Why the CPS Needs to be Questioned.

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

Like many things, child protection services were started with the best intentions. Unfortunately, also like many things, it can become open to abuse and corruption, especially when money is involved and as things get bigger in scale. The majority of people who choose to work in these systems do so for the right reasons. However, they can lose their way, become jaded and end up tied up in bureaucracy and legislation.

Creepy eye no red.jpg
Picture credit to @izzydawn.

@wwf gave a great example of how sometimes they need to be reminded why they choose work in child protection.

We sat there for an hour while the social worker wept and cried apologizing profusely to us and the boys for what happened, her actions and behaviour through the whole event. She expressed her gratitude and appreciation to me specifically for having the guts to stand up for what is write and remind her why she got into social work to begin with.

I recommend reading his full post here.

Australia has by no means got a perfect record when it comes to child protection (for more on their history see here and here). However, I want to share two stories about foster care in South Australia that went right.

About 9 years ago at my daughters' school I met an elderly woman who was a foster carer with her husband. She'd started fostering when her sons were getting older and her current foster children, who were with her until they turned 18, were to be her last ones. She'd had them from babies and they still had contact with their parents so they couldn't be put up for adoption. For the youngest one I believe the reason she couldn't be under their care was because their physical health didn't allow it.

She was known as Nanna to the children and the people at the school and was obviously very much loved by her foster children.

The other foster carer I met was the paternal grandmother of the children in her care. She first took her granddaughter in and later her grandson. I believe the mother had mental health issues, but both parents were still involved in their children's lives. The granddaughter had aspergers and the grandson had speech difficulties and ADHD. The girl attended dance and gymnastics to burn off excess energy, help with self discipline and social skills. ‘Nanny' was very involved with the children at their school, where they were in special classes, and with extra speech therapy for her grandson. She often talked about how they were doing and her pride in them showed through. Despite being on the autism spectrum, these children were developing well and were capable of showing some affection.

At one point child welfare asked if the grandparents would adopt them, but they decided not to for both monetary reasons (they got more assistance as foster carers) and for the sake of the parents.

What stands out for me in both these cases is that the parents were still a part of their children's lives. I believe that as much as possible, this is how it should be and family should be the first choice to take children in. Of course it isn't always possible, but taking children away from family completely should always be a last resort.

For any system that is put in place for the ‘welfare of people’ there should always be a system in place that is ready to question actions and keep things along the right path. Nothing will ever be perfect, but if things are allowed to continue unchecked and unquestioned then more and more people will end up paying the price when things go bad.

At the moment, @familyprotection is one of the few things we have to question the system and help families out when things go wrong. They are only small at the moment, but are growing fast. They have no borders so they've got a big task on their hands. It's started with collecting, sharing and recording the experiences of those who have had their lives torn apart by child protection services. This is essential to show why the need for @familyprotection is there.

Further valuable information being shared is what to do and what not to do if or when CPS comes calling.

When it comes to our children, we have the right and indeed duty to question the state and not just accept the decision of CPS blindly.

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Governments around the world are using "Child Protection Agencies" to take children away from loving families and place them in foster care or group homes, or put them up for adoption.

Thank-you @life-relearnt for supporting our community.

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This post was upvoted and resteemed by #thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection. #thethreehugs is currently donating 40% of "ALL" post payouts to @familyprotection.

Well written. Thank you for sharing my work to bring awareness and hope to others. May peace prosper!

Thank you and thank you for sharing what you've learnt in your endeavours.

Agree seems something fishy has been up with adoption and child protection agencies in recent times.

Whether intentional or just the result of a very bad system I have no idea, but we need change 100%.

I don't like to jump to conclusions, but whatever the reason, if we don't question it things will go unchecked.

I had gone through the CPS bullsh!t when my ex decided to use them to harass me after I became engaged. It was more abuse toward me and I was so offended that the county felt like they had more authority over my children than I did. It all worked out in the end. My kids are grown and no worse for the experience but what a waste of time and resources.
Sure, they were doing their job but I look at that agency with a very jaded eye.

I'm sorry to hear you had to go through that. I'm glad you all came out okay on the other side. Not everyone is so lucky.
All to often CPS gets pulled into it due to jealous partners just trying to punish their ex's.

Unfortunately CPS has to treat all cases like worst-case scenarios because sometimes it really is a worst-case scenario. Thankfully my boys are grown, healthy and well-adjusted. Heck, even my ex and I can be in the same room without animosity. I only do that because of my kids. Some events just have to be shared. Adulting is so hard sometimes! :P

The @familyprotection account here on steemit is really doing a lot to help people in need out with problems they are facing. Great job guys. Cheers!!

since the priority is not the physical and mental integrity of the minors, the CPS lost sight of what it was created for and its objective as an organization is devoting itself to destroy families

I guess here is where focusing on one thing alone leads to destruction in other ways.

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