Every time I think that the so-called professionals can't shock me any more...

It happens again. Really, sometimes I feel like I'm living in the Twilight-zone. Back in Holland, I felt stifled and 'locked up' with just too many people all around us. People can be judgmental in Holland too, acting like they know it all.
But in Ireland? Man, they're on a whole different level here. Not the regular folks, they're a lot like you and me, but these so-called professionals who have their mind made up before you can do or say anything against it.
But the worst thing is: they can be dangerous. Because if they also happen to work with kids, they HAVE to report anything odd they see, even if it's not as odd as they think it is.


My son's visit to the eye-doctor...

You'd think this should be a simple thing right? I did. Well, wrong.
In October we had been there for one. He first saw the nurse who did an eye test where she'd cover one eye and he'd have to point out which picture matched the picture on the sheet she showed him.
His right eye was first, and he did it all perfectly. However, the other eye, he was just randomly pointing at things. She wouldn't even try to tell him to look again. The way he did it, showed me that he knew and saw it all, but he was just tired (we'd been in the waiting room for about 40 minutes prior to this). Yet, she was concerned and let the doctor know about this, she told me that she'd have us come back and do his other eye first. The doctor, however, didn't notice anything strange, so just made the appointment 'just to be on the safe side.'

Friday was that appointment, and the nurse called us in fairly quickly. She wanted to start his right eye again, but I reminded her why we were actually here: to check his left eye.
When she put on the eye patch (which was huge for his tiny face) I noticed that it not only covered the bridge of his nose, but also partly went in front of his left eye. As soon as she had it on, he started squinting that eye, something he hadn't done before. I really think it was because of the eye-patch. Of course, I could be mistaken...

We were asked to wait in the waiting room for the doctor to call us in.

Rewind to that morning before we left the house

As I was dressing my son that morning I noticed 4 bright red spots on his neck in the front and one in the back of his neck, just below the hairline. I knew they were mosquito-bites as he's had them on his arm, leg, and foot before and because those pesky critters annoy the crap out of me at night when I try to sleep.
Due to quite a mild winter here in Ireland (we've only had maybe 3 nights of frost) they survive longer. Not rocket science...

When we were sitting in the waiting room that morning, he was scratching them and I opened up the zipper on the front of his jumper a bit more because I thought the wool could be adding to the itch. By this time, it had all gotten quite red due to the scratching.
As soon as I sat down and put him on my lap in front of the eye doctor she exclaimed, with a mix of horror, disgust and disapproval: "OH MY GOD!!! WHAT happened to his NECK????"
I was taken aback a bit by her reaction and the way she raised her voice, but managed to stammer: "Uhhhm, mosquito bites?!?"
I already thought that her response to his bumps was a bit over the top, but what she said then, still with a look of disgust on her face, completely knocked me off my chair. By this time, she had grabbed her own neck, and the look on her face was that of someone who had just witnessed a brutal murder! Meanwhile, my son was scratching the bites...
"Mosquitoes? But, they don't exist...we don't have any mosquitoes here in Ireland right?"
For a split second I thought she must be joking, but of course, her expression gave her away. She was dead serious!
So, with complete disbelief (because come on...what a damn joke!) I replied: "Well, yes, we have mosquitoes here. We have a lot of water and they love that."
Now, I've been in Ireland for a little more than 7 years. This woman was born here. She's an eye doctor, who went to medical school for, what, 6-8 years? Biology is a huge part of a medical study, right? Or am I just going crazy here?
So this Irish woman, born and bred, with all these titles, doesn't know about mosquitoes in this country?
WHAT??? I mean, even if you would have never seen them because you live near the beach or so, one should be aware that they exist right? I mean, I don't think there is a place in the world, aside from Antarctica maybe, where there are NO mosquitoes! I don't know what shocked me more about all of this, her reaction or the fact that I had to inform a highly educated woman about what should be pure common sense! And I wondered what she thought had happened. Her response didn't make me think that she believed it could have been the cat who scratched him, or the dog. No, I am quite positive that she thought that someone in the house had done something horrible to him!
And all that time, my son was happily chatting away, talking about pirates and Pokemon...
Poor child.


I didn't leave that office with a feeling of confidence...

