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RE: How I Could've Lost My Kids For No Good Reason

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

When my very good friend in my town had Social Services after her,
the Social Worker even admitted to my friend that her own children had been put into foster care!
Plus the woman showed obvious signs of using hard drugs (another friend of mine confirmed this.)

In other words, many of the Social Workers that they hire are extremely MESSED UP themselves!
And these are the people who are supposed to be determining if we are good parents or not?!


That's insane! How could someone be allowed to continue on if their own children have been taken away!? There is a rumor about a social worker here in our town who sleeps around and has a bunch of STD's. My husband's friend in high school sat down in the basement smoking weed all the time and his mom was a social worker!
On top of that there are so many truly abusive or severely drugged out parents out there who get completely overlooked while loving families are broken up. It's all screwed up.

Wow, that's extreme. How can these people even do the work I wonder? I had one that told me that she was now living on her own when not long before she told me that she had 4 kids...Which means that she moved out and her kids were with the dad...that should tell ya enough.

I've sent @snowpea a comment on her blog that I hope you'd see about CPS regarding your comment:

these are the people who are supposed to be determining if we are good parents or not?!

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