The Subconscious Denigration Of The Family Unit & The Sexualisation Of Childhood

Running alongside all these huge societal changes is the denigration of both fatherhood and the family unit. Especially in children’s TV the father figure is often portrayed as a bumbling idiot whose children run rings around him. If you don’t believe me I defy you to find a single positive family image amongst the sea of crap that masquerades as children’s TV. Equally within TV and film the family unit as a rule is displayed as broken and often degenerate.

The media, film and music industries also seem very keen to share dubious mixed moral messages to young girls. One case in point is a fairly recent issue regarding the pleasures of anal sex in teen vogue magazine. When you bear in mind that their readership is between 11-17 years old you can begin to understand just how inappropriate this article is. There was also no health advice in this article and following an outcry from parents who wanted the article removed, the addition of a health warning was the magazine's only concession. The original article focused solely on breaking the taboo and highlighting how great it could be, there was no such health advice.

As recently covered by @aagabriel an increasing trend is childrens drag shows. I have no hesitation in saying that I find the entire concept vomit inducing!! Last year saw the debut of a ten year old drag queen at the S&M themed New York fashion week. The S&M theme continues with HouseofMann using drag children to model their fetishwear. These people belong in the cesspit! the problem is they're becoming increasingly emboldened by the societal changes I've highlighted and have started to crawl out of the sewer.


It's my belief that there are many societal and indeed educational changes that people are unhappy about, but due to the associated PC culture they feel unable to speak out. Equally, I feel that now is the time to speak out whilst you still have a voice to do so. Before we are swept away by some increasingly warped general consensus. If my post has disturbed you, then good .. you have a voice, use it. Speak now or forever hold your peace, silence is acquiescence.




Written by perceptualflaws
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Banner Gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth

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Ordinarily I’d post a long winded comment but this subject pisses me off so much I can’t really express how I feel with out a string of expletives.
This push into degradation needs to be stopped now, it’s gone beyond dangerous and sick.
It’s about time people woke the fuck up and said no more before it’s too late. In two generations this will be the new normal and those of us still around who don’t agree will be seen as the ‘sick ones’.
Time is running out to stop this being the norm to the masses.

Hey @tremendospercy .. Great to hear from you!! Hope the holiday is going really well!!

I feel what you're saying my friend, I do not enjoy writing these posts (I would rather be off exploring the paradoxes of the space time continuum) but I feel morally compelled to speak out. With regards to these issues the silence amongst the majority is becoming deafening and like you say, eventually this will become the new status quo. I fail to see how any of this is conducive to healthy childhood development and so that is why I've spoken out against it. Thanks for taking the time out to lend your support my friend, I really do appreciate it.

What in the actual fuck... How is this even a thing, like why is this happening. Kids never had this issue before, they were too busy being kids, running around playing. You don't need to know what gender you identify with when you're a kid, because all kids can do the same thing until they go through puberty.

Aside from that, gender is gender, you can't just say you are something you're not. It's all fine and dandy to have feminine qualities or masculine qualities, or to be attracted to the same sex, but you are still the gender you were born as unless you want a sex change.

Putting this crap into kids minds, having it front and center, making it a huge deal, these are all big mistakes. This kind of stuff can cause irreparable damage, and taking rights away from parents is not a good idea. All this is making me want to leave the country.

With this article following your previous one it is quite apparent that there is a silent war going on against the family unit. A war that people don't even see happening because small areas are doing things first, tv programming(that programs kids!) is changing to mask some of the message, like if parents just let their kids watch whatever they would never know if these "wholesome" shows are actually helping their child. I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure my daughter is given a natural upbringing, good food, good education, nature, play, and safety.

Thanks for taking the time to write these up, I really do appreciate it as I've taken some time off from watching the news and the conspiracy theories and digging into all the bullshit happening in our world behind the veils of "mainstream."

Hey my friend .. and to everyone reading this, I will be back to reply to this great comment and everyone else's .. my wi-fi was down last night so I'm catching on comments and work. I will be back.

Hey my friend, thank you for taking the time to read/support and leave a great comment .. I really appreciate it! It won't come as any surprise that I agree, it's my belief that many within this movement are projecting their own internal struggle onto the children. Equally many of the people behind this agenda are not trans and are actually the usual progressive p.c crowd, in fact there a fair few trans people speaking out about it. That said there are trans activists involved in getting this agenda into the school system. I think many are doing it for what they perceive to be the right reasons because they were bullied and had a terrible time at school. I can certainly understand why they would want to protect a child from said bullying but perhaps approaching childhood from such a negative viewpoint is not conducive to the benefit of the 99% of children that would never entertain such thoughts. As I've written about previously whether it's the p.c crowd or trans activists I fear they are simply being used destroy the fabric and foundation of society. There appears to be a multi-pronged assault upon many areas of humanity and I believe we're being manipulated towards a (Cloward & Piven style) order out of chaos situation.

