When SUCCESS Comes...What is your Response? - Vlog #4

in #dtubedaily6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians & DTubers... What is Success for you?

Definition: Success (the opposite of failure) is the status of having achieved and accomplished an aim or objective. Being successful means the achievement of desired visions and planned goals. Source

Today I will not be focusing on 'What Success is about', but more on the 'Output of Success.'

In my own definition, I personally don't covet or go after Success, I just do what I'm most Passionate about or what I'm Called to do and when I do that well, Success often follows. That "Success" could come in as a Resource ($) or even Recognition, etc.

And so when Success comes your way (and it will), what will you do with it?

"Will you raise your Standard of LIVING?" or Will you raise your Standard of GIVING?"

Hey, there is nothing wrong in raising your Standard of Living... I think you should. But if that's all you do and if ALL the % of your Success just flows inward, it will soon become like the DEAD Sea in Jordan ~ where there is only inflow of water and not an outflow!

When I think about a group that have GIVEN recently, I think about #TeamMalaysia. Through the leadership of @bitrocker2020 and @maverickfoo, they became a source of encouragement to a home of orphans and raised USD$1800 from the post they wrote! Sponsorships and Help came from the other amazing Steemians like @natalielo, @littlenewthings, @aaronleang, @zord189, @davidke20, @joannewong and @karinzdailygrind.


I believe when you and I decide to GIVE and SOW into Lives, our lives will also change for the better. Try it today and Be a Blessing to someone.

#TeamAustralia, let's do something for a "Good Cause" this Autumn. Who would like to be a part of that? @kevinli @datascience @choogirl @cycling-goldfish @samueldouglas @scottweston @bobaphet @bogglemcgee

Till the next Vlog...

Mel @coachmelleow

Follow Me on Steemit... as I write and vlog on a variety of Topics

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Awesome video! Makes me really think on how i define success

Hey @wastedlife... you can and will make a difference! I've learnt that through the years it's all about being open to learning and growing... and just becoming that catalyst to one person a day. Blessings to you!

Thats an awesome perspective to have we want to male a difference


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