Family Protection Meme: BUSINESS IS BUSINESS

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

My First CPS Meme!

Today 100's of children are being removed from their families by CPS agents who have no legal right to do so.

If you are ever visited by CPS agents remember the golden rules! @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam have said it well!:

  • Do NOT let them in your home without a Court Order.
  • Do NOT let them speak with your children without a Court Order.
  • Use your own words very sparingly. Remember that whatever you say can and WILL be used against you. You are guilty until proven innocent in the CPS system.
  • Ask them to outline their concerns in a letter or email, and that you will answer them by letter or email. This way everything is documented.
  • Record everything.

Remember to inform them that it is the constitutional right for parents and children to live together, guaranteed by the 4th 14th and 1st amendment to the US constitution.

It is also constitutionally improper to remove a child unless there is reasonable and articulable evidence that the child is in immediate danger of bodily danger or death at the hands of the parents.


Thank-you @eco-alex for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

Waohh. All over steemit, i stumble upon one post or another about Child Protection Services. And it looks like there is a general apathy towards the scheme. I do not understand how CPS works, but from what i've seen so far, its like the government take away your kids to be kept in a government facility. There's no such service in Nigeria here, but i would love to learn how it works and why its being frowned at by almost everyone. Can you explain more to me sir @eco-alex

its a bit complex, but very simply, the system is not working and for many reasons. The result is that children are removed and for no good reason every day, and re-housed with adoptive families. These agents break the law to do this, use coercion and upto 50% lie in court to get their case through. The main reason is that they have to do this in order to get funding. If they don't take children away they lose their jobs.

That is just scratching the surface! please do read some of the posts on the @familyprotection account and you can get an idea of what is going on.

i hope that helps!

It really helped. I followed the page, read the stories and have understood what this is all about. This is unfair. This is so uncalled for as it tends to tear the very foundation of society apart. It is surprising to encroach into people's lives in the name of protection. I wonder how that is supposed to work. Its unfair, honestly. Someone called it legal kidnapping and i think is more than that. Unbelievable.

This post was upvoted and resteemed by #thethreehugs. Thank you for you your contributions and support of our community here @familyprotection. You will find my latest posts at #thethreehugs

Excellent advice. These bullet point words need to go into a brochure for the world to have. They also need to be translated in each person's language and this brochure needs to be free and available to the public. Thanks @eco-alex

you are so right! You cant post this information too much!

Thanks for sharing such valuable info alex :D keep it up!!

Maybe you can create a whole graphic novel about them CPS thugs.

@stillgideon would be the man for that.. if you saw his cartoons! maybe ill ask him actually

I am sure there may be a good reason so am asking sincerely, why do we use their orwellian terminology when engaging in activism against the CPS? It bothers me a lot that these crimes of kidnapping are referred to as "removal". What I see here is a rogue government agency arresting suspected crime VICTIMS instead of the suspected perpetrators. These are crimes and I have been referring to them as kidnapping or arrest, not "removal". I suppose next of kin could do a "removal" in certain contexts but when it is done by strangers who are being paid, it is human trafficking which is described as kidnapping or arresting. If I am wrong, I will be happy to change.

thanks for the contribution

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