Life Lessons from a Geek: Batman Begins (The Grand Finale)

in #family7 years ago

When I sat down to write about the life lessons found in Batman Begins, I had intended to write one short piece. However, the movie was packed with far more valuable lessons than I had remembered. Perhaps it was watching it along side my 12 1/2 year old son Timmy that caused me to really examine this film. Whatever the reason, one piece would not have done it justice (and I doubt anyone would want to read a 3000 word dissertation on the topic).

One of my favorite quotes of all time is...

Those are powerful words. But will they capture the attention, heart and mind of a 12 year old boy? Maybe.

Thanks to Batman Begins, I did not have to leave it up to chance. I know my son heard the message. When Bruce Wayne is on his journey to becoming Batman, his friend Rachel Dawes speaks about the cesspool that Gotham is becoming. In the past, Bruce Wayne's parents stood up for what was right. But now they are gone. She challenges Bruce by saying...

Obviously I hope my son is never in a position to become a crime fighting vigilante.... that is a fantastical extreme. I am not asking my son to save the world. I just want him to learn to do his tiny part to make the world a better place. My son is a lover not a fighter. But that does not mean he can't make a huge difference. He may never be the one to stand between a bully and his intended victim (Although maybe he will. If there is one thing I have learned, it is that my son has a good heart, a strong will and he is braver than I could have ever imagined. I will never underestimate him.) But even if he doesn't, I know he can be the one to find that bullied kid, sit next to him at lunch, remind him that he doesn't deserve to be treated that way, and then make him laugh.

I use this line in Batman Begins to remind him that in our family, we are not bystanders... we are doers. If we can't help in a situation, we find someone who can. We aren't perfect. We can't help in every situation. I just hope to instill in him that his natural reaction is to try and make a situation better.

I'll check back with you in thirty years and see how we did.

Speaking of being a "doer"... Rachel Dawes provides another pearl of wisdom later in the film. When Bruce returns to Gotham to become the Batman and clean up his city, he needs to hide his true motives by appearing to be a playboy billionaire. To the outside world, Bruce must look like part of the problem, not the solution. He must look like he is one of the good people playing the fiddle while Gotham burns. Needless to say, Rachel is very disappointed by her friend's behavior. She knows Bruce has a good heart. But what good is a pure heart if you never follow it? Again she challenges him by saying...

I could throw axioms at my son all day...

Actions speak louder than words.

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

People with good intentions make promises...people with good character keep them.

You cannot see one's intentions.

But they may go in one ear and out the other. But when someone says it to Batman... and then Batman says it back to them later... oh man, you better believe he will hear that.

Thanks to our earlier conversation, this one merely required a nudge, a nod and a "See? You have to do the right thing. Just like we were talking about before".

When they sat down to write Batman Begins, I am not sure if Christopher Nolan and David Goyer intentionally put a nice little bow on the topic of doing the right thing.... but boy did they ever.

Actually, it wasn't a bow. With the very last line of the movie, the writers put a huge POW, BANG, and KABOOM on the lesson...

Lieutenant Gordon looks at Batman and says "I never said thank you."

Batman responds, "And you'll never have to."


What a perfect opportunity to explain to my son why I expect him to do the right thing. You don't do a good deed because you want a pat on the back, you want people to like you, you want someone to cheer for you, or you want the attention. No. You do a good deed because it is right. You do it because your heart told you to.

If no one notices... who cares? All that matters is that when you look at yourself in the mirror, you are proud of that person staring back. You know that person does what is right... even if it isn't easy (Thanks Dumbledore).

But if he wants to whisper what he did to his dad while no-one else is listening... that would be cool too.

Images 1, 2, 3, 4

If you enjoy this piece and would like to check out the previous installments, you can find them here:

Life Lessons From a Geek: Primer
Life Lessons from a Geek: Batman Begins (Part 1)
Life Lessons from a Geek: Batman Begins (Part 2)


Great post @hanshotfirst I am liking this series, I love the concept you wrote about when in a difficult situation you probably arent the right person to help them, but later you can go up to that person and make them feel valued as many seem to forget that trauma or a bad experience "bully" can cause on someones life.

The deepest way to teach these lessons and have them stick is through example. You seem to know this and live as the example of a person with integrity. Your son is lucky.

I try. I just have to be careful my son isn't watching when I'm stuck in traffic . LOL

I doubt you could top my Father's antics and road rage. But maybe you need one of those new self driving cars and a blind fold (:o)

I think that people must watch batman again from a different perspective and i believe that then they will see all the lessons of life that are in this wonderful movie.

Absolutely, those are my favorite movies - the ones where you can take away lessons..other movies off the top of my head like this are Shawshank Redemption, Forest Gump, ok wait the list is wayyy too long.

LOL. I know! I agree. that is what I started these a while back. There are so many good ones!

Totally - looking forward to future posts :)

I hope so! Thanks!

I've never been a huge batman fan, but the movies in recent years have definitely changed my opinion, great article, thanks.

good work sir i also read ur second last batman story how u teach us and from batman story and u show us some good morall from batman movie good work sir ur thinking is some good on it and u learen us many deeply lessons...appriciate ur work @hanshotfirst sir

I love Batman and your post :) you dont need powers to be a superheroe :D . you wont a follower and my vote:) i will wait for more post :) have a nice day.

You are an amazing dad obviously - children tend to get tired of us preaching and teaching but at the end of the day they do learn something and become better humans and always look back on what their parent's taught them...even the times they thought it was lame hahaha

Thanks... but we won't know how well I did for another 20 years or so. LOL Plus it is ultimately up to them to decide how to act.

But my fingers are crossed!

Yes very true but believe me, mine is now 24 and I see it more and more that she did actually listen. He is going to be just fine

Awesome sauce! I think what would've been a great part 2 to this post (or a nice follow up..hint, hint ;).. would be how these lessons apply to some useful objective or skill, like marketing, investing in cryptos, or something else us Steemians would be interested in. I've been obsessing over crypto investing recently and can already think of a few "actions speak louder than words" examples to apply there :)

That is a great idea!

Thanks! I'm full of great ideas... or at least, I like to think so :P

I really wish that my childhood would have been like your sons's. My father never motivated me like you made your son to do. Movies have a great impact on us and we always either consciously or unconsciously follow the path of our super heroes. I am really happy for your son and hope he will be a very kind and loving human being and care for the world around him. After all his upbringing is so great and inspired by the moral stories you have injected into his ears since his birth.

I just hope to give him a strong base on which to stand. Ultimately it will be his decisions that will matter.

Yes, I understand it dear. If our fundamentals are strong, the whole structure will be stronger and durable. BTW if you have some free time to look at my post, I have made a transparent clothes effect. You will love it and also show it your little boy, some creativity will arise within him.

Oh yeah! I saw that earlier and hit it with vote. It is really cool!

thanx buddy for your support, stay connected dear friend.

it contains a moral message that should be passed on to our generation. A meaningful story in the movie. Thank for sharing @hanshotfirst. Love it much!

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