
Good question. To counteract the huge numbers of people migrating from CA and NY we would need and equal number coming from Oklahoma or Utah..I don't know what other states are very conservative. I guess someone with big bucks would have to start advertising in those states to invite them to come to Texas.

Most of them coming from CA and NY are doing so because of high taxes and job opportunities but they are so used to their liberal nanny states that they want that here. Except the high taxes. They want all the benefits but don't want to have to pay for it, plus most are just more liberal anyway in their social views like abortion.

Hmmm.... I would think some of those coming up from the south would be with you on that, as most were raised Catholic, right?

well sir, almost everyone in the South are Baptists, at least in Texas. But I would think it would be the same stance on abortion, it better be. lol.

All the people flooding in from south of the border were probably raised Catholic, but you're right, either way TX should be able to make a move to limit abortions on the state level.

Exactly and one of the good things about having so many ex Mexicans, their pro-life and Catholic background.

Yep...and they tend to be pretty pro-family. They may prove crucial in pushing back against the LGBTQWRDJKSLPOATYEWVXMNDL agendas.

haha! that's a passle of agendas there! Yes, and plus, try getting any construction done without them and Texas is in a tremendous building boom.

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