How Cannabis Is Helping To Keep Families Connected

When an individual is suffering from an illness, the chronic pain that they go through can easily end up impacting those around them. Those who are going through disease and battling chronic pain are left struggling with a variety of pressures that come along with it and as a result it can cause a lot of stress in the family.

It's understandable if they might occasionally feel irritable, moody, impatient, or withdrawn. It isn't easy to go through pain on a regular basis and try to keep up with all of the day to day responsibilities and maintain a consistently good mood. Though, it is a respectable goal.

Cannabis Has Helped Families

Cannabis has helped many families to seek peace again and comfort from this struggle. Parents and other individuals who have been able to seek remedy from this plant, have been able to boost their quality of life as a result. And when the cannabis can help them to reduce the pain, it will enable them to spend more time with their family and enjoy life more often.

Studies have shown that roughly 93 percent of patients suffering from chronic pain prefer cannabis to opioids, and previous research also suggests that opioids are no better than over-the-counter options at trying to help the pain. Opioids are also arguably much more dangerous than cannabis as a pain treatment option, though many researchers still insist we haven't investigated enough yet to truly know all of the potential benefits or risks.

While cannabis has helped many families to possibly reconnect, or many different individuals to battle pain etc, this doesn't mean that there are not individuals who haven't embraced cannabis to the point of becoming too dependent on the substance; it can't fuel negative consequences in someone's life if they interact in an unbalanced way. For example, spending money they cannot afford on it or smoking at times when they shouldn't etc. But there is a tremendous amount of healing that cannabis has enabled for people worldwide and we are just now starting to dig deeper into researching all that this plant might provide, the more that the violence and restraint against researchers gets lifted, enabling them to uncover the potential here.

You will find a number of medical cannabis patients who will tell you that the plant truly changed their life, improving things for the better and giving them more time to spend with their loved ones.

Some say it's helped them to reconnect and truly enjoy their life. Unfortunately, there are still some parents who have had their children taken away because of their peaceful cannabis use, no doubt in cases when there has been no legitimate neglect as CPS is prone to make mistakes. Parents shouldn't be judged on their consumption habits of cannabis as many parents do and continue to consume cannabis without it impacting their parenting in such a detrimental way.

One previous survey by a NYC-based media company, discovered that 8 out of 10 cannabis smokers say that they like to consume right before bedtime, before watching television with the kids.

They report that it makes the television time with the family much more enjoyable. And they aren't stoned out either and ignoring things around them, researchers suggest that they are mindful, present, and engaged, after smoking.

The more that parents can share about their positive and negative experiences that they've had with this plant, whether that be suffering from unjust restriction, being punished for peaceful use, stories of healing, and more, it can all help to erode the cannabis ignorance that is widely prevalent today.


The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.

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Thanks for this great post!

thanks for checking it out!

Always a good article from you. I really think parents who partake benefit as the herb aids individuals in being patient and that is a characteristic that is vital in raising gets.

Posted via | Reggae Culture Rewarded

thanks for the comment! appreciate the support

Useful blog bro like it.

I will definitely choose Cannabis over Opioids any day to help manage chronic pain @doitvoluntarily ! For me it would be with the cbd Oil etc so I dont get high on it but my hubby and two sons prefer to smoke it which I used to prefer many years ago but not anymore as I also quit smoking cigaretts about 7 years ago, so smoking is out for me. To each their own I guess!😃👍😎 upped and resteemed #jahm #weedcash #palnet stem
👪 Better quality of life, builds stronger families!

plants over pills any day!👍

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