in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

The eyes of the world is getting focused on the US and some of its illegal practices.

This came to my attention because it was on our local news stations SABC, in South Africa.

The photo below is from a border patrol agent that is talking to migrants who illegally crossed the border from Mexico.

A Border Patrol agent talking with migrants who illegally crossed the border from Mexico into the United States near McAllen, Tex.CreditLoren Elliott/Reuters

The eyes of the world is getting focused on the US and some of its illegal practices.

There is a practice by the Trump administration to separate children from their parents and families who cross the border of the US illegally.

The United Nations said this is a gross violation of the children's rights and international law.

As revealed by the New York Times in April, the US authorities were responsible for the separation of several hundred children from their parents. This happens under a policy of criminally prosecuting undocumented people crossing the border. So the parents get arrested and the children are being put under "sponsors care".

The human rights office said it appeared that, as The New York Times revealed in April, United States authorities had separated several hundred children, (this is more like thousands) including toddlers, from their parents or others claiming to be their family members, under a policy of criminally prosecuting undocumented people crossing the border.

That practice “amounts to arbitrary and unlawful interference in family life, and is a serious violation of the rights of the child,” Ravina Shamdasani, a spokeswoman for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, based in Geneva, told reporters.

This is what President Donald Trump had to say earlier on twitter:

Follow Follow @realDonaldTrump
Put pressure on the Democrats to end the horrible law that separates children from there parents once they cross the Border into the U.S. Catch and Release, Lottery and Chain must also go with it and we MUST continue building the WALL! DEMOCRATS ARE PROTECTING MS-13 THUGS.
6:59 AM - 26 May 2018

As if it is not him that is responsible for this:

Last month, the Trump administration announced a “zero tolerance” policy for illegal border crossings, saying that it would significantly increase criminal prosecutions of migrants. Officials acknowledged that putting more adults in jail would mean separating more children from their families.

It is because of this illegal practice that the US administrations lost track of over a 1000 migrant children

The excuses that they are giving is ridiculous:

The government did realize last year that it lost track of 1,475 migrant children it had placed with sponsors in the United States, according to testimony before a Senate subcommittee last month. But those children had arrived alone at the Southwest border — without their parents. Most of them are from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, and were fleeing drug cartels, gang violence and domestic abuse, according to government data.

This unbelievable that children would arrive alone at a border without their parents. Then they are placed with "sponsors" which choose to not respond to the administration when they were looking for the children. What kind of "sponsors" is this, that would ignore the administration? If that is true, they should not have been put in their care in the first place. Would a so-called sponsor, not receive money for looking after these kids. Then the government must have the details of their whereabouts unless they were "lost" because of human trafficking. This is unthinkable, horrible but most likely.


“The U.S. should immediately halt this practice of separating families and stop criminalizing what should at most be an administrative offense — that of irregular entry or stay in the U.S.,” Said, Ms. Shamdasani, the spokeswoman for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

I KNOW THIS IS ABOUT ILLEGAL MIGRANTS CHILDREN BUT IT IS STILL SOMEBODY'S CHILDREN. LET US AS A UNITED GROUP @familyprotection make them take notice what the USA is doing to their own citizens and children.

I started a petition in this regard a while ago but I am not making good progress. If anyone can shed some light for me why you think people are not signing the petition it would be appreciated.


If you are afraid to sign or don't want to be bothered by updates of this petition please get yourself an alternative email address and sign with that. I have a second email address for all the sites on the internet that want you to register.
They only ask your first name, country and email address.

If we can get enough signatures, we as a concerned group can lodge a complaint with the United Nations, their Human Rights Council. Here is the link to the website.


Support the cause!

Donations can be made directly to the wallet of @familyprotection.
If you are not familiar with @familyprotection, you can read about them here:

I will also bring attention to @familyprotection each week on my show Romance on the Air on Sundays at 7 pm UTC on mspwaves.com

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/05/world/americas/us-un-migrant-children-families.html

Thank you for reading and taking action of some kind!

Thank-you @hope777 for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

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I think the sentiment is correct, but I would not trust the UN with anyone’s children either.


The biggest & most powerful organizations in this world have been doing questionable things with children for a very very long time. Orphans are a commodity to be molded into whatever the elite see fit in this world. They create big organizations for their “charitable” practices


So many little fish get caught, but the big fish never do & the media is always a few steps behind as they are owned by the big fish & cannot report truth.

