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RE: ILLUMINATION: The Quest Of A Cleaner ||| Snap Out Of Your Illusion And Become A Cleaner

in #familyprotection6 years ago

Frankly this post is of low quality. It has no evidence, it is unclear as to what happened, it could easily be completely made up.

Consider what a real family protection looks like:


go away @mindhawk
You constantly rant on about everybody here at Steemit, and I do not like you bad attitude. Any future comments from you will be flagged.

@mindhawk do not know why you have chosen to start attacking familyprotection posts. But clearly from my previous encounters with you, you are rather upset that no one engages with your blog. Yes it took me a minute to remember who you were. And I remember commenting on your post about you being upset and I gave you great advice and you told me to go away. Now you are here yet again and this time trying to get people to notice you. I thought I told you before you will not get good results by posting these types of comments on other blogs that do nothing to add true value to the blog. And yet you are doing this AGAIN. Except this time you have chosen to do this on posts that are trying to spread a message that CPS needs to be stopped. You really should go somewhere else with your negative non contributing comments. As frankly it will not be tolerated here. I for one will NOT tolerate it and I will not hesitate to have your comments be the very first that I flag.

Who do we have here, oh it is @mindhawk, who is so determined to spread a disguised Hate. I can see your trails everywhere buddy, I have seen your journey all through the ends of steemit laying seed of provocation. You have a knack for showcasing a really bad image of yourself and treating/talking to people as though they are trash, like they are far lower than you on the homo-sapien ladder.
Stop diffusing your negativity unto others and don't use my post as a play ground. Better Change before it is too late, cause you never know how bad this is affecting you!, I really hope you change!.

i mute everyone who turns the discussion from the issue to me, the only tactice of disinformation agents when they have no actual argument. Bye!

so you mute everybody who calls you out on being a bully.
Maybe you should look at my very first Steemit post.
It was about how I always stand up to bullies and others should be brave enough to do the same.
So YES, the conversation will always come back to you and your behaviour when you are acting like a bully.
GO AWAY and quit commenting on other people's posts.

Oh yeah, Mute away buddy. You can un-mute me when you have developed some iota of human respect and have relinquished your egotistic views and attitude.
Warm Regards and many blessings to you. also have spelling mistakes....not just the Russian lady......I understand you do comedy stuff and it's complicated to get curation...I also struggle to get curation to my comedy videos.......but these guys are DOING A GREAT JOB....I know at least one person writting for #familyprotection and is a great guy......WTF? there are people renting voting power to sell votes....a lot of voting bots...more and more and are being a bully man...these guys are fighting big injustices......people wrongly removed from parents...and some of the parents are really good and caring people

Ok @mindhawk, You mute me who have marked your comment, of course, you can read my account name and you should also be responsible for your statement about other people here who are full of hatred with insufficient facts from you.

Yeah, @familyprotection is just a selfvote ring that spams this nonsense across the site. Flag them whenever you see them.

Sorry @sneak!

I started @familyprotection because I grew up in Foster care and many years later CPS threatened to take our children because we wanted to homeschool,

I assure you this is not a vote ring, we are a very strong community of people who are trying to raise awareness and funds to help families in need!

Like this woman who we are helping

I can't afford to have beef with you, but you are very wrong on this occasion.

"I am russian woman, my child had scratch on forehead but i with child. my boy could not eat because I stood in rain try to get my daughter back but government man said I need be careful or they come to see my home. If they come to home, you need very much care that shoes taken off or they go in all the room."

Can I get 50 upvotes please? GTFO with this garbage

man....I believe you are a good guy, but you are wrong about @familyprotection .....they are good people too......there are a lot of people selling votes on the blockchain..why aren't you flagging them?.....#familyprotection has interesting posts about cps abuses...probably it's not something interesting to you...but it's to a lot of people...if the creators of #familyprotection would want just to make money there weret

im not saying they just want to make money i am saying they are either police or someone posing as an organization who helps but does not.

whatever the case, I reached out to them with my own research that I put a lot of effort into, and they dismissed it without even trying to understand, or in the case of Lori Handrahan, they take the side of the abuser while mis-statating the details.

Also, anyone who posts picturres of their children on the internet are crazy or stupid, or it is a trap. beware.

i can't flag everybody, i am primarily concerned with people who are not who they say they are, if you read my blog you will possibly begin to understand my work.

most people like you who try to argue with me do not even try to read my blog, so i mute them.

my blog has a higher word count than anyone else I have even seen on steemit, btw. if you want to talk about my work without reading it, i will mute you with prejudice.

I researched this case and found the evidence in the court records that during the child's physical exam she showed no evidence of being abused. the mother lost her job and was ordered to pay 750K in damages to the father for making these claims and trying to ruin his life. I understand there are many children out there that are abused but this mother used the system to try to get custody and it backfired. I even provided you a link to the actual report from the doctors the child saw. But to sit here and claim that we dismissed it is false. I spent the better part of the day searching and reading about this case. You just did not like what I found.

Even if they were a voting ring, what harm does it do you that this community tries to support one another? There are communities all over steemit who support each other. Does that make all communities bad?

Edited to add:
If we choose to support and believe something, is that not our own choice, even if you don't believe it merits it?

because pretending to be an organization that helps children and not doing it is Evil, capital E.

this means that some org is on here acting like someone who will help but then they dont help, which means that they direct anyone actually seeking help towards people who may harm them.

my investigation into two specific cases of child abuse and state agencies facilitating child abuse, where I have proven beyond any doubt that something bad is going on, were just yesterday dismissed by two of the main people without investigation. they also mis-stated the details of the cases, as if they didn't even care or try to learn.

I have investigated them and they are fraudulent, also if you just read who they resteem, they are people from russia usually and provide no details, and the people who allegedly help them just say 'omg how bad this is' etc.

either they are cops or something really really bad. do not be fooled.

Mark and I are 2 homeschooling parents and bloggers that started a simple steemit blog @familyprotection, to share other people's stories similar to what Mark himself went through and my good friend, Anna, went through.
Go look at our history on Steemit from Day 1 and it is OBVIOUS.
We are not an organization. We do not have the funds yet to help many people and have not referred anybody to any lawyers, etc.
Just two ordinary people!
And you @mindhawk are an ABSOLUTE IDIOT and paranoid delusional mentally ill person for creating the false world that you you live in.
GO AWAY before your reputation reaches zero.

@sneak why have you chosen to start flagging familyprotection posts?

They're nothing but simple spam.

@sneak Can you please take a better look and realize that even though there are some posts are spam. The ones that are spam are not acknowledged. Many of the posts are heartfelt stories and facts from news reports and data. The ones that are personal stories are very hard for most people to write about. I myself have a hard time writing them as I would rather have forgotten them. But this message needs to be spread. We are trying to spread a message of change. We are trying to help people and put our message out that C.P.S. needs to be stopped. You do not have to support what we are trying to do. All I ask is that you stop flagging these posts. Thank you!!!

Thanks sneak, I smelled something fishy and now it's obvious.

The good you can help and support this social program because for the general public that is not the individual, you do not have to make any damage to this community and invite other people to side with you. I know Steemit is a social media that can build a group to be empowered a weak person, if there is in your mind does not fit. try to coordinate with the person in advance about your goals, you should be a good user and useful to the general public is not selfish and in your goals. @mindhawk

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