Forgotten Fairytales – a Dove, Redbird, and the Old Hag

in #fairytale8 years ago

Once upon a time…

A wealthy family was traveling through the deep forest, away from any roads to avoid being sought by any thieves. Among them were many jewels and valuables but also was the poor servant girl they contained in service and in which they treated unkindly.
As they were in the midst of their journey through the woods, they came to pool of water and the master told the servant girl to fill the water barrels and added a whip lash to promote her haste.
As the girl was away filling the barrels, a group of robbers came from hiding and killed all in sight. All the family and guards died and the thieves made off with the treasures. So when the servant girl was finished drawing water and returned, she beheld the horrors.
Knowing nothing of these woods, and without food or companions, she began to weep.
“What could a poor girl like me obtain by wondering carelessly in these woods? I for surely must starve before I find my way, or become feed for any animals that may pass.”
She traveled the rest of the day and into the night without success. She came across no roads, no paths. Finally she gave into the night and slept underneath a great willow tree. When she awoke in the morning, a little white dove was sitting next to her and holding a bronze key that he put upon her hand and said,
“I see your struggles, and I know your woes. Go to that great oak over there, use this key on the lock within, and you will find food for your desire”
Then the white dove flew off and the girl went to the great oak. When she used the bronze key on the bronze lock, the tree opened into a great room filled with all varieties of food. The poor girl had never ate so richly before, she ate and ate until she could no more, and feeling the tire of indulgence, she took a nap under the great oak.
When she awoke for her nap there was a beautiful little redbird standing near her. In which was holding a silver key that he placed upon her hand and said,
“I see your needs, and know your wants. Go to the great pine there over, use the lock with this key and you will find shelter for your desire.”
Then the redbird flew away and the girl went to the great pine. This tree was the largest in the woods, and when she used the silver key and the silver lock, this enormous tree opened into a grand house. The girl ran from room to room and climbed all the staircases. By the time she made it to the bedroom and lay upon the most comforting bed, the sun was setting and she slept the night away inside the great pine.
When morning came, the girl was awoke by the dove and the redbird both chirping in her ear.
“Oh my saviors. Thank you for providing help to this poor girl, I am sincerely in debt to your services.” She proclaimed and to her surprise the birds spoke,
“My poor girl, we could only but help a sad lost person. You can stay as long as you please, but we must ask help in return, for only you can save us, with much greater in rewards.”
She hurriedly expressed her up most desire to assist the birds in anything they had of need so the birds explained further
“There is a cottage some short distance away, we will show the way. Go inside and speak with the old hag sitting by the fire place and she will tell you what next.”
So the dove and the redbird flew a distance within sight and the girl followed. A short distance later a small cottage appeared and the birds flew away without another word. The girl was so excited that she possibly escaped the forest that she rushed up and went inside without knocking.
“Who is thee to enter my home unknowingly?” said an old woman sitting by the fireplace.
The girl explained the situation and how the birds told her to come seeking the old hag. As soon as the old woman heard this she burst into a cackle.
“Oh, so the dove and redbird have sent thee? Well then. Take this golden key to the golden tree just behind my cottage. Inside you will find what they seek.”
The old hag gave her the golden key and went back to sitting at the fireplace. Then the girl went outside to the golden tree and unlocked the golden lock. When the tree opened up, inside was filled with cages, and inside the cages were birds of all colors.
As the girl went inside, each bird began to chirp at her as she passed them,
“Please, poor girl, free me from this cage.”
“Open the cage for me girl, I have been here for quite some time.”
“Save me from the old hag.”
The girl was confused, and wanted to let all the birds free, but each cage was locked with a key she didn’t have. Finally, as she walked deeper, there was a large golden cage with a dove and redbird inside, who became excited and called to her,
“Oh thank the heavens, the hag gave you the golden key! We were afraid she wouldn’t hold her end. Please set us free young girl, we have spent an eternity trapped her.”
The girl graciously went to the cage and unlocked it. Then when the dove and redbird flew from the cage and the old hag appeared to which the birds spoke,
“Old hag! We have completed the task, now set us right and free!”
To the old womans response,
“You have done what I ask. An exchange is granted.”
Suddenly the dove and redbird turned into handsome young men and ran from the golden tree, deep into the woods to never be seen again. Then the old hag turned to the girl and with a flick of the wrist, made her into a bluebird and set her into a cage,
“You are permitted 1hour a day from this cage in the golden tree. In order to leave, you must provide a human for a replacement… All cages must be filled.”
Afterwards, the old hag exited the tree while the caged birds chirped at her passing, awaiting there opportunity for escape…

The End



Ouch! And the moral is....? But seriously, thanks for sharing! I'm a fan of fairy tales and fantasy. Just started posting my own fantasy tale. My one recommendation to you: check spelling and grammer prior to posting.

Take help with a grain of salt? Always be wary of others intentions? I'm not sure if there was supposed to be a moral behind this one... could be why it is forgotten lol.
Thanks for commenting

Bravo!! Nice story. I enjoyed reading it, Justiceforall. Thank you for sharing it on Steemit.
Upvoted & Followed.

Thank you. I love writing them and have many to come.

I love fairytales. Just lovely.

Oh dear, out of the frying pan and into the fire! Good story though. Love reading these forgotten fairy tales, when you do publish them, do let me know, wont't you?

I'm glad you enjoy them! I already have enough for a book, but am working on rewriting them. And I could use an artist for pictures... I can't draw. Might reach out on Steemit, some people can really draw around here.

Yes, I'm thinking of doing something similar for my picture books. But I still have this voice in my head that tells to me to get better at drawing, because of the immense satisfaction to produce a picture book's words and pictures. Maybe one will be enough, then it will let me look for other illustrators.

It would be great to draw and write the story, but I know my limits. In my opinion, Its something that has to be learned early on that grows into a talent. If you get good, let me know if you would be interested in drawing cover art ;)

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