People who hurt children deserve the worst possible punishments

People who hurt children deserve the worst possible punishments

I agree, and the effort to fight MS13 goes a long way towards protecting children. To call them "undocumented immigrants" overlooks their philosophy and history and criminal record.

The biggest & most powerful organizations in this world have been doing questionable things with children for a very very long time.

The UN also has a terrible philosophy and history and criminal record. To turn to them to protect our children is a very big mistake.


Thank you for this @ceattlestretch

I think the sentiment is correct, but I would not trust the UN with anyone’s children either.

Thank you for the links you provided I was not aware of it. I will go read it. I will let go of my petition directed at a complaint with the UN. Seems that what I thought was a good avenue was not that at all.

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One thing for sure, child trafficking is a huge problem. When all these organizations have ties to trafficking & abuse it’s hard to figure out who to turn to. I think the more people who are aware of the problem & working to stop the problem, the better. Hopefully, we will see more & more groups of people working together to help the more vulnerable. Thanks for the post to get people thinking

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What the USA is doing to their own citizens

  1. They are NOT citizens of the United States.

...lost 1400 children

2)no, they didn't. That's liberal propaganda. http://www.thegazette.com/subject/news/nation-and-world/more-than-1400-immigrant-children-arent-lost-us-official-20180529

What kind of sponsors is this, that won't respond to the administration?

3)The kind who are family members, here illegally themselves, and we can't kick their asses out because of the pool of tears from pro-immigration advocates we'll drown in.
Why do I think no one is signing the petition? Because, and I can verify this as both a Texan, and an American, WE DON'T WANT THEM HERE ILLEGALLY! It creates a terrible burden on our economy and resources. Legal immigration is fine, but we can't just let anybody who crosses over the border stay here! There are rules of immigration to be followed and if someone from Scotland, or Italy, or England, or South Africa, or Europe, or Asia,or Panama or ANYWHERE ELSE has to follow those rules, then by God, so do those from Mexico! They don't get special consideration just because they share our Southern border.

There are rules of immigration to be followed and if someone from Scotland, or Italy, or England, or South Africa, or Europe, or Asia,or Panama or ANYWHERE ELSE has to follow those rules, then by God, so do those from Mexico!

I agree, the "open borders" idea will destroy entire nations, like what's happening in Europe. Good fences make for good neighbors. Neighbors climbing the fence and raiding the refrigerator and wifi, means we need a better fence. @ironshield

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make them take notice what the USA is doing to their own citizens and children.

What I meant @dissarangedjane is that UN did take notice what is happening to the migrant's children, let them also take notice what the USA is doing through CPS to their own citizens.

My petition was about laying a complaint at the UN about the treatment of CPS of families. It is not about illegal immigrants. My whole post was just if they can notice that, then maybe the UN can also notice what the US is doing to their own people. But it seems I stepped into it and I was not aware or made aware by anyone else since I run this petition from my first post for familiyprotection that the UN is the bad guys. Thank you for your comments and the enlightenment.

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The UN is an unlawful, nefarious, demonic organization, ordering the US that of which they practice on a grander scale than we could imagine.

  • International child/sex trafficking
  • unlawful organ trading
  • Agenda 21
  • legalization of pedophilia
  • globalism/Islamism/communism/technocracy/slavery/unlawful taxes
  • Climate change racketeering/fraud

Neither the UN nor the EU has any lawful authority. Their big mouth about righteous issues is designed to assign themselves justification for their unlawful existence.

No - I can't upvote this. The analysis is missing the point that the UN is hijacking the subject matter.

Nevertheless, my support for @familyprotection stands. I will, however, never stand with the UN/EU or other unlawful slavery/death cults.

The entire analysis is missing the point; Mexico unlawfully funnels kids through their country to the US border. The 'negative attention' of the UN criminals is directed against the sovereignty of the US and has nothing to do with concern about children or crimes the US state-sanctions via their henchpeople in the CPS , etc.

Well said @globocop. The UN "Rights of a Child" backs CPS in almost every situation. They are not the ones to go to petitioning help for children and families. @ironshield

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nice catch, and thanks for informing us of more facts in this!

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Thank you for your time and comment @globocop. I was not aware that the UN is the bad guys. I had this petition in my first post I made for familyprotection, I was promoting it on Romance on the AIr and this is the first time anybody said to me that the UN can't be trusted.