In fact, I was still a bit stunned and surprised by the whole ordeal.
And lately, I've learned to take precautions with people like this woman. The so-called professionals...
I know it is compulsory to report anything odd they see that concerns a child. And by the way she responded, it had me think that she was probably already calling them as soon as we walked out the door...
So later, in the car and when we got home, I took photos.
Just in case they come knocking (and by now, it will be noted as harassment...), I will be able to show them that it was this woman's complete ignorance and over the top imagination.

I've also posted these photos on my facebook, with a time-stamp, so I have witnesses. Everyone was unanimous: mosquito bites. Aside from one person who thought it might be bedbugs. But the thing is, I've dealt with those nasties before when I was living in the US, so I know what to look for, and these bites...well, it wasn't it.

Here are the two photos I took, one about 20 minutes after we left her office, and the other an hour later.
By this time, the bites had already diminished considerably. Something that's quite common with mosquito bites.
Today, they're only barely visible...

Please, tell me what you see. Tell me I am not losing my mind.

I am glad I had the wits to take those photos...Better safe than sorry.

Taken approximately 20 minutes after leaving the office

taken approximately 1 hour after leaving the office


This country has me on my knees. There are times when I absolutely love it here and then I think: 'Ah, it's not so bad...' But then when something like this happens, or like not long before this when my daughter was in the hospital...I know that I am completely on the right track for wanting to leave. The kids deserve better. I deserve better.
So part of me is glad about these experiences. Because it keeps me grounded and motivated to make the change.
It's an eye-opener.

Thank you for reading!



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I too have worked with "Medical Professionals" that really make you question their competence. I have seen obviously mentally ill, morbidly obese, and uncontrolled diabetics instruct their patients on their health. I believe the "Peter Principle"is alive and well in the medical profession. All you have to do is look at their stance on vaccines and water fluoridation.

Hi @marymg2014! I thought I had responded to this, but obviously not (just in my head lol). Nice to see you around! Yes, I've seen doctors like that before. And I think some of them just don't even have a clue about fluoride and vaccines. They just do what they learned and don't learn much more. My old GP in Holland was an amazing doctor, he just wouldn't prescribe medication if things could be solved any other way. Because of that, we were never prescribed anything. He also had a son who he thought was injured by vaccines...so he had a completely different stance on those things. When I asked him once about the swine flu vaccine, he literally told me: 'I am not supposed to give you advice on that matter, but what I can tell you is that I didn't give it to my children...' Unfortunately, there aren't many like him.

It is good to hear that you had such a positive experience with your old GP. I gives me a glimmer of hope. I would appreciate your positive thoughts and prayers on Wednesday as I am going to AGAIN speak to our local city council and request they stop water fluoridation. The video is two council meetings combined. @camille1234 put them together because of the events that took place. And if you have not seen her you tube channel Please Stop the Ride you should check it out because she has some amazing presentations there.

I have a friend here in Ireland who's done extensive research work (he is a scientist) on fluoridation. He has huge amounts of paperwork done and there is some of his work that was published and/or is going to be published in medical journals etc. Please let me know if any of his work would help you on Wednesday and I can pass it on to you.

I would love to read it!

Eh... WHAT?!?!

Don't you have to report HER, a NURSE that can't identify a mosquito bite?! Plus, doesn't a nurse need to keep her calm even if what she saw was life threatening or whatever?! This is incredibly unprofessional and if I were you I would file a complaint so you're one step ahead of whatever happens next... I mean it.


Yes, I hadn't even thought about that. Good thinking @soyrosa! I am going to find out how to file a complaint right away! No, this wasn't the nurse...the nurse never noticed a thing, even though we were in the room with her longer. This was the doctor...

Even worse indeed. I’d do it first thing tomorrow. Tell them you couldn’t stop thinking about the lack profesionalism during the last few days and wasn’t immediately able to respond to the crazy reaction you got.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I already formulated the complaint in an email to the health center's mother office, and a letter to follow to go tomorrow morning per registered mail!

Sadly, you're not wrong to suspect your doctor. Consider that referring patients to one another generates significant income for those that collude with one another to generate income thereby, and then consider the possibility that doctors may have arrangements for profiting from referrals to other agencies.

"... I had to inform a highly educated woman about what should be pure common sense..."

I have long noted the apparent contradiction between academic education and common sense. The former seems to displace the latter.

Thanks, and my best wishes on successfully negotiating the shoals before you and your family.