I wrote the below on another comment but I think it also relates to yours:

Now it's within the nature of children to look up to and indeed seek recognition from adults. All of a sudden the virtues of "trans" are everywhere, It's on childrens TV, in school, in books and trans children are being lorded as stars on youtube etc. Obviously if children are seeking recogntion then it stands to reason that they may subconsciously begin to imitate these new "stars" .. I mean the same process has played out for generations with pop stars, celebrities so perhaps that statement isn't too much of a leap to make. Equally, from another perspective I feel many of the points I've highlighted in the post will cause confusion in the minds of young children that would have never even thought about the possibility of gender fluidity, I know I certainly didn't. I really don't care what consenting adults do, when it starts to trickle down into the schoolyard is when I feel compelled to speak out.

I think you're doing the very best that you can for your daughter, food and nature is so important and I don't think the importance of food in healthy brain growth and positive mental health can be over estimated .. it's absolutely key!

Thanks again for the great comment my friend, I really appreciate it!

Thank you for the great reply good sir!

The whole caitlyn jenner thing is ringing some bells on trying to influence our youth. That whole family seems to be pumped up for no true purpose, so there is probably some shadow purpose to them. Really everything popular seems to be bad for us, everything. People are profiting off of selling us things that are bad for us, then reinvesting the money to sell us more or create laws that take away our rights in ways. Pretty sad seeing as we're all one

It's creeping into movies too. Eg: That disgusting peace of trash that ruined Spider-Man and made me love The Amazing Spider-Man.

When I was a kid I wanted to be like a hero. Now heroes are such Zuckers that are actually worse and weaker than me in every regards except for super powers and plot armor

brilliantly researched. There are several aspects to this that are rarely mentioned, such as the chemical aspect and the war on natural hormones that is being pressed on not just children, but grownups as well, across the globe. and yet.... to even question this, is to open yourself up to instant attack by those who are so heavily programmed by the rhetoric and agendas that they cannot see the forest for the trees.

1 unfucker badge tiny.jpg

Hey @daniarnold thank you for taking the time to read and lend your support, I really appreciate it. Yes the chemical onslaught has been occuring for well over a generation, it's in absolutely everything and it's altering both gender and our ability to reproduce. Indeed male sperm counts are down nearly 60% in the last fourty years. After years of consuming hormone/endocrine disrupters that are altering our perception of gender and feminising men, I believe the results are now beginning to play out all around us. Equally this seems to being backed up by a large propaganda campaign, which hints at a high degree of planning. I did expand upon this idea in a previous post which I've linked at the bottom of this comment. Thank you for trying to make a difference @daniarnold

Thank you @perceptualflaws for raising this hugely important issue, which I think is at the heart of the elite's agenda to disrupt and destabilise human development for their own purpose.
Last summer the Telegraph reported a quadrupling of referrals on gender identity in young children between 3 and 7 years of age. This went from 20 in 2012/3 to 87 in 2016 in England.
There is nothing spontaneous in numbers like these. These children are experiencing something very new in their environment which is prompting them to display anxieties, sufficient for parents to seek medical assistance.
The other disturbing thing is that they are referred to the Tavistock in London, which has been described by some 'conspiracy theorists' as the 'centre for the control of global consciousness' and considered to be the precursor of programmes like MK ultra. (See Mind control - World control, Jim Keith book and interview video on youtube).
In your picture of the 'glamorous drag queen' reading to the children I was drawn to look at the children. Most of them were looking away and the one in front appeared to me to be uncomfortable. Perhaps the picture was simply staged whilst their attention was actually elsewhere, but why is any nursery associating a scarily painted face in a headdress of horns with glamour? What is going on in front of our eyes and dumbed down brains?

Hey @ricia thank you for another great comment, I really appreciate it. Yes, I noticed the rise, hmm I wonder why that is? A generation have been bombarded by hormone and endocrine disruptors (plenty of per reviewed papers on this) and now we appear to have a propaganda campaign that's perfectly timed to deal with said disruption. This campaign is worldwide, it's not isolated .. do people realise the amount of planning such huge societal changes take? These changes have been planned for and expected and now the fruits of their labours appear to be blooming.

