Healing from the StockHolme's Syndrome = Dunning-Kruger effect / using Neural Plastisity of the brain.

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

In a post I wrote for @aconsciouness I explain that the Dunning-Kruger effect is:

It is logical and reasonable to think perhaps the definition is  defining those who believe that there are people of lower ability than  themselves. Beliefs do not create facts, but facts do create beliefs.  The only point to this is that people who believe that they are smarter  than others are really expressing an opinion that serves to bolster a  failing self image. Thus the Dunning-Kruger effect is a behavioral habit  illusion of thinking one's self's opinion are facts. At least so it was  for me.  

Soure : @consciousness

Dunning-Kruger effect / Remove the cause and the effect will cease. / Self examination is the key!

I share that the solution is:

  If the Dunning-Kruger effect is a behavioral habit illusion of thinking one's self's opinions are facts, then "Sublata causa tollitur effectus." or  "Remove the cause and the effect will cease.". So really I needed to create another Habit that checked and changed the  illusion. That served to over time remove the habit. Seems counter  intuitive at first to create a habit to fix a habit, but as far as I can  tell it has worked. I no longer think that I am smarter than anyone  else (average and lucky to be so), just the only expert that exist on  who I am.  

Soure : @consciousness

Dunning-Kruger effect / Remove the cause and the effect will cease. / Self examination is the key!

In writing "Beliefs do not create facts, but facts do create beliefs." in the above post the question arises "What facts does the belief that the "Dunning-Kruger effect is a behavioral habit illusion of thinking one's self's opinions are facts"?"

are important to comprehend and understand. So in this post I will lay out the facts and a possible solution. Some independent and some experiential that create the causal link to the definition of Dunning-Kruger effect behavior. Some of these facts are medical facts and some of these facts are obvious facts that are true from a personal perspective. All that will be necessary when sharing personal facts is for the reader and writer to self examine for the truth of the facts.

Let's look at some medical facts first: Neuroplasticity:

The brain's ability to reorganize itself by  forming new neural connections throughout life. Neuroplasticity allows  the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate for injury and  disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or  to changes in their environment. Brain reorganization takes place  by mechanisms such as "axonal sprouting" in which undamaged axons grow  new nerve endings to reconnect neurons whose links were injured or  severed. Undamaged axons can also sprout nerve endings and connect with  other undamaged nerve cells, forming new neural pathways to accomplish a  needed function. For example, if one hemisphere of the brain is  damaged, the intact hemisphere may take over some of its functions. The  brain compensates for damage in effect by reorganizing and forming new  connections between intact neurons. In order to reconnect, the neurons  need to be stimulated through activity. Neuroplasticity sometimes  may also contribute to impairment. For example, people who are deaf may  suffer from a continual ringing in their ears (tinnitus),  the result of the rewiring of brain cells starved for sound. For  neurons to form beneficial connections, they must be correctly  stimulated. Neuroplasticity is also called brain plasticity or brain malleability. 

   Medical Definition of Neuroplasticity 

One can see that "The brain's ability to reorganize itself by  forming new neural connections throughout life." is then given a negative meaning by statement about this process while repairing damaged nerves. Is however Neuralplasticity only something that occurs when the brain is damaged. Is it possible that Neuralplasticity is a normal everyday function that happens even when there is no physical damage to the brain as the definition imply s and or is Neuralplasticity the Brains ability to change. Lets take a look at a what amounts to a testimony from those in the field. 

The Brain that changes itself

By Norman Doidge, M.D., 

A Scientist Changes Brain to Sharpen Perceptions and Memory, Increase Speed of Thought and Heal Learning Problems. 

Source : Google Scholar 

So really there are books and studies that show exactly the claim. That our brains are not wired in stone. We can change our brains and we can increase the speed, sharpen perceptions, improve memory and heal learning problems. Thus to me it is not a stretch to comprehend that our perception are our interpretation of facts and not really the facts themselves. How we interpret the facts can be empowering or limiting and is why comprehending and understanding the Dunning Kruger effect is so important. The only link to the belief that people are inferior or superior is the actions that we do not have the knowledge to interpret . This comprehension and understanding is even now interring education as a way of working with how the brain actually functions instead of thinking that as adults we have what we have: we now know that you get what you put into it is more representative of the facts. 

