in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

Why is Child Protecting Services out of control?

These are the following that occurs on the watch of the CPS:

  • Children legally kidnapped from their loving homes over false allegations or even insubstantial reasons.
  • Desperate parents rights are ignored, their homes invaded and their lives disrupted in the worst possible way.
  • Parents trying to get their children back are bankrupted for all their efforts to get their children back.
  • Foster care and adoptions are forced by the CPS although there are willing and extended family members to take the children in.
  • The worst of all: Children are lost for years in the system, where 80% of them get neglected, abused, physically, mentally and sexually or even trafficked into horrible situations.

All of these have been documented by Health Impact News at MedicalKidnap.com, as well as many others.

Why on earth has a system that was supposed to protect children has become this corrupt?

The main answer is MONEY!


“Follow the money,” Deep Throat advised investigative journalist Bob Woodward during the Watergate scandal.

$6.8 billion dollars was projected for CPS for the foster care and adoption of Children in 2015.

The Social Security Act of the 1970s, Title IV-E funding, and the 1997 Adoption and Safe Families Act, each child fostered or adopted by the state is worth reimbursement to state and local government.

This laws provides incentives for even more children to be removed from families.


The National Coalition for Child Protection Reform (NCCPR) says that for every dollar projected to be spent on preventing foster care or the speeding up of reunification, the federal government will spend more than 10 dollars on foster care and adoption.

The NCCPR also says that kids are removed “prematurely or unnecessarily” from their parents as federal government give states a stronger incentive to do so rather than use this money to help families to stay together.

The horrible overwhelming sad truth is that children are a commodity in the billion dollar CPS business!


It’s simple, really, says former Director of DCFS in Baltimore, Molly M. Tierney:
The only time the federal government pays me is when I take somebody’s kid. And as soon as that kid’s in foster care, they instantly become a commodity… [4]

Almost no money is going back to help children and their families according to an article by Dr. Mercola.
States have no obligation to put money back in to keeping families together or even for preventing child abuse. By law, the money can also be used for "non-child-related things", like delivering meals, transportation or home-based services for senior citizens.
The twist is that states are not required to put this money back in to keeping families intact or even for preventing child abuse. Instead, by law, they can use it for non-child-related things, such as delivering meals to senior citizens or for transportation services, or a range of other home-based services!
You can look at any state budget to see that local governments and states are cutting back on children's services and uses the extra dollars to balance their budgets.

What can you do? - Take action!!!

Here are three things that everyone in the USA who cares about families can do TODAY:

You can call, write or email your state and national congressmen and women about this issue. Start talking to them about the CPS in your state. Research particular cases in your state and share this with them. They don't often hear from "ordinary citizens". Keep records of this communications and follow up over time.

Contact your local media may it be TV/radio stations or local papers and tell them about a specific family story in your area or state.

Start to get organized. Talk to other families, friends, neighbours, church communities made them aware of the failure of the CPS and that they are not your friends. Form a concerned group like @familyprotection here on steemit and start to brainstorm what you as a community can do.

The above actions can make a HUGE impact over time.



I started a petition to do my part in the fight against the Legal Kidnapping of innocent children from their parents!

Please sign my petition, this petition won't get you any attention from your local city or state it will presented to the United Nations. No need to be afraid to sign this!


If we can get enough signatures, we as a concerned group can lodge a complaint with the United Nations, their Human Rights Council, here is the link to the website.

Support the cause!

Donations can be made directly to the wallet of @familyprotection.
If you are not familiar with @familyprotection, you can read about them here:

I will also bring attention to @familyprotection each week on my show Romance on the Air on Sundays at 7 pm UTC on mspwaves.com

Thank you for reading and taking action of some kind!

Source: http://medicalkidnap.com/2015/10/06/child-protection-services-is-out-of-control-what-ordinary-citizens-can-do-about-it/
Images as indicated below each picture.

Hope777 1 klein.jpg

Thank-you @hope777 for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

Great Post Let's Fix This! Following YOU!

Thank you @pjcswart, If you say lets fix this, I sincerely hoped you signed my petition!

This guy helped his wife get to the $100K position in this company. Also helped like ten people get to the $5K position and above. He put together this Facebook group with the secrets of exactly what he's doing. I don't know why he's doing. I don't know why he's got it open to the public - I'm still freaking out about it. but he will let everyone go in thre and check out what he's doing. Here's the link

https://m.facebook.com/groups/2051234691786167?view=permalink&id=2065961436980159 go join, I'll welcome you, as soon as you're in.

please send me the link again can't fnd it

Cada día son más los casos de abusos y maltratos hacia niños y adolescentes. Que casi queda sin notar las noticias de adopciones, de recuperaciones de niños. La sociedad se está degenerando cada día más.

ya and it is affecting the future of the childrens as well as the whole world. money is not everything you can get from this world. What to do with money if you don't have anyone to share your feeling.

For some money is their god, and they will do anything for it, they don't care about love. Thank you for commenting!

Yes. Money Doesn't Make You Happy, But Neither Does Poverty!

Semuanya ada kaedah nya masing"

It is just absolutely horrific and unthinkable that organisations like this exist under the banner of child protection!
Here in South Africa it's the opposite where we read of children who are brutally abused by parents as our Social Welfare will try and keep children with their parents or family at almost all costs as has been the case where little ones lost their lives at the hands of parents. But to remove children from loving parents is the most horrific and cruel act as is happening with CPS!!!
This has to stop!

Thank you for your comment @lizelle. I really appreciate it. I hope that you may be signed my petition?

Thank you for the reminder, meant to go back & got sidetracked, shared it on Facebook and Twitter as well! So very sad for the children & the parents, thanks for this @hope777!

Terrible. I can't believe how blinded people become by greed and power. Absolutely disgusting!

Thank you for reading and commenting @therneau. I hope that you may be signed my petition in support. Thanks!

Yup, signed :)

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

Thank you so much @hope777 for this post of yours, this world will be a better place with more people like you, continue your good work.
Well what I can say about this issue is that its a sign of end time so we should do our best in bringing up our children in the right way, by so doing this world will be better place. Here is a related topic you can learn one or two things from.

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In the time you wrote that spam, you could have written an article about how no one likes you!

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