Forgotten Fairytales – Mischievous children go to Mrs. Gertude

in #fairytale8 years ago

Once upon a time...

When little children didn’t obey their parents or acted out they would be sent to Mrs. Gertude, as was such with one little girl. Her parents had warned her but had finally reached their limits so they sent her on her way, but this one little girl wasn’t scared and responded,
“I fear not, for I will show this old Mrs. Gertude.”
When she arrived at the old ladies home, it was a small cottage house with a window on all four sides. Having her curiosity get the best of her she went to peer through the first window and saw a very dark and black figure on the staircase who stared directly at her. Then she went to the second window and saw a green man at the table staring directly at her from inside. At the third window she saw a man as red as blood standing in the kitchen, and finally after staring through the fourth window she saw the devil himself sitting by the fireplace, who after noticing the child went to the door.
When the door opened, an elderly woman appeared in the doorway and spoke,
“Oh my child, please come inside, I have been awaiting you to brighten up my home for quite some time. I am Mrs. Gertude.”
Hesitant, but willing, the little girl follow the old woman inside and explained to her what she had seen through the windows. Mrs. Gertude smiled on the first and said,
“Why that dark man on the stairs is my butler and always dresses in black.”
On the second she laughed and said,
“Why that colorful man is a hunter, and always dresses in green.”
On the third she frowned and said,
“Why that red man is the butcher, and unfortunately is normally covered in blood.”
On the fourth the little girl was somewhat frightened to tell the old woman that she saw her as the devil and it actually scared her. On this, Mrs. Gertude let out a hideous cackle and said,
“Why little girl, that is my true form as I am a witch!”
And just like that, the witch turned the little girl into a log and threw her onto the fire and said,
“Mischievous children come to brighten up my home!”
And Mrs. Gertude sat back down and resumed knitting…

The End



Whoa, surprise ending! Just like a script from an episode of The Twilight Zone. Thanks for sharing!

Damn twilight zone stealing my stories! ;)

Now there is a good bed time story, well done!

Thanks. I'm glad you liked it

Was wondering when the next one was coming. Nice ending!
Good story to tell the kids so they behave!

Thanks, this one was for you! You said you liked the non happy endings.

Hi @justiceforall, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads yesterday and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

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