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Absolutely! @familyprotection is all about protecting family integrity - which is the parent's responsibility. Empowering parents with information to protect the family from entities that want to divide the family, children away from their parents or parent.

Families that decide to cross the border into the US illegally seriously risk loosing the unity of their family. If they value their family (which of course they do), they should seriously reconsider entering the US illegally.

If i'm in a dire situation and I'm forced to consider stealing food to feed my family, but the punishment for stealing is getting my hand chopped off - how can I benefit my family with no hand? There must be another way.

I'm in a dire situation and I'm forced to relocated into the US illegally to feed my family, but the punishment for entering the US illegally is to loose my children. How can I benefit my family if we are separated? There must be another way.

Separating children from their parents is a travesty in any situation. I pray these families are reunited. The punishment (dividing families) outweighs the crime (entering the US illegally). But wouldn't that be all the more reason NOT to commit the crime?

Family Protection is always the responsibility of the parents first, before the state or the UN.


Thank you @ironshield. Seems that I have put my foot in it. But in any case. it still seems that you care about the children thanks for that.

I believe in borders (especially with the push for increased welfare for those coming illegally). But the part I wonder about, what with what is going on here in tucson, is how many of those children are being brought here to be trafficked. The TPD and local news here is trying to downplay what is going on, but they can't put this one back in the box. I suspect due to their trying so hard to discredit VOP that there are government connections to this slave trafficking.

Not posting the latest one I watched last night, but at another of these camps they found what appears to be the dismembered bones of children. Oathkeepers is sending boots on the ground here to aid them since the government (that would be Democrats here in Tucson) is trying to hinder putting a stop to this. TPD actually bulldozed the first site they found, where they were keeping the children in a septic tank. Even the news reporter for one of the channels reporting live said it appeared to be a homeless camp despite the restraints hanging in plain site on the rape tree behind her.

Cemex appears to somehow be involved, and surprise, they are heavily tied to the likes of Soros and the Clinton foundation. As the guy from VOP says again and again, it is time to put the politics aside. They are both guilty and it is time we find some middle ground and quit letting them divide us while they get away with these crimes against humanity.

George Soros and his "Open Society Foundation" completely supports open borders. I'm not surprised he has connections to Cemex. The government connections to child trafficking is being exposed and it is very, very aweful. God willing, the true patriots will rise up and put an end to this corruption. @ironshield

Thank you for your in-depth reply @practicalthought. I suppose only time will tell what is going on there and hope that the whole and full truth will come to light. Blessings!

well done for starting this petition and intiative..
My feeling as to WHY people arent signing up to it is this..

I just tried to do it.. and at the very last step i got this;

and that was after already entering my personal details which many people are not comfortable to do.. but that last step really put me off and i didnt sign it.. I think people are Scared of being blacklisted, or going against the system.. at least so publicly with the people who sign it clearly mentioned on the page.. and potentially all our contacts given to them on top of it.. ugh.. (it doent say it will share my contacts, just my public profile.. but even Im sceptical)

maybe there is a better petition service? perhaps www.change.org but im not sure how much better they are.. but i know someone who works for them and he is super ethical!

hope that helps!

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Thank you @eco-alex for your time to help me. I really appreciate it. But it seems that in my ignorance about the United Nations being "also the enemy" I stepped into it. So no use to continue down that avenue then.
But in any case thanks!

its complex stuff.. luckily we got an amazing community .. together we are stronger, and smarter! ;-)

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I really agree with you possibly they are illegal migrants but dividing children from parents and giving children to careless sponsors are really inhuman activity and this should not be done because in this case children can face any unforeseen situations and carelessness can push children's life into danger and we all know and we see on news about the child trafficking. Let's hope that this process will be stopped soon. Thanks for sharing this responsible oriented post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed.

Thank you @chireerocks. There seems a lot to be learned still. But I will. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!

I didn't knew about this illegal practice going on in US. Its very sad that all the childrens are seperated from their parents when they need them. Thanks for sharing. We came to know about it and might be all other who are involved in this practice.

Thank you for commenting @punkblogs. This post was about migrant children that are separated in the US, Canada, UK and other parts of Europe, the Child Protection Services take children away from their parents for any little excuse they can get. They are destroying families. Reasons like homeschooling, choosing not to vaccinate even for breastfeeding. Look at my previous post

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