Texas GOP goes all in...Calls for outright abolishing of CPS!

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

I've been writing about the corruption, incompetence, and hopelessly anti-American, un-Constitutional, and anti-family culture of so-called "Child Protective' "Services" (CPS) in the United States for six months now, and I've been arriving at the same conclusion for some time. I wondered when someone else would reach the same conclusion, and thankfully, others are as well. The current Texas Republican Party now officially calls for abolishing CPS altogether, and I am beginning to think they are right.

(Image courtesy of TexasGOP.com.)

We've written about all the various reform ideas, and have been generally supportive of many of them, but there is not (to my knowledge) a single major national parental rights organization that is yet had the temerity to openly call for abolishing CPS. So, once again...GOD BLESS TEXAS. They may just be the State that leads us back to sanity, God and the Constitution...if it can be done.

Here is a link:

Here is a key excerpt:

"At the statewide convention of the ruling party of Texas earlier this month in San Antonio, delegates agreed on a new position on Child Protective Services (CPS)...The call for “the eventual abolishment of CPS” was enshrined in the official party platform after passing through a subcommittee on civil and criminal justice, a larger committee handling the platform as a whole, and the general convention...

In itself, the platform does nothing to change how the government is currently run, but it represents official party doctrine and points to a rift between incumbent Republican politicians who in recent years have moved to expand CPS and grassroots delegates who took part in drafting the platform. “If it’s in the platform, we will fight for it,” said GOP Chairman James Dickey in remarks to the drafting committee."

(Image courtesy of healthimpactnews.com.)

Now let me just warn those patriotic and sensible Texas delegates who moved and passed this amazing resolution. I have been a State Committeeman of the GOP in Maine, and have actually drafted resolutions before that were presented and passed at the State Convention, (or the monthly meeting of the State Committee) only to see the "Republicans in Name Only" (RINOs) who seem to really run every state GOP organization--sometimes pretty openly, sometimes from the shadows--render them useless and ineffective. They will NEVER, as James Dickey claims above, "fight for it," if the resolution is opposed to their agendas and their paymasters wishes.

While abolishing CPS is a great idea, it will take constant grassroots agitation to overcome, first RINO resistance at the party level, then all the liberals, most Democrats, and the RINOs in the State Legislature, and finally a corrupted court system that will pull every trick in the book to maintain the rotted apparatus, no matter how fervently the people may want it. It's just the situation we are in. EVERYTHING conservative and Constitutional is (or will shortly be upon origination) infiltrated by enemies of The Republic.

(Image courtesy of victuruslibertas.com)

The billionaire pedophile club does not want to lose their pipeline, and will pull out all their enormous resources in terms of wealth, mainstream media propaganda, bought & paid for politicians (including the POTUS) in order to invalidate or ignore any such effort at the federal level. Trust me. I'm old enough and experienced enough in politics to know exactly how they operate.

But that doesn't mean it still isn't the right thing to do, or the right thing to at least elevate to the level of a national discussion. If most people knew, as those who read this blog now do, how irreparably damaged the entire CPS milieu is from top to bottom, and from beginning to end, as it is now, they would certainly support abolishing CPS at the federal level. If the Texas GOP sends this resolution out as a remonstrance and open letter to all other State GOP organizations, there is a solid chance that many other states will pass similar resolutions at their state conventions. That could be the way to get the snowball rolling down hill.

In the mean time, I can support all honest reform efforts that at least head in the right directions--like those typically put forward by the good folks at ParentalRights.org, and others--but I agree with Texas. Abolishing this monstrosity is the only answer to restoring sanity to the way American handle their few real child endangerment situations. It can no longer be done granting an insanely repressive and over-reaching federal and state CPS milieu superior rights to parents in familial relations.

There simply is no conservative, Constitutional or correct involvement by government in the family. The entire system is rooted in a flawed and evil view of human relations and the role of government.


(Image courtesy of pinterest.com.)

