FakeNews is the FakeNews: It's a Smokescreen to Discredit TruthsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fakenews8 years ago (edited)


WARNING: This is fake news! Do not pay attention to this fake news!

That's how the establishment is trying to control what people will consider valid to think about.

It has probably occurred to others, but it just did for me. I don't watch the news or TV and don't catch up on current events much.

Calling something "fakenews" is just an obfuscation technique used to mask and hide the news they don't want people to even consider. The majority of people's perception of reality is based on information they get form the scripted and controlled news. Even if they didn't point to something specific as fakenews, they could simply create an aura of "fakenews" hype and fear and people would think there was this serious fakenews problem.

I was thinking back of last week when I was reading up on how Facebook was being pressured to deal with the alleged "fakenews". It was said to have tipped the election in Trumps favor.

I read another article, again both mainstream on the fakenews and Facebook, and it mentioned one specific thing related to fakenews, that the fakenews implicated Hillary in pedophilia in Washington. Since these were mainstream "news" sites, of course to them this information was "fake", while their blind belief was "real", so they reported the "real news".

Later in the week, I was visiting someone, and the TV was on a morning news host show, where they made a passing comment on how they are not fake news, they are the "real news".

It's laughable, isn't it? These parrots who repeat what they are told uncritically, want to purvey themselves as speakers "truth"... of "reality" as "real news". Pizzagate is fakenews, we heard it from them, it must be true...

If you haven't seen that movie, Network is a classic about how we live and are conditioned to think and believe what "the tube" tells us. Television influences what we think and what we do. The tube has a hold on most people. They fall in for the selection race every 4 years, hoping for change by abdicating their personal responsibility to another.


Is this all a smokescreen? What is a smokescreen implying? Warfare, whereby someone masks and hides what they are doing.

We are under attack, through the continual silent kidnapping and enslavement of our children, the children of humanity. This is a war on those of us who don't want to have masters and owners in our lives. Our next generations are continually preyed upon by sick twisted people. And they expect the gullible masses to look the other way again. Will it work this time, or will the internet break the silence?

[Images: 1, 2]

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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2016-11-29, 6:36pm


Fake News outlets, aka "Dinosaur Media", has lost control of public opinion.
This is a poor attempt of gaining it back, but they do not realize, internet has changed the game. The more they try, the more they shoot themselves in the foot. Alternate news site have shown to be more credible, hence have more weight on the public opinion. Trumps win being proof of this.

Good post, resteemed

True enough but, internet censorship is certainly on the rise. Do you think that they are merely going to keep repeating the words 'fake news' until people eventually start believing them (never), or do you think this is merely the first step in a more thoroughly thought out plan to obliterate the alternative media?

I wrote an article earlier about where I think it is going, but in spite of a fair amount of upvotes, there hasn't been much activity on there comment-wise. I'd like to know what others are thinking about this issue.

Trump already exposed CNN as Fake News weeks ago. Ended up with 3 ppl getting fired from CNN.

It is hilarious that the mainstream blatant propagandists point the finger and scream 'fake news'.

I mean where should we begin? Hmmmm? Oh I know, yes. 9/11

They are totally lying about 9/11, refusing to examine all the evidence which irrefutably contradicts their absurd official conspiracy theory!

They lied about the anthrax, and the reasons for the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq etc .

They have passed a law which permits them to USE propaganda against the American people.

WBush admitted that the government produce propaganda videos, push them to mainstream news outlets and do not tell people they are fabricated propaganda.

They are a sick joke, and ARE really fake.

"...hoping for change by abdicating their personal responsibility to another."
I always enjoy your posts, I wonder if you are familiar with Mark Passio, he talks about a lot of these same things that you write about. He was where I first heard the term 'soul-die-er' for 'soldier', in a sort of green language translation.

Yes I am, good information.

Is it something like the conspiracy of conspiracy theories where basically the intention is to confuse public?

Hence my new video series on "What Did They Mean?" - a series about the role media plays in shaping investing sentiment / What did they mean and how might they be positioned. The next in the series will come out today or tomorrow - depending a little on doctor duties I have to do

I look forward to reading your series ...

Insightful points.

When I lived in Mexico there was a major news story in the US about a swine flu epidemic in Mexico that happened to first get reported the moment Obama flew back from Mexico City after a meeting with Mexican President Calderon. Literally every major news station reported it while Obama was still in flight.

Here's the thing. There was no epidemic. Zip, nada, no known cases. That didn't stop the networks from insisting there was an epidemic to the point of closing all airport flights from the US to Mexico for three weeks.

The swine flu vaccine that was immediately available in the US saw its stock price shoot up 738%.

I was in the tourism business there and for three weeks saw no Americans as they could not enter Mexico, but when I asked the other tourists from Canada, Europe, Asia and everywhere else in the world if they were concerned about the swine flu they all answered the same way. "What swine flu?', they said.

It seems only the United States reported the story like it was a life and death situation yet they still let Obama fly to Mexico. No one else in the world heard a thing about it. Investors in the swine flu vaccine made millions on a story that wasn't true at all.

My point is that even the major news networks report fake news as if it's true and I have come to realize that the louder and faster a story is parroted in the MSM the more likely it's not true at all. Fake news by the main stream media is just another way to control, decieve, convince and deflect the population from discovering the truth.

Calling something "fakenews" is just an obfuscation technique used to mask and hide the news they don't want people to even consider.

Which is exactly what the alt-right media has been doing since at least the inception of Fox News.

Both. CNN has had (has) CIA operatives in its network. "Left" isn't exempt. It's all BS.

So you don't "want people to even consider" any news at all?

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