Yes, you're right, it's almost like common sense gets 'unlearned' in medical studies. The number of times I've questioned people in the medical field and had been answered with: 'But they/we are the professionals.' I can't even count it anymore. They seem to hide behind that a lot.
Thank you for your well wishes :)

Oh, God, I hope they don't send social workers again....
Those are definitely bites... no doubt about that. What else could they be???
We' ve had a warm spell over hear and I already saw flies around. Anyway, why would the Irish think they're so special that they don' t have mosquitoes?

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @ladyrebecca, somehow I replied to some comments and they didn't go through...my steempeak is acting up. Yeah, the Irish aren't that special that they get skipped by mosquitoes lol. And as a preventative measure, just in case the social workers were called, I took those pictures. If they do show up at my door, at this stage it's harassment and I WILL sue. I'm pretty sure they know that after the complaint I filed already.

I've worked with Ph.d's who make me think 'how the eff did their school give them that degree'. I mean here, real dummies. Not geniuses who cannot tie their shoelaces like the usual stereotypes.

Geniuses who cannot tie their shoelaces...😂 yeah, I've encountered too many of these idiots lately. And it shouldn't surprise me anymore, but it still does... The problem is that they all learn from books someone before them wrote. They don't want them to think...

it's funny too cause they tell you that you have to have new ideas in your essays but then require you to find 5 or 6 blurbs from others to support your ideas!!!


I am no specialist but my son has mosquito's bites all the time, and swells a bit due to allergic reaction. It does look like it, it could be bed bugs , but I really don't think so.

Go wherever you feel that your family will be better. Unfortunately in the world we live in, it seems that the places where we thrive are becoming rare.

Here in South Africa, I now homeschool the kids, we had them at the preschool and the head teacher thought our son had "neurological" issues, so we went to a neurologist, and he is perfectly fine, however we learnt that the school that he was in , and the whole area is just plain racist. Knowing my son, he probably put to shame one of these dumb teachers...

Good for him! And good for you guys that your kids are homeschooled. Yeah, I am definitely thinking developing countries at the moment. People seem to have more of a 'live and let live' attitude in those places. Or maybe Portugal...that's definitely one of the most relaxed places in Europe.

Yeah, my daughter once told a teacher 'My mom says you're stupid.' After the teacher had said something that was simply not true (can't remember what it was exactly). She came home and told me...I said: No, it's like this. And she replied: 'But my teacher said...' I replied: 'Well, your teacher is stupid for thinking that.' SO the next day she went into her class, telling the teacher she was wrong...LOL. It made for a very awkward parent-teacher meeting 😂

It made for a very awkward parent-teacher meeting 😂

Hahaha that's hilarious, I think lots of teachers are insecure, so when they have a smart pant schooling them, it's probably the worse that can happen to them.
I don't even if schools are adequate nowadays for the kids that we have. After all, we all work remotely, so why not learn remotely too? I understand the social aspect that is important, but all I remember from school is a lot of bullying, as a victim and perpetrator...

EDIT: Portugal is awesome, I've heard Croatia is fantastic too

No, the school system is still as it was 100 years ago, but people have changed so much in that time. It's definitely not adequate anymore and hasn't been for a long time.
And the social aspect? Yeah, bullying is the one thing I remember, I don't actually recall ever having a good time in school. Rather trying to keep out of the way of confrontations and walking on eggshells.

I loved Portugal when we were there for Steemfest2. We spent one day in Faro and were sold, then Lisbon. For a big city, it was so laid back and the people were all amazing. We've been looking into the possibility of Portugal for some time now. Croatia, I've heard many good things about the country, but homeschooling is illegal there. However, I am not sure if I would get 'on the books' anywhere once we leave here, so as long as we don't actually live there officially, it shouldn't be an issue. I would like to travel with the kids for a bit anyway, before settling in any place.

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I know a few people in Med school and from what I hear, I'm honestly not surprised. The people who teach there are really just regular people, many of them partial to a bit of skin and or flattery or I imagine even bribe. So not that surprising that the people who come out of these schools are like this (some, anyway).
Yeah, those are definite mosquito bites, which is something a nurse should know? Not to mention a doctor...

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @honeydue! Yeah, definitely something a doctor should know. If she doesn't know that, it makes me wonder about her other abilities...

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