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RE: What A Stranger Told me...

in #family6 years ago

I heard a statistic, which I unfortunately can't back up with evidence at the moment, but it was expressing the fact that today people are more afraid even though, quantitatively the world is actually safer than it used to be. Believable in my opinion!


i remember seeing a graph about that a while back. child abductions are at like a tenth of what they were in the 60's / 70's but people are more scared because we have how horrible the world is shoved in our face every second of every day on social media and the news. I believe most violent crime is actually down or the same from then which is pretty awesome considering the drastic increase in the population since then.

I try to see the world through a bit of a rosy outlook, so this really helps. I don't like to think of the world as such a bad place. The majority are I believe are decent people, but there will always be those few.

Unfortunately i am not afforded that outlook anymore. I have this scar from ear to ear where the plates wete put in my skull to remind me that people have no issue with hitting you in the head with a bat for no reason. Kinda skews your view of the world from that point on. 20180219_072907.jpg

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