Here is how the supporters of the Texas GOP resolution out it (excerpted from the above link:)

“'Before the government can take even minor liberties or private property, the Texas Constitution requires that individuals have their day in court, with all the procedural protections that entails,' said Chance Weldon, an attorney for the group. 'Here the law at issue gives the Department of Family Services the authority to interfere with one of the most intimate rights protected under the Constitution — the parent-child relationship — with almost no procedural protections at all. That’s not just unfair, it’s unconstitutional,' Weldon said."

Hear. Hear.

Due process is something that is at the very wellspring of what it means to be an American citizen. Without due process government becomes judge, jury and executioner and there is NO FREEDOM. CPS is INHERENTLY set up to violate due process and to create and advance a new and un-American process. To the degree (which is now enormous) that the judicial system in the United States now puts "legal precedence" ahead of Constitutional rights, this direction becomes absolutely treasonous and deadly.

In the final analysis the Texas GOP is right. Only abolishment can kill the CPS monster. Styling its hair, and polishing its nails can only make people less fearful of something they ABSOLUTELY NEED TO FEAR.


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you are a great writer compared to me and if i was forced to live in the states it would be texas or new hampshire
great idea to abolish the child kidnappers but believe they will not let it happen
lets hope it passes i never knew you were a commitee man
your up early'
i got rid of two mayors running for coucil in wasaga beach ontario and one even threatened me with cops and a lawsuit but couldnt do anything as too ihad all the proof in paperwork
starve the beast and kill it any chance you get
my pastor freind when i asked her husband a question if their child got raped and killed what would they do they said they would let the courts handle it.
i responded he would get out and it was better off killing them
they responded god wouldnt like that and i told them god wouldnt like him getting out and killing more children and maybe they would burn in hell for not defending their child and leaving it to satanic govts that never dish out the punishment to child rapists and killers
anyways great great article but i dont believe they will abolish CPS for the reasons you mentioned above
i had a couple wolves at the goat shed this morning so am up early probably because my bitch is in heat

Yea...I'm always up early on Sundays, because I work Sunday morning. Off to work now.

I agree that if you can stop evil by force, that force is often justified, and ALWAYS justified to save life. Your pastor friends are wrong on that score, for sure.

Good for you for fighting local corruption, Nick! Just be careful. Things are going to get a lot worse before (if) they ever get better. You are a "popped nail" on the porch of their NWO, and you know what often happens to those.

Have a great day my friend.

Hope you successfully keep those wolves at bay!

at least they are not the establishment wolves at the door
the worst kind
they are natures wolves lol
and yes things are going to get real bloody before they get better cheers have a good day at work my friend

LOL...I was thinking that same thing as I wrote the reply. We must be brothers of another mother, man!

I could see Texas doing this a lot sooner than any other state in the nation as they are independent in their thinking and the way the USA once was . I pray they may set the example for other states to follow.

Exactly, Troy! Let them be the trailblazers for the rest of the states to follow. I think many will, too... maybe not here in the northeast where we have been so badly dumbed down and liberalized, but certainly in the Midwest, Southeast and the Mountain states...

Howdy sir mepatriot! God bless Texas! again. lol..thank God we still have a conservative majority in the legislature.

Indeed. Hopefully it stays that way. They just need INFORMATION now...

Well I keep reading that the demographics are changing with the influx of Californians and New Yorkers so we'll see how long they keep their majority. It doesn't look good so they need to get something done pretty fast.

Ooo...I didn't know that. Why would those liberals want to come in and ruin a great state?

haha! Well they think they are improving the state. I know there are a couple of billionaires working hard to fund liberal candidates and push the migration of liberals into the state as well and funding liberal groups etc. The overwhelming number of migration people moving in are from California, New York and Florida in that order. And all seem to be liberal and want a nanny state like they had back home. at least in CA and NY's case, don't know why we have so many coming from Florida. lol.

They are probably being paid by globalists to move in and ruin Texas as the last bastion of conservatism in the USA...

Yes sir I've heard that their strategy is to take down Texas because she is the biggest and hardest to take down, and once they turn her blue then the other states will be easy. It's a depressing plot to think about if they can make it happen.

Hmmm...how to we counteract that strategy??

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