Teaching with the brain in mind 2nd edition. Page 10 

Yes, the most amazing new discovery about the brain might be that humans beings have the capacity and the choice to be able to change our own brains. 

By Eric Jensen

Source : Google Scholar

So the claim that  "the Dunning-Kruger effect is a behavioral habit  illusion of thinking one's self's opinion are facts."  is based in medical facts that can be vitrified and confirmed by each and every one of us. It is also a perception that supports the statement"Beliefs do not create facts, but facts do create beliefs.". In realizing the importance of comprehending that the neural plasticity is  "The brain's ability to reorganize itself by  forming new neural connections throughout life." we come to the idea that really the perception that one person is smarter than another is really a perception that is irrational. This is because it doesn't have a correlation to the rational of the person in question, but is actually an interpretation of the action based on our own rational. Which doesn't have the history of the individuals motivation for the act itself. 

We are making up a perception that is not based on the facts of the individuals actions, but upon our own opinion of the actions. Thus Dunning-Kruger effect is actually a form of telling on ones self and not really a reflection of the person being judged. The fact that one of the requirements for thinking in a Dunning-Kruger effect fashion is that after deciding that someone is of lower intelligence, than one must also project the inferiority onto the person in question and by coincidence feel superior also. 

I don't think this is actually a coincidence but a symptom for filling a need to bolster a failing self image. This was the case for me and I think occurred as a result of the perception that there are people who are of lower intelligence naturally leads to the illogical hierarchical pecking order and thus a perception of where a person feels they are in that pecking order. So from my own experience I think that in reality though it appears that the purpose is to bolster the self image what actually happens is the opposite in thinking this:

 Dunning-Kruger effect 

In  the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a  cognitive bias  in which people of low ability have illusory superiority  and mistakenly  assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is.

More at Wikipedia  

Leads to a low self image in competition with all the other so called intelligent people, even if one actually perceives themselves high on the scale. A kind of depression for me was the result. For I could under this perception of belief never truly be more than I was and life would merely be the acquisition of things to prove my worth and value. I of course never even tried thinking "Life is futile"  While thinking this:

 In realizing the importance of comprehending that the neural plasticity is  "The brain's ability to reorganize itself by  forming new neural connections throughout life." 

Leads to the comprehension that ones intelligence can be changed and improved. The practice itself leads to noticeable improvement in cognitive abilities which leads to a better more in line with the reality self image. Which leads to more self examination for the purpose of improvement. Which leads to more improvement and so a cycle of better self image over time. It also leads to increasingly difficult goals and accomplishment.

An example of the increasing difficult goals is the fact that as a result of my experiences and changed views, I have recently decided to take on a difficult goal. That goal is the creation of a university that pays it's students to self examine for the purpose of self improvement. For that is what is missing in our society. Financial encouragement to self examine may actually be the key to solving many of our societies problems.

A rough outline of a plan

How does one pay people to self examine for the purpose of self improvement. We see examples here on steemit already up and running. @Minnowsupport is one. Which you can visit here on Descord:  https://discord.gg/VKxmwYJ  They are helping people improve their post in many ways and are a great resource for learning about steemit and writing. They have many project with it obviously being their goal to improve the value of steemians and steemit. Here are some more examples working with Minnowsupport on Descord.

Another great example of the use of the ability to help people increase the value of their post is organized project for putting forth truth in the form of #informationwar. Which you can visit by clicking >>

 Here is familyprotection: If you use there tag they will come buy and leave you the following comments after of course up voting your post and vastly increasing the value. Of course the post must be about familyprotection.

Thank-you @commonlaw for submitting this post with the  #familyprotection tag.  It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families. THESE FAMILIES NEED PROTECTING.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and  attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those  rewards back to our cause.)

We see here that not only are these project supporting people on their post, but people are supporting these projects with donations from the value received. Personally I felt great when I was able to transfer a portion of my earnings. Knowing it was going towards the cause of supporting steemians efforts to solve the problem of the taking of children from loving family's. It is just really good for the heart.

This post has shown exactly what the focus should be. A comprehensive understanding of Stockholm's Syndrome and the link to the Dunning-Kruger result is imperative to the solution. Which is learning how the mind works and incorporating that knowledge into the skill sets of everyone and  in realizing the importance of comprehending that the neural plasticity is  "The brain's ability to reorganize itself by  forming new neural connections throughout life."  

This knowledge has been around for a long time, but hidden from the general public. Steemians can get it out on the internet in a big way. All we need do is make it profitable and popular to write about it in a personal way. Thus it is important to also provide depository's of educational material for those who wish to continue gaining knowledge which is power.  

Here is just four examples of the kind of educational material needed: 





The truth project called information war uses Discord which you can visit here https://discord.gg/b2AskGG and Minnow Support project uses Descord:  https://discord.gg/VKxmwYJ How informationwar uses Descord 

  1. They use Discord as a place that people can come and chat with members and find out what it is all about. 
  2. They use Discord to hold open meetings everyone is welcome to participate in.
  3. They use Discord to provide information about current events. 
  4. They use Discord as a place for dissemination of current information about the project. 
  5. They use Discord to plan projects to push their plan along.
  6. They use Discord for anything that it can be used for.

Thus I have decided to also use a chat room and invite you all to my Societies Server : https://discord.gg/zwqDgV Obviously I need help. Mods for one and people who have an interest in the Pay You University concept. People who have knowledge about how to work a curation trail and program bots. People who can and will man the server. We also will need delegations of SP for the curation trial. We of course are going to need a board of directors. In fact to be honest we will need everything. 

What else do these awesome project use to promote improvement on steemit.

MinnowSupport has a Up Vote channel for providing up votes to the minnows post using a bot. They also have class room's for improving post writing. Informationwar uses  Steemauto, Made by Steem Witness @mahdiyari with Love  for Steem Users. | Discord Channel to create curation trials to support the writers providing encouragement to expose current events.  One can see the love for this awesome tool created by @mahdiyari here Steemauto will remain free and unlimited + some new features!  It is an awesome tool that is appropriate for use in the Pay You University.

I have no desire to compete with MinnowSupport in anyway. For one, they are doing a bang up job and I doubt I could. However their help and support in this project would be welcome. I commit my self and my accounts @commonlaw to the process of continued education. I commit @consciousness to the effort of creating this solution to the very real problems created by the Stockholm's Syndrome environment and the Dunning-Kruger effect result of that environment. My goal is to create a venue for disseminating the new comprehension that we can improve our brain and our standard of living. One mind at a time!

I am not responsible for if you think, what you think, how you think or what you do. You Are! If you like my content please consider an up vote and follow. Peace!

Interested in joining or supporting the Information War? 

Use tag  #informationwar to post your own stories about the lies and propaganda being pushed on the public.

@informationwar will up vote posts worthy of the cause.  

Join the discord: https://discord.gg/JsXbzFM chat with like minded individuals like myself and share your articles to receive additional support.  

Delegating Steem Power:   Another way you can support the cause is to delegate SP to @informationwar

Delegate 25 SP  

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Delegate 100 SP Note: remember to keep around 50SP in your account so you don't run into any bandwidth problems.  

How to delegate SP, join the fan base and more:   https://steemit.com/informationwar/@truthforce/you-can-make-a-difference-join-the-informationwar-and-help-support-others-today  

Find out more about the Information War. Click Banner!


There seems to be a conundrum in the philosophy to me. The Dunning-Kruger effect says that beliefs and opinions do not make facts, but wouldn't you have to believe the effect has factual basis for that to be your opinion? It feels like a breakdown in logic, like saying "I never tell the truth", there is some circularity there that seems self defeating no?
It's a very interesting concept though, very much like the Taoist religion, I'll check it out more for sure.

It is the difference between fact and perception. Like that fact that everything is in motions and vibrating at its own frequency, but we perceive that things are at rest. Which is the truth. Is everything actually in motion. If so then the perception that things are at rest is a false perception. If things are really at rest than the fact that things are vibrating is a false fact. They cannot both be correct. Thus object appearing to be at rest is a false objective perception. The perception that some people are smarter than others is also an objective perception that is false. You don't have what you have and that is it, because how the brain actually works. Neural plasticity proves that the truth is that at any time a person can choose to change how their brain works. Thus the perception of static intelligence is a false perception. Smarter or of lower ability is also a irrational perception because the perception is based on the act and not the cognition of the person. Wrong data forms wrong interpretation.

This is definitely an interesting concept. It does run contrary to what Peterson and Molyneux are pushing as far as IQ goes. That's the school of thought I'm most familiar with but it does leave little room for improvement and that tends to rob people of hope when they want to better themselves.
Does neural plasticity rely on chemical help and some outside force or is it a matter of training oneself?

Did you notice that I supplied some links to data on the subject of meditation, genetics being changed by certain metal exercises. The truth is that it is a matter of choosing self examination for the purpose of self improvement that leads to the improvement. In truth desire and effort are more important.

"It does run contrary to what Peterson and Molyneux are pushing as far as IQ goes."

The first thing I thought of when reading the above quote is the difference between where people are and what their potential is, isn't actually the same discussion. However I.Q and the testing of it is so riddled with problems that it is hard to think that people are giving such credence to the ideas.

I.Q testing is taking peoples action and using the rational of the test maker to determine the intelligence of the person in question. Exactly what I have determined the Dunning-Kruger effect is actually describing. That acts are the facts and the cognition is not visible to test. Thus the conclusion about the subject is based in irrational thinking. Taking the facts and forming a false perception. Perception and facts are not the same thing.

"Does neural plasticity rely on chemical help and some outside force or is it a matter of training oneself?"

Desire and effort create the chemicals naturally in the brain. We may in the future find some compound that does this faster. However the formation of a habit and the practice of that habit until it becomes a motor reflex function is where the most improvement is measured. Around three weeks of effort and new neurons and neural pathways can be detected and associated with the new habit.

I did but see the bit about meditation but I was looking for shortcuts ;). It does seem like an either or scenario with IQ testing and the idea that it can only be changed a few degrees by practice and training then. I'll be keeping an open mind to the idea of NP and follow along with the research you present. I genuinely want to believe in this concept much more compared to what I have heard previous about the subject.

I don't believe nor disbelieve. I create advantageous perceptions based on the facts. Belief or disbelief only creates blocks that prevent advantageous perceptions. Real hard to manifest that way.

You may be on the path of denying the emotions that make you human my friend. It is good to step back and evaluate reality but to go into the realm of all things being relative could detach you from those who do not wish to embark on the pilgrimage with you sir.

Those who care about you will be trying to keep you more grounded in the next few weeks, do not stray to far to fast from us that we can't fully grasp this new enlightenment you are bringing to the table.

In short please slow down your vernacular expansion upon this conversational lexicon, we are not keeping well.....

Great aspirations. Good luck!

Thanks it is one of those aspirations that I know will fill the rest of my time here on earth, but it is the most virtuous pursuit to heal all of us from the condition of our stockholm's syndrome induced perception that there are people of higher or lower mental potential.

I like that you used the word "potential"

It is the word that fits. Mind telling me why you liked me using the word "Potential"?

Because clearly not all are intellectually equal, or appear thus. But underestimating potential is an error. Witness Stephen Hawking; looking at him didn't impress. He likely wouldn't have survived the Nazi eugenics program. Or even the North American one; Hitler's was based in part on California's eugenics project.
Or autistic savants, etc.
Or people with brain injuries who recover, as per your writing above.

It is truth that not all are intellectually equal, what is equally true is that one doesn't have to remain where they are on any scales.

@commonlaw an exercise to increase nueroplasticity is to "claim" a historical event and make it your own. As you see, the event puts everyone on the same playing field. But also encourages nueroplasticity as the brain works memories thoughts reflexes to make said memory relevent.

I really enjoyed this read and hope you follow up with another here soon!

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