The Games And The Odds|||Keeping Caseworkers And Court Personnel On A Leash

The vital truth about CPS court cases is that the winners often are those who make very compelling arguments, and even if the judge so wanted to act unjustly, he would often think twice to check how large the consequence would be and if the chain can easily be tunneled down to his Justice Table. So even under CPS cases, there are many corrupt judges who would try to create loops as much as possible, we also have judges who act in CPS favor but often have a sense to be careful when cases are strongly in favor of parents.

Whatever the circumstance may be, it is in your best interest to be very prepared and deliver a compelling truthful defense as much as possible, at the point of a jurisdictional hearing, the caseworker would be trying so hard to prove how "unfit and crazy you are" whether be true or not. CPS workers are like machines programmed to run a script that unties you from your children. At this point, they would be coming at you with a dreadful touch mixed in a potion of lies and shaded with deceit.

What Then Do You Do?

Stop trying so hard to prove that the caseworker are liars. I have listened to some court cases account from the mouth of victims and lawyers alike, and I found out that there is a flowing belief that people just want to prove they are being lied against. Yes, I know that this is fundamental to proving your innocence, but that won't do the trick of re-uniting with your kids. For the records, even the Judge himself knows you might have been lied against and your kids wrongfully taken, they all know that caseworkers are liars, even they themselves. What a game!.

So how does this games with so much odds against parents work?; stop trying to show they lied, in fact forget they did and start bringing facts to prove yourself innocent. This may sound similar, that is because both points are similar and not similar at the same time. You have to leave their character alone and go for their throats, you have to put the judge in a situation where he feels he can be removed from his Justice Seat or even serve time if the case ever finds its way to an Appeal. I repeat, the strategy of your war is to not dwell on their character(only) but tie a chain around their throats.

They don't have a conscience, so stop trying to appeal to their stone-cold heart, all they can answer to is the taste of public humiliation, or fear of the case rising up to an appeal court where the state/county are a radar off. Bursting into tears in a law court won't change anything, one needs to be in his prime state emotionally while dealing with this people. Of course, most times it can't be helped, the tears just flows and the anger as well, but believe me you, try to put both in check. You might have been hearing it time without number, you need facts and evidence that stands contrary to what your accuser has said or entered.

You have to be ready to make your statements and affidavits under oaths, such document are more powerful than mere statements. You should be on the lofty verge of making all your statements become "FACTS". If they ain't FACTS, they ain't Invisible. There is a form of strict guidelines on what type of evidence are permissible in the law court, this is done with a mindset of barricading people from bringing incidence and happenings that are not important or deemed irrelevant to a trial. While this may be true, in CPS cases, this is done solely to cripple parents' chance to fighting their battles in court fair and square. I would advice all parents to look into the The Law Of Evidence to know how better to gather 'relevant' evidence that can easily be seen as strong facts.

Don't Be Just Verbal

One thing I have become certain about is that of "Talking". Don't just talk in the law court!, Don't just be verbal alone!. I bet you, the Judge might not recall what you said 5 minutes from now. Remember that family court cases don't provide a Jury. And your fate lies in the pronouncement of one Single Man. He could even purposefully discard your verbal responses and it would be irrelevant in the next meeting. Don't just talk alone, let your lawyer provide to the court WRITTEN evidence (documentations) that moth and warms can't destroy.

Some parents and their lawyers spend so much time talking and present just little to know written facts or affidavits. This is completely inefficient when dealing with corrupt or skewed CPS people, the best tactics is to always love the smell of facts, proofs, reports and every other forms in the warm touch of a paper or digital documentation.

A few parents as well rely on the transcript of the court session, wrong move again!, CPS are notorious and there have been countless cases of caseworkers and court officials tempering within the lines of court transcripts. Well, I know everyone understand what I am driving at with this humble post of mine. Stop trying to Prove they Lied, Prove your innocence. When they are saying you are unfit, Bring up Documents and evidences that speak far louder than a stupidly low barred Prima Facie. Remember, to be able push these evil men to a tight corner and get your kids back, you must keep them on a leash, a very tight leash, a corner where if they do otherwise as per your proofs and evidence, they risk being prosecuted. Don't Give them the satisfaction they need!. Above all, be Proactive. Stay blessed.

P.S :If you bring anyone to testify in court under oath, always get a written testimony available as well. (An Affidavit!). Take a little time to check out the Law of Evidence in your country and remember to learn to be your own Defendant, it would go a long way coupled with your Legal Counsel

Fight For The True Interest Of Every Child Worldwide

Peace to you all,
( @kryptocoin )

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This is very good advice, thank-you. We have to learn how to outsmart them in court, and getting emotional does no good and often harms your case.

Oh yes, does no good.

Interesting your work and contribution I ask you to support me to grow a little more I will be grateful friend greetings

I totally agree with you. Before I knew what I was dealing with, I spent way too much time to prove the lies, that there was little time left to prove my innocence.. I know better now, but it's good to be reminded of this.. because it's very very important! Thank you!

Thank you for reading through and commenting in such a style.

This is all good advice. I hope I never find myself in a situation where I have to use it. @ironshield

Indeed my friend, I hope no one finds themselves in such situation. Thank you for your mindful comment.

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Upvoted and Resteemed. The biggest thing I got from this was: "Stop trying to prove they lied." That seems so counterintuitive. Is the "Law of Evidence" a book or is it referenced somewhere online? Since joining Steemit, I've purchased several of these types of things.

I not only loved how you pointed out about affidavits and making the court officials nervous by doing things by the book -- I would take it a step further and log these things on public, permissioned and properly governed distributed ledger. Then teach the public how to use it.

Then watch -- naturally -- things fall back into balance.

One can hope and dream.

Hello Friend, thank you for the detailed comment you left me here, the Law of Evidence is not a book, but there are books that speaks of the Rules of evidence. There is a slight variation of these geographically. You could make a google search to get a book that talks about this concept of law.

And yes, one can hope and dream, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

I already have "Rules of Evidence 2018" (Amazon). This must be what you're talking about. I still don't have the time to read it. Grrr....Good to know.

I saw that book in a friend's family library, haven't gone through it though, but Law of Evidence by Buckles is a good one too(read through that in November last year).

I still don't have the time to read it. Grrr....Good to know

I get the feeling Sire, take it dose by dose.. Thanks

That's good advice judge other and become oversmart.

The justice system has no bearing on justice, and "guilty until proven innocent" is the de facto state of affairs regardless of what we learned in Civics.

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