What mind could ever think that being read stories by a demonic drag queen is in any way beneficial to childhood development? At the very best these people are deluded!! How can people think this is normal? Alas I feel it's another testament to our fall from grace. Thanks again @ricia

I am trying to bite my tongue in my responses to the Scottish government's consultation paper on changes to legislation on gender. At least you can save and edit which is just as well. Gives me time to think of a more diplomatic way of telling them they've lost the plot!
Do you ever feel that the world around you has changed beyond all recognition? I am in a constant state of disorientation nowadays. Even words no longer mean what they once meant. The pace of enslavement is definitely speeding up. Hive mind here we come.

Yes my friend, you have a very good way with words .. we must defeat them with common sense, politeness and eloquence. These are the weapons of the wise man that seeks to change the world, anger is the pathway to division .. now I'm sounding like Yoda! lol. Respect to you for taking a stand and becoming a voice of those whom are too young to have one.

In my opinion the Highlands of Scotland are one of the most beautiful places in the world!

I am trying to bite my tongue in my responses to the Scottish government's consultation paper on changes to legislation on gender. At least you can save and edit which is just as well. Gives me time to think of a more diplomatic way of telling them they've lost the plot!
Do you ever feel that the world around you has changed beyond all recognition? I am in a constant state of disorientation nowadays. Even words no longer mean what they once meant. The pace of enslavement is definitely speeding up. Hive mind here we come.

This is a well-researched and considered post about a difficult subject. I have very mixed feelings on it. On the one hand, the media does seem to be focusing on, almost pushing the idea of transgender children (not that I pay much attention to the mainstream media these days). And I agree that the etiquette around gender issues is often taken too far.
On the other hand, when I was at school, in the 1970s, I remember a little boy who was incredibly feminine and preferred to hang out with the girls – this was at primary school, and people laughed at him. He was seen as a bit of a joke character. I never heard of him after primary school.
In my teens I was sent to an all-girls school, which I hated. One of the girls in my class had a very masculine appearance – a highly intelligent young woman with a very pleasant, gentle personality.
She was utterly shunned. Girls used to complain that she was watching them in gym as they got changed, though I never noticed this.
Young people these days are much more accepting of each other's gender expression than they were when I was a child, and I think that's a great thing. I have a young close relative who is transitioning, and I hate the idea of him having hormone treatment and surgery. But he is steadfast about this and has been for several years. If he'd grown up in a time when such things were taboo, I dread to think that he might have ended up as a suicide statistic, and no one would have understood why.

Hey @natubat Thank you for taking the time to read and leave a comment, I really appreciate it. I do have some experience with this subject as I had an aunt whom (when I was a child) was one of the first people in the country to have a sex change, so I have no axes to grind. In reference to my aunt and in many cases a sex change does not automatically grant you happiness of peace of mind. The human mind is incredibly complex and so sometimes the need to transistion is itself symptomatic of deeper psychological issues.

I refer to my post where I state "Surely our time and efforts would be far better placed extolling the virtues of kindness, compassion and understanding to our children as opposed to teaching three year olds about gender fluidity"?? Equally I understand that many trans activists may have been bullied or had a tough time at school and so from that perspective some may be attempting help children in a similar situation. That said perhaps viewing schooling through the lens of someone that was bullied for being confused about gender is perhaps not conduicive to the benefit of the 99.5% of children whom would never entertain such thoughts?

I wrote this on another reply but it seems apt in reference to your comment. Now it's within the nature of children to look up to and indeed seek recognition from adults. All of a sudden the virtues of "trans" are everywhere, It's on childrens TV, in school, in books and trans children are being lorded as stars on youtube etc. Obviously if children are seeking recogntion then it stands to reason that they may subconsciously begin to imitate these new "stars" .. I mean the same process has played out for generations with pop stars, celebrities so perhaps that statement isn't too much of a leap to make. Equally, from another perspective I feel many of the points I've highlighted in the post will cause confusion in the minds of young children that would have never even thought about the possibility of gender fluidity.

Again my main thoughts on this is that children should be taught the virtues of kindness and compassion and the acceptance of differences whilst not going into specifics. I think this whole movement has gone and is going way too far and I feel that this will be to the detriment of childhood development and indeed innocence. I really fail to see how a demonic drag queen reading children story books about gender fluidity is going to help any aspect of said development. I also feel allowing primary school children to change sex without parental consent is both insane and a gross intrusion into parental rights. Indeed the age of consent is 16 and the voting age is 18 and yet we want to allow children to have the right to change their bodies and futures and consume hormone blockers? Indeed what about tom boys? I knew many tom boys that grew up to be beautiful women .. it makes me wonder how they will be treated in todays society and narrative. Thanks again for the thoughtful comments @natubat I really appreciate your input and exchange of ideas.

I think you've hit the nail right on the head about the need to transition often (not necessarily always) being symptomatic of deeper psychological issues. I worry a lot about the peace of mind of my relative once the transitioning process is "complete" (if it ever is complete).

is he under 18 taking those drugs?

He is, yes. It's not something I would want - I don't even like taking paracetamol! I have said this to him. I completely support him changing gender, but it's very sad that he has to take those physical steps at such a young age. He feels he has to. I've said my piece and he has said his, so I'll stand by him.

I don't think many people care what adults want to do it's the concern that they are integrating this stuff on a grade school level. Sex education isn't even available without parental notification and parents can still opt their children out of sex education classes on a junior level but they aren't even being given the option of the same courtesy for a much more highly controversial subject.

To be honest I don't even know what I think schools should do about it. Schools are institutional, and institutions can lead to bullying, attention-seeking - all sorts of bizarre behaviour, especially when students are all kept within strict age groups. Schools have to protect children from being bullied if they are a bit different from the "norm", while on the other hand, they have to work out whether a child is just "acting up" to be like their peers or to get attention. It's quite a tightrope for them to walk. Governments interfering in schools probably makes the situation much worse.

It seems to be an essential qualification to be a prime minister now to be a trannie - I'm just not into being "PC" about these libtards....

I was trying to think of something that I could add to this picture .. but in reality. it pretty much says it all! :D So I'll just leave that statement hanging there.

Ahhhh it's so evil!

I knew a lot of the stuff in this post but there were a few things I didn't ugh!

I'll be sharing the shit out of this post.

Oh but did know about tranny camp?

Thank you for the support @venomnymous I really appreciate it. The direction that the world is taking is deeply disturbing! Like I say I really don't care what consenting adults do or what brings them happiness, but when it starts trickling .. no correction flooding into the minds of children, well then I feel compelled to speak out! No I wasn't aware of that but I will be sure to look into it .. the changes are happening so fast it's actually difficult to keep up with everything that's going. I feel it's a deliberate attempt to sweep away the old world with a tsunami of change. Thanks again my friend!

Me too, we just don't have enough people covering this to stop the flooding, and in the end we'll all drown in those troubled waters

No. I'll check this out in a bit. Thanks!

This post was upvoted by @thethreehugs

Thanks you for your support of @familyprotection

Thank you @thethreehugs I really appreciate the support, equally, I will always support the work and values of @familyprotection .. in this we are united in perpetuity. Thanks again.

You are most welcome!

I commented a few minutes ago after reading two of your posts! Again, I commend you on your abundant research and the exceptional overall quality of your work. Most of all, I thank you for getting the information out!

Hey @kimett2018 Thank you for the support I really appreciate it.

I'm not convinced that such a thing as trans children exist.

not on their own, they need to be carefully brainwashed and drugged.

hey @everittdmickey I can see where you're going with that, for generations there has been a debate raging amongst "experts" as to whether trans is a psychological perception or if it's related to biology. For a minute lets approach it as if it was a psychological condition. Now it's within the nature of children to look up to and indeed seek recognition from adults. All of a sudden the virtues of "trans" are everywhere, It's on childrens TV, in school, in books and trans children are being lorded as stars on youtube etc. Obviously if children are seeking recogntion then it stands to reason that they may subconsciously begin to imitate these new "stars" .. I mean the same process has played out for generations with pop stars, celebrities so perhaps that statement isn't too much of a leap to make. Equally, from another perspective I feel many of the points I've highlighted in the post will cause confusion in the minds of young children that would have never even thought about the possibility of gender fluidity. Like I said above surely we would be simply better at teaching children, compassion, kindness and the acceptance of differences .. I don't think we need to go into specifics and details at such a young age. Thanks again

adults...maybe. Post puberty
pre-pubescent children don't have the horror-moans.
They're kids..

They can only become trans(if such a thing even exists), male or female, AFTER the horror-moans set in.

Agreed my friend, they're kids .. let them be kids!!

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