Growing UP!... - Vlog #6

in #family6 years ago (edited)

Hellloooo Steemians & DTubers... It's Monday Morning!!

As a parent with growing up kids, I can't believe it that there are times when we will have to let them "FLY" out of our cages and explore the world.


And for us, this is the first time our youngest child (baby of the family) will be away from us for his first School Camp to Canberra!!

Months ago when we said yes to him, it was so much easier. And then when it drew closer and closer to his trip, we were starting to feel a little queasy! Have you felt the same?

Every child needs to GROW UP.

And the best thing we can do as parents, is to allow them the space to explore their own individuality and gain their own self-confidence and ability to face the challenges by themselves!

It's all part of the process... for the Child AND for the Parents as well!!! :)

Have fun my little boy! I'm sure there'll be tons of stories you can tell us when you get back.

Till the next Vlog...

Mel @coachmelleow

Follow Me on Steemit... as I Vlog and Write on Life, Family, Travel, Food and my ramblings as a Coach!

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Nice post! I enjoyed hearing your perspective (morning mumbles and all!). My kids are still much younger (oldest is almost 6), so it is exciting and frightening to think about that stage of their lives.

My son is 11 and went on his first school camp a few weeks ago. It went for 3 days and 2 nights. We missed him like crazy. It was the first time he'd spent nights without family. He had trouble sleeping because the boys in his room wouldn't stop talking, but he had a great time. It can be hard as parents when our children grow up and become more independent. They will always be my babies, but I know eventually they will grow up spread their wings and fly away from home. I's going to be tough, but I know I Just have to let them go. I know what your going through.

Really appreciate your sharing here @what-is-life. Yes they will all grow up eventually but it's so tempting to wish that they did not and remained as cute as they were in the early years. And this one, being our baby will always be our baby I guess. But we have to realize that he is also becoming his own and one day, will have to make his decisions on his own. Love that he is away and believe he is enjoying himself. One bummer... how I wish the school allowed us to connect with them just 5 mins each night. But I guess that would be a logistical nightmare if all of them were given the chance to speak to their parents. LOL. Have a great day! :)

Awww... TQ Kevin. Steem On matey!

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