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RE: They Nailed Us

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

Dear @sunlit7 Usually I stay out of this kind of thing but I would like to say that I think you are very rude for picking on ca-co's advice the way you did.

She clearly cares and wants the best possible outcome for @snowpea which is why she went out of her way to look into the situation and try to offer the best advice she could give.

Instead of picking on ca-co, why didn't you just offer YOUR advice and give YOUR perspective on the situation.

@snowpea is sharing her life with this community because she needs help, she's scared and she wants to get all the advice and support she can, it's up to her to decide what advice she takes if any at all.

None of us truly know how to resolve this situation because we are not in it, we are all just watching from a FAR and hoping that no children get legally kidnapped, chewed up and spat out buy the system.

None of us are qualified to give @snowpea advice but we want to help, so we do our best, that's what @familyprotection is all about, ordinary people coming together to lend a helping hand in times of crisis.


Giving the wrong advice on the legally involved in the article is not helping someone. Some people, and I've seen snowpea's stuff and I don't consider this to apply to her, can't differentiate that that may not be the only statue involved and take her seriously. Just like in a comment further down someone said did you contact a lawyer about if your Miranda rights were given to you. She wasn't under threat of arrest her husband was and when you are probation/parole they don't have to give you a Miranda warning for violating your probation/parole. People take these things seriously and waste time and energy on useless endeavors then focusing their attention on the matters at hand. Then again the advice given is to try and buck the system their stuck in then to offer advice, that I've stated they don't have to take, to help them think more critically about the situation they are in. She is crying out for help, any advice to ponder is better than no advice, even if it's critical, sometimes we can be blinded by our despair so much we can't think logically for ourselves.

My point was that the advice you were supposedly giving to @snowpea was diluted by your attack on an obvious attempt to help by ca-co, who you clearly have a problem with.

Another point I was trying to get across is that ca-co and everyone else in this community never once claimed to be professionals and that we think we know it all.

One thing I'm sure of, is that ca-co really cares about people and if you were aware of numerous families who she has helped, families that have been terrorised by cps, families that she lovingly took into her home and did everything in her power to help, then you would know that this woman is the real deal. Yes, she is not a lawyer and has never claimed to be but with the money we are raising we'll soon have an army of lawyers on our team.

Until then, I believe all the advice and help that ca-co gives to people she has never met comes from the heart and her first hand knowledge of all the tricks that cps plays to get kids into foster care.

As for your advice to @snowpea, if you really cared then maybe you should have been a bit more caring, it's fine to give people constructive criticism but your delivery was not very tactile and whatever good advice you had was drowning in a sea of shit!

Thank you @markwhittam. I appreciate you sticking up for @canadian-coconut. I've been checking in here and there but haven't been able to respond properly because I spent most of the day pacing around the house and looking out the window waiting for the social worker. She said she'd stop by to have us sign the "voluntary" papers and she never came. Guess that makes lie number 4.


There is so much to tell you, is there a person of contact that can help you, financially to get a lawyer or legal aid?

If theyre bringing voluntary papers, you may want some one there with you present as a trusted advisor. Just be safe about, you know what I mean?

Clearly read over material and verify that a judge working in capacity of STATE or above is signing off on any paperwork.

Consent is voluntary. I've dealt with @sunlit7 before. Dont consider harsh words. All the people are amazing in this community @snowpea.

I'm not a lawyer, nor law firm but just an on looker.

Keeping your family in prayers regardless.

@snowpea i think ca-co is correct.

Take a look at this, Ken Paxton at his finest.

This is interesting.

Dont sign anything without a lawyer. Person to person. False inducement into a contract is fraud. Commissioners are not judges. Judges are judges.

This is what Im pointing out in the link.

PS: County "judge" has a shared interest in any matter CPS brings forward "$$$".

Thank you @ihashblox! I feel so in over my head with all of this. I can't get a lawyer, I can't afford one, and legal aid denied me so far. I can't even have a family member present if I don't know when the SW is coming...she said she'd come yesterday and never showed...

@snowpea, you do not have to sign anything until someone is with you ... in essence you can deny signing anything until someone is there. there are many organizations that help those in your area, like i said in your last post i'm just getting parts of the situation and sent here by someone in the alliance sending us all over here in support.

only you can decide ultimately, but having someone there or recording these interactions is very very important. there are criminal attorneys that you can apply for in your local DA office. that would be where i would go first.

this whole thing with the adhd meds is beyond me, i mean what if you wanted to go eastern medicine and diet instead of pills? its as if you are on their radar so now they are just coming at you. i do not know all with our ma and all that, and i wont go into forgiveness. but at some point when all this has passed, maybe we can talk in private. you are going through a lot right now and all of this can be so overwhelming.

if you need any suggestions, research assistance by a professional paralegal i'm here. as i state before i worked for the fed and three states. blessings, eagle

Hi @eaglespirit! Sorry it took so long to respond. I was very blessed that @thealliance had my back like that, and thank you for stopping by!

there are criminal attorneys that you can apply for in your local DA office. that would be where i would go first

I don't think I can apply until I'm actually charged, right?
The social worker was supposed to come with the voluntary papers over a week ago, and everyone has been suspiciously silent. No visits from anyone...very strange. I'm hoping they are closing this whole thing, because why would she not come?

Thank you for offering your support! I will definitely keep you in mind if I have any questions! Much love ❤

Typical of legal aid. They dont do much help for others.

Nice try but the first reply I ever did to Snowpea did "beat around the bush" so as to be caring, look where that got her....further into being a enabler to his behavior.

As far as ca-co goes I guess she'd better wait until that team of lawyers arrives before giving out legal advice.

Dear @sunlit7,
I hope one day you will find the sun light, until then, enjoy your swim.

I am all good with myself, I am honest, honesty is the best policy, being honest with others is also. There's nothing you can do that will ever really hurt me, I am not into this for the money, I am not going to sit there while this woman is on the verge of losing her kids and kiss ass because I want a couple pennies, I am going to give her my heartfelt response, no one has to take anybodies advice but if it even helps the critical thinking process to kick into gear it's all good with me. I can live with myself for at least trying instead of giving her unfounded legal advice that any average joe knows wouldn't hold up to scrutiny. Yes I have kids, they've never been subjected to CPS but I will tell you this much, what I, my brothers, sisters, some of their offspring has been through with CPS does not leave me unfamiliar with them.

@sunlit7 you've done enough here. Do you have children? Thats the burning question. Yes! I am tempted to just lay out the entire process, for this family on what to do. But I cant. Because I do not know all the variables, I am not a lawyer.

But it is perfectly legal to teach others on these kind of things. PERFECTLY legal. Aside from this, its your understanding of what Im presenting to anyone is not legal advice ... rather here is how to navigate through the BS.

If you've researched anything about family protection - cps in texas...KEN PAXTON JR. Whom has been tried and convicted of a felony (fraud), runs both state administered IV-A,B,D,E programs AND Foster homes etc. So as he is operating in official capacity (somehow) his business operates the other end.

If its just issue of dependency rehabilitation might just be the process. Idk.

What I do know is please kindly just keep your mouth shut as youre not helping a family stay together, which really is in best interest